Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 28 de enero de 2022 | Noticias Telemundo

Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Millones de personas en alerta por la bomba ciclónica que se prevé para este fin de semana. Se viene abajo un puente en Pittsburgh horas antes de una visita de Biden a esa ciudad. Tres policías heridos en un tiroteo.

0:00 – Recap
0:55 – Alerta por bomba ciclónica en la costa este
1:52 – Cae un puente en Pittsburgh y deja heridos
3:08 – Advertencia de tormenta invernal
6:15 – Emotivo adiós al policía Jason Rivera, en NYC
8:16 – Se salva tras ser empujado en el metro de NYC
8:54 – Houston: Detenido por balear a tres policías
9:40 – Abbott: Cárteles usan TikTok para reclutar
10:32 – Kyle Rittenhouse quiere recuperar su fusil
10:59 – Partidarios de armas demandan a San José, CA
11:27 – Extienden protección a arrendatarios en L.A.
11:49 – Suspenden la búsqueda de náufragos en Florida
12:51 – Zelenski pregunta si la OTAN quiere a Ucrania
13:22 – Muere Diego Verdaguer a causa del COVID
15:28 – México sufre para ganar a Jamaica por 2-1
16:06 – Robots en un hotel para prevenir el COVID
16:32 – Descubren objeto giratorio en la vía láctea

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Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 28 de enero de 2022 | Noticias Telemundo

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Hello – I Am a Bi-Vocational Pastor

There are approximately 335,000 churches in the United States. And, 59% or 177,000 of them have less than 100 people on any given Sunday. Of the 177,000 a large percentage of them have 50 or less in church weekly. As a result of these numbers there is a huge group of pastors in the US that are what has become known as Bi-Vocational pastors. There was a time when we called them «part time pastors.» The term part time doesn’t fit. Bi-Vocational Pastors work two jobs. They work at some profession to provide the main source of their income and they pastor the church. But, make no mistake, there is no part time pastor. You are a pastor or you or not.

Pastors have a huge task. The role of the pastor has evolved over the years as our culture has changed. There was a time when the pastor was a key figure in the community. Actually I remember the day when pastors were consulted before major events were scheduled at the local schools. No school would schedule any event on a Wednesday night. They would not want to conflict with church and it’s activities.

As our culture has evolved so have our churches and our pastors. No longer is the church the center of community activities, even in smaller and rural communities. Sports, school, band, dance, piano lessons and other activities take our children away in so many directions that parents meet themselves coming and going. Church has taken a second or third priority in our scheduling. Boy Scout camp outs, soccer tournaments, band competitions, choir concerts and competitions all come before church.

Pastors have become less and less relevant in many communities. Churches have decreased in size. The impact of the pastor has also decreased in many cases. In order to change that trend a pastor has to involve himself and immerse himself in the community. There are community activities that he must attend to become a part of the community. There are counseling needs that fall to the pastors ledger of responsibilities. He still performs marriages and funerals and many times these are for people that do not attend his church. He visits the hospitals and with congregations growing older it’s a larger and larger part of his responsibility. The pastor visits shut ins, visitors to the church, the un-churched and others that request or need his time. Pastors have committee responsibilities in order to exert his leadership within the church. It is a full time job whether he is paid as a full time pastor or not.

So, what is a Bi-Vocational pastor and how does it fit into the traditional model we have thought of for the pastor? The Bi-Vocational pastor is a pastor doing all of the things any other pastor does but with less time. This pastor is forced to spend more time away from their family than they would like, more time out at night than is advantageous and often times more time away from work doing things for the church using their vacation time than would be healthy.

And, most Bi-Vocational pastors don’t complain. They don’t complain because they are called to the ministry. They don’t complain because they know these small churches couldn’t afford to pay a pastor a livable wage. These churches are blessed to have someone of the caliber of their Bi-Vocational pastor and they know it.

Bi-Vocational pastors fill nearly every role there is in the pastoral leadership realm. They are Senior Pastors, Music Pastors, Youth Pastors, Education Pastors, Family Pastors, Discipleship Pastors, Evangelism Pastors and probably more than this. And, thank God for these pastors and their commitment to ministry.

