San Antonio Independent School District Welcome New Additions

The Douglas Academy

Current and former students, community members and staff from the San Antonio Schools staff gathered in the historic auditorium of Douglass Academy on Sept. 26 for a homecoming celebration and dedication ceremony to mark the completion of a major construction and renovation project at the school.

«Douglass Academy has a rich history and tradition. Our children here have inherited that history and they have the potential to become all that they want to be,» said District Superintendent Dr. Robert J. Durón on the stage where legend has it that Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday and B.B. King once performed.

With $9.3 million from the San Antonio Independent School District’s 1997 Bond Program, improvements at the school included renovations to classrooms in the three-story school built in 1915, the auditorium and gymnasium. A building which previously served as a vocational shop was remodeled into a library.

New construction added a wing with classrooms, a kitchen and cafeteria to this San Antonio school. Two courtyards, a central tower housing an elevator and a stairwell connect the old with the new for accessibility.

With a total square-footage of 73,692, the facility accommodates 450 students including those in the Life Strides and in the Early Childhood programs.

Original wood flooring and seats in the auditorium were carefully refurbished and re-installed in this San Antonio school by the District’s Plant Services crews. The stage and walls were also repainted.

«Not only do we have new things that we are excited about but we’re also honoring a lot of the history of this school,» said Melanie Herr-Zepeda, principal.

Colors, tiles and wall textures throughout the campus express the African-American and Mexican-American cultures of the neighborhood surrounding this San Antonio school. «This school is truly rich in history. We’re honoring the neighborhood in what it is now and yet honoring where this school has come from,» Herr-Zepeda added.

Douglass Academy traces its origin to 1869 when it opened for the children of freed African-American slaves in what is now downtown San Antonio. In 1902 it was named for the anti-slavery orator and statesman. The school was relocated as a high school to its present site in 1915. It became a junior high in 1932.

Beginning in 1970 Douglass served as a school for grades 3 through 5. In 2002 while students attended the former Burnet Elementary campus on Barrera St. the school expanded to include pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade. In 2004 6th grade was added making the school a pre-kindergarten through 6th grade academy. Students and staff returned to their original campus when the construction project was completed in August.

New School Yet to be Named

San Antonio Independent School District Trustees and District leaders join students from Foster and Schenck elementary schools in breaking ground Sept. 21 for SAISD’s newest campus, which is located in the 9200 block of South Presa Street. The new academy, which is the first school established by the District in 40 years, will serve the educational needs of a growing student population in the Southeast sector of SAISD.

The planned two-story academy–yet to be named–will accommodate 750 students in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade at the 18-acre site. The building will have an exterior design reminiscent of the nearby historic missions. Early grades at this San Antonio school will have elementary-level playgrounds and learning spaces equipped for instruction, physical education and music. Upper grade classrooms will include an art room, science labs, and two music rooms with acoustical areas for band, choir, orchestra or mariachi.

Plans for the newest San Antonio school also include a competition gym with locker spaces for girls and boys, practice fields for football/soccer, a multi-purpose field, computer labs, a library and a cafetorium for various school activities. Cost of the construction project will be $20.6 million funded from interest earned by the District’s bond programs. The school will serve families in the new Mission Creek subdivision and nearby neighborhoods where students currently attend Foster and Schenck elementary schools and Connell Middle School.

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A Nuclear Power Plant May Be Next for New Mexico

Federal lawmakers patted themselves on the back, last Friday, in a joint bi-partisan news release issued by three New Mexico politicians: U.S. Senators Pete Domenici and Jeff Bingaman, and U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce. Their celebratory remarks were meant to remind voters why the politicians were in Washington – to bring their state new jobs for at least some of New Mexico’s voters. While the chorus of praise revolved around creating new jobs and bringing millions of dollars into the state’s economy, is there more behind this story, which has not yet been told?

For Senator Domenici, this was another major victory as the longest serving U.S. Senator in New Mexico’s history. The Republican Senator heads the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Domenici made his views on nuclear energy quite clear in his book «A Brighter Tomorrow: Fulfilling the Promise of Nuclear Energy» (Rowman & Littlefield, 2004). He began pursuing Louisiana Energy Services to move to New Mexico in February 2003, after it became apparent Hartsville, Tennessee didn’t want uranium being enriched in their backyard.

And again, it was Domenici, whose last minute negotiations with Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, led to the adoption of the Part 810 Waiver. The waiver allowed Louisiana Energy Services (LES) to contact foreign-owned Urenco Ltd about transferring high technology data (the gas centrifuge technology) to LES so the uranium enrichment technology could be utilized at the new facility. U.S. laws ordinarily prohibit such nuclear technology transfers, but Domenici’s intervention brought the project to the NRC approval stage. LES had been on the drawing boards since 1989, having derived its name from the state of Louisiana. The LES partnership was initially formed with the intent of building its centrifuge enrichment plant in Homer, Louisiana.

