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That's it! I've seen enough! I'm not a fan of the Jets or Giants simply because they play in NJM, the Bills are THE REAL NY TEAM, but I am not hating on the Jets here, I just can't stand the atrocious officiating in this contest I mean the refs are blind, but maybe I am just wrong. My OPINION.
Berrios is such a Great player. He Definitely should be in Pro-Bowl. Jets Offense and Defense are Both Great. Their HC So Vibe.
Breece Hall REEALLY wants his Receiving TD ..
The Jets feel like when you start a Franchise Mode in Madden with all the good Rookies and Young Players to try to get offensive and defensive rookie of the year awards.
it's too bad that Zach Wilson is our quarterback team looks really good otherwise.
The jets are a better team than my raiders. The jets look like they finally have good team to build with.
The jets did great
My favorite football team new York jets
Jets niners in the superbowl
The one thing all our TDs had in common that I love is that they were all about who wanted it more. Dives to the goal line, taking shots on the way in. Those are grown man TDs right there. This team has so much heart and grit I hope they can continue playing this way
Супер игра от Джетс – эффективный вынос (отличная работа O-Line), продуктивная игра защиты (спровоцировали три результативные потери).
Атака с Заком Уилсоном (QB) во главе ярко себя проявила. На приеме хорош Кори Дэвис. На вынос оба бегущих – Картер и Холл, – в полном порядке!
Так уверено разобрать команду, которая недавно победила Биллс, дорогого стоит! Следить за Джетс всё веселее в этом сезоне
Highlights? This the whole damn game
Wtf?! I know they're professional athletes yadayada
But did my man Geisiki really just leapfrog a standing 6'6 TE @ 6:33?
I can barely step over my dog to get the Doritos let alone just causually leapfrogging a 6'6 TE.
Im a 49ers fan, how in the world did the Jets beat the Dolphins lmao.
I love those metallic Jets helmets.
beat the bills but get blowed out by jets
SB: Jets vs Giants
The initial safety was the wrong call. 100% the pass falls at the feet of the TE. Blown call by the refs, double whammy that a single spotter can pull the QB for the entire game arbitrarily. Game went completely upside down after the first play when the refs and the NFL blow at their jobs that hard.
I called it. Watch all the sorry teams start winning
This game inspiration on LIFE🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ooo DAME I'm a jets fan now!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Jesus dies for us and rose from the dead 3 days later make him come into your life like he came into mine like many others amen
this game was 49'ers defense vs 49er's offense lol