Many Bi-Vocational pastors are professionals such as teachers, managers, business leaders, or sales professionals. Others are construction workers, school bus drivers or clerks. In some cases they own their own businesses but in all cases they work at what they do to earn their pay checks so they can serve as a pastor of a church.

If you have a Bi-Vocational pastor count yourself blessed. And, be sure and thank them for their commitment to the Lord and to the church.

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Eliminatorias | Bolivia 4-0 Paraguay | Fecha 12

Bolivia se hizo fuerte de local y goleó para mantener intactas las ilusiones?
?? 4️⃣ – 0️⃣ ??
⚽ ?? Rodrigo Ramallo, Moisés Villarroel, Víctor Abrego y Roberto Fernández


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Two First Communion Party Games for Kids

The First Communion is a special time when your child really begins to take part in the responsibilities and rules of your religion and some First Communion party games will lighten the tension. You may even want to mark the occasion by throwing a small party, so why not include a couple of fun First Communion party games?

Kids’ Crab Football:

This fun activity makes a great choice for the First Communion Party Games because it will help to burn off pent up energy from the more solemn events you had scheduled earlier. It also lets everyone get out of their special occasion clothes and relax a bit. For this First Communion party game you’ll need a large beach ball and lots of space for the kids to move around in. Crab Football is just like regular soccer except the ball is larger and the players have to walk like crabs. You know how, right? Just bend over like you are going to do a back flip and scuttle around on your hands and feet.

Animal Scavenger Hunt:

For this indoor or outdoor appropriate First Communion party game have the party divide into groups of three or four. Have each group choose an animal they want to pretend to be and make the adult in the group the Shepard. At the start of the game you will give the kids in each of the groups a list of hidden items you placed around the party area. The Shepards will all stay in the First Communion party games area while the ‘animals’ all go out searching for missing items. When a player finds an item they must call to the Shepard by making animal calls. The Shepard will recognize their players because the calls will be similar to the sounds made by their chosen animal. The Shepard will follow the sounds to their teammate and will get the missing item from the player and return to the First Communion party games area, while the ‘animal’ continues on the hunt to find more scavenger items. Those at the end of the hunt with the most items are the winners.

You’ll find that the kids and the adults at your First Communion party games have plenty of good old fun. Just take a little time out for the fun to start and you’ll have more than you can handle.

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Most Popular Sports Around The World

All types of sports are popular globally, but what sports can we call THE most popular in the world? Some of the answers may surprise you.

It’s no surprise that football, or what Americans call «soccer» is the world’s most popular sport to play and to watch. An estimated 3.5 billion people either watch or play football. The World Cup is the global championship of the sport and this tournament is played every four years. The World Cup itself is one of the highest rated sports on television, with many countries tuning in en masse to watch their country’s team play. Football is popular in all of the UK, Europe, Asia as well as South America. However, with so many other sports being popular, the Unites States still lags behind in their interest in «soccer».

Next, we have cricket. This sport which consists of a bat and a ball, has been around for hundreds of years and originated in England. The sport is popular in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, some African countries, some Caribbean countries and it is the most popular sport in the countries of India and Pakistan. An estimated 3 billion people watch or play cricket each year.

The next most popular sport is a sure surprise, and that is field hockey, with an estimated 2 billion players or watchers, mostly in Asian countries, European countries, Australia and around Africa. This sport tends to be played in high schools in the United States, usually by girls only.

Coming up next is tennis. Not so surprising, but there are an estimated 1 billion players and watchers of tennis around the world. Tennis tends to be popular in richer countries, including the United States, Asian countries, Australia and Europe. There are four main tournaments in tennis, called «Grand Slams» at which players from many countries play. The first is the Australian Open, then the French Open, Wimbledon and then the US Open in late August. The Grand Slam tournaments tend to get the most attention during the tennis season.