Senator Domenici’s impact upon the nuclear resurgence in the United States is evident to the entire industry and most politicians. He announced last year, «In 1997, I predicted the resurgence of nuclear energy in the United States. For the last eight years, I have worked to help make that renaissance a reality.» Is there, perhaps, one more achievement Senator Domenici would like to add on behalf of the nuclear industry, before giving up his Senate seat? In his book, «A Brighter Tomorrow,» Domenici bemoans and condemns nuclear fuel reprocessing. With the advent of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), Domenici may bring a nuclear power plant to New Mexico before he retires.

Domenici’s Democratic counterpart, Senator Jeff Bingaman, is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Energy and Natural Resource Committee. We suspect Bingaman may play an integral role in helping Senator Domenici fulfill that dream. Ironically, Senator Bingaman, who last November was invited to a Santa Fe anti-nuclear environmentalist fundraiser, and which highlighted television mogul Ted Turner, was effusive in saying about the LES enrichment facility, «This will be one of the largest construction projects our state has ever seen. And the economic impact in southeastern New Mexico will be tremendous.» Does Bingaman appear to be playing both sides of the nuclear chessboard?

No, the former attorney, who reportedly once provided legal advice to uranium mining powerhouse, Kerr McGee, is deftly maneuvering between being a good Democrat and providing what he may honestly believe is best for his state. While Bingaman has curried favor among the environmentalists, in May of this year, he accepted, along with Domenici and others, the William S. Lee Award for Leadership at the Nuclear Energy Institute’s (NEI) annual conference, saying, «I share a belief that nuclear power can make a meaningful contribution to controlling the growth of greenhouse gases, while still allowing our economy to expand.» It was his subsequent remark directed at the NEI, which leads us to believe he may be among the first to support additional nuclear growth in New Mexico. He told the NEI, «I am hoping that you will do your part to use those tools that Congress has put in place to ensure that nuclear power achieves its potential as part of our future energy mix.»

The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership

In March 2006, Senator Domenici pledged his support to President Bush’s Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP),

«With GNEP, we begin to close the cycle on nuclear waste in ways that prevent proliferation and reduce both the volume and toxicity of waste. By recycling spent nuclear fuel, we can reuse the uranium, which is 96 percent of spent fuel, and separate the most toxic radioactive material to be burned in an advanced burner reactor. By reusing uranium fuel and burning the transuranic material in a new generation of modern reactors, we can reduce the amount of waste placed in Yucca Mountain by a factor of 100.»

One of the key technologies in the GNEP program in is the Advanced Burner Reactor (ABR). Deriving its technology from fast reactors, which were used to make nuclear weapons, the concept of the ABR is to minimize the amount of nuclear waste, produced by the nuclear industry’s power plants, to a tiny fraction of content. The concept behind the ABR is to «burn» the transuranic elements, such as plutonium and other long-living radioactive material. In this case, burning the radioactive waste is translated as: destroying the transuranics, by converting them into shorter-lived isotopes. When the transuranic elements are consumed by the ABR, a large amount of energy is released and then converted into electricity.

Instead of burying several football fields of nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain (or elsewhere) for one million years, the toxic waste would be recycled as energy to be immediately used to power homes and industry. Part of the GNEP plan is to combine the current, or advanced, light water reactors with the ABR. As the light water nuclear reactors produce transuranics, the ABRs consume those highly radioactive elements. This leaves less nuclear waste for future disposal, and immediately provides energy.

The major issue in the western United States, about nuclear waste, is «please don’t put it in our backyard.» Several western states have been approached, and even the Carlsbad area was once discussed. Through the ABR technology, it may be possible to minimize the amount of this waste to make it a less undesirable disposal problem. A look at local New Mexico politics may provide an insight as to where the two U.S. senators may be heading with regards to a nuclear power plant for New Mexico.

New Mexico’s Enrichment Facility:

Prelude to a Nuclear Power Plant?

If Federal lawmakers are happy about the proposed uranium enrichment facility, some of New Mexico’s state politicians were still floating on clouds when we talked to them yesterday. New Mexico legislator John A. Heaton, the Democratic representative serving Carlsbad, waxed enthusiastic about the enrichment facility, «It’s the first step in converting this country to nuclear energy.»

Mainly the four state senators and representatives, whom we interviewed, echoed each other’s praise about Urenco’s proposed enrichment facility. «I could not be more pleased,» Senator Carroll H. Leavell told us. «It will have a major, very positive impact on the economy.» At the peak of construction, as many as 1200 workers may be employed. Later, when the facility is operational, about 300 workers will remain. All four were pleasantly surprised that town hall hearings for the proposed facility were overwhelmingly positive, and the local citizens would be delighted to have this facility in built in southeastern New Mexico. Senator Leavell said with disgust, «Most of the (anti-nuclear) protests have come from outside our area, places like San Francisco, DC and Santa Fe.»

Senators Leavell and Gay G. Kernan, the state senator from Hobbs, were invited by Urenco Ltd. to tour an enrichment technology plant in Almelo, Netherlands and left impressed with the company, its honesty and especially the management’s attitude of looking at both sides of the issues. Both state senators also observed the surrounding community failed to be negatively impacted by the enrichment facility.