Next we have volleyball. Yet another surprise, with an estimated 900 million viewers or players around the world. Volleyball is popular in the United States, where the sport originated, as well as in Brazil, all over Europe, Russia, China and Japan. Volleyball is a popular high school sport in many countries due to it’s team centered play and lack of specialized equipment requirements.

Also popular is table tennis, otherwise known as Ping Pong. This is another surprisingly popular sport around the world, with an estimated 900 million watchers or players. Table tennis originated in England as an after dinner activity for Victorians in the late 19th century. Table tennis as a competitive sport is popular in many countries but is especially popular in China, Korea and Singapore.

After these sports, we have a triumvirate of more mainstream American sports including baseball, golf, American football and basketball, with each sport attracting between 400 and 500 million players or watchers worldwide.

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Eliminatorias Sudamericanas | Venezuela 1-3 Brasil | Fecha 11

Fim de jogo e 100% invicto!
De virada, o Brasil ?? venceu a Venezuela ?? por 3-1 e continua líder das #EliminatóriasSulAmericanas
⚽️ ?? Ramírez
⚽️ ?? Marquinhos
⚽️ ?? Gabriel Barbosa
⚽️ ?? Antony

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Champions Roll On – Chelsea 6-0 Wigan Athletic

Chelsea scored another half-dozen against Wigan, on Saturday, to get into double figures for the season after only two matches. Nicolas Anelka and Salomon Kalou got two apiece; Florent Malouda and Yossi Benayoun, one each. Kalou in particular had a brilliant outing coming on as a substitute.

Curiously, the first 30 minutes of the match did not give any inkling about how the match would eventually unfolded. Chelsea remained scoreless, as Wigan were lively, with Hugo Rodalegga their stand out performer. In the 33rd minute, the champions stepped up a gear. Lampard had a shot from close range, from a pass resulting from a Drogba and Cole combination on the left, that Kirkland kept out tipping the ball away.

Malouda’s quick reflex shot on the rebound, before Maynor Figueroa could get to the ball, broke the deadlock. Less than three minutes past the break, it was Anelka’s turn to figure on the score sheet. Mikel’s raking pass from the right to the Frenchman found the ball end in the goal near the post to Kirkland’s right, after Anelka’s low shot left Figuoroa, Alcaraz and Kirkland, standing. Four minutes later, Malouda’s cross from the left to Drogba was relayed across goal to Anelka who headed the ball home.

Kalou who came on as substitute for Malouda in the 70th minute scored eight minutes later, to put Chelsea 4-0 up. Kalou got his second in the 89th minute, followed by another sub, Benayoun, getting Chelsea’s sixth, in stoppage time, to complete the rout.

FC Barcelona Extends Victor Valdes’ Contract to 2014

It came as a shock to many supporters of FC Barcelona when it looked as if Barça management was at loggerheads with their star goal keeper over an agreement to extend his contract beyond 2010, when it was due to expire.

Eventually negotiations between FC Barcelona and the manager of Victor Valdes broke down entirely, with the club’s president insisting that he would only speak to Valdes directly, with the aim of resolving the standoff.

Valdes is every inch Barcelona, and it is difficult to imagine the squad without him. Highly opinionated, he is a real force to be reckoned with both as goalie and as third team captain, behind Puyol and Xavi.

The good news is that the dispute is over and an extended contract agreed. Victor Valdes is now contracted to play for Barcelona until 2014, where he believes he will finish his playing career aged 32.

Valdes career as first team keeper is curious; brought up in the Barcelona youth system he had been in the main squad since 2002/03. He’d joined the club in 1992, although moved with his family to Tenerife for three years. Initially Barcelona had bought Rustu Recber as keeper for the 2003/04 season – the year that Laporta took over and brought in Frank Rijkaard as coach – but for a variety of reasons he was not up to the job and so it was Victor Valdes who played in goal for the 2003/04 season.

Valdes won the Zamora Trophy, awarded to the best goalkeeper in Spain, in 2004/05, but perhaps his real moment of glory was in the Champions League win of 2005/06 when he won a lot of fans thanks to two fantastic point-blank saves from Arsenal’s Thierry Henry.