Looking for deeper insights into what the future might hold, we asked all four about the possibility of a nuclear power plant in New Mexico. All four agreed it would be desirable. Additional comments by the four state politicians led us to believe there might be a second step, following Heaton’s remark about the enrichment facility being the first step.

Donald L. Whitaker, the Democratic legislator from Eunice, the closest town to the proposed enrichment facility, told us, «I would like to see a nuclear reactor in New Mexico.» Whitaker has toured a nuclear facility, and believes one would be great for the state’s economy. «They employ about one thousand and bring high-paying jobs,» he said. Representative Whitaker was not the lone voice among his fellow eastern New Mexican legislators.

«Yes, we want a nuclear reactor in New Mexico,» Representative Heaton said. Heaton is the legislature’s Vice Chairman of the Radioactive and Hazardous Materials committee and a member of the Energy & Natural Resources Committee. He discussed the ABR technology and GNEP, explaining how this would solve the waste disposal problem of nuclear reactors and sway public opinion on nuclear energy.

Senator Leavell took a more cautious approach, explaining how nuclear reactors need tremendous amounts of water. «I don’t think New Mexico could have a nuclear reactor, not with the current technology.» But, he still agreed it would be a good idea if new technologies were developed, which used less water.

Senator Gay Kernan told us, «I don’t know if I should be talking about this, but we are one of the candidates for the GNEP program.» Having heard a rumor that General Atomics may propose building a nuclear power plant in eastern New Mexico, Senator Kernan confirmed such a plant may be on the drawing boards, and telling us West Texas is likely to be developed as an «alternative energy corridor.» She told us, «It would stretch from Carlsbad, New Mexico to the Odessa-Midland, Texas area.» Senator Kernan would also like New Mexico to have a nuclear plant, «I don’t have a problem with that.»

The third politician, joining Senators Domenici and Bingaman, in praising the NRC approval of a draft license for LES and Urenco Ltd, was U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce. Comments, issued by his press secretary on Friday and praising the LES announcement, may foreshadow New Mexico’s next step, «Today’s announcement marks a major milestone in our efforts to cement our state’s leadership role in the development of alternative energy.» What greater leadership by a state than in introducing the new GNEP ABR technology in New Mexico? After all, the state of New Mexico remains the founding home to nuclear technology, where the world’s first atomic technology was designed at Los Alamos.

In a related development, David Watts, President of the University of Texas of the Permian Basin, recently met with Congressman Pearce about developing a helium-cooled nuclear reactor facility, which would be built underground in either Lea County, New Mexico or Andrews County, Texas. General Atomics of San Diego has funded the pre-conceptual design, which is underway and scheduled for completion in August. Waste Control Specialists has a low-level radioactive waste storage site in Andrews County. Realistically, a nuclear reactor in New Mexico is not out of the question. The legislators may get what they want. We believe Senator Domenici will ultimately set into motion the plans to bring New Mexico its first nuclear power plant. It would become his crowning achievement in helping the nuclear renaissance blossom in this country and in his state.

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Stay Down, Old Abram [Book 2: Chapters 9 & 10: Mexican Standoff]


Surety Inspection

Sergeant Wright had a good relationship with the Medical Clinic in Babenhausen, and a fairly good one with Battalion level personnel in Darmstadt, Germany, where he had been many times checking out personnel files, whom had direct command over his unit, the 545th Ordinance Company. And so with the records from both areas: namely, medical records, and personnel records on the personnel at the 545th and 9th MP’s, his surety records were constantly being updated to include his Nuclear Surety-duty Roster–which prior to this was an unkempt, and disastrous looking roster: consisting of a half page misspelled-soldier’s names piece of paper, showing their level of security clearance, but not much else. He had taken it to quite a higher level in a short period of time.

In addition, he took his three other personnel that worked for him and they started to do cross checking with all the records to include the ones in the Company-Orderly Room at the 545th insuring he had the best information on each and every person at the compound, and should he be asked by an inspector, or Military Intelligence, or the FBI, he had the answers–and answers was the name of the game, that is, to have good ones. First Sergeant Hightower had taught him well the first two years he worked for him, and now being First Sergeant, he was somehow always his mentor, even if not seen. Sometimes in life a person will pick out one, a person, teach them, if he is the willing, like Sergeant Wright was, and had Wright failed an inspection, Hightower’s reputation would have been wounded also, and that was always a source of pride for both, for Chris wanting to show Hightower he could pass them, and for Hightower being proud of his work in Sergeant Wright, for he was the teacher.

Dr. Sharp, or otherwise known as Captain Sharp, he and the good Sergeant were good friends, during duty and off duty, a Mormon by religion; and although Sergeant Wright was of no certain denomination, they both took time to review their beliefs in that area. Matter of fact, it was on a number of occasions they would both met at the Captain’s house for dinner along with other friends of the Captain, and along with food carried on the most interesting conversation in the area of religion. Furthermore, they both seemed to like shooting pistols, and often found themselves out on the range together, Chris with his 45-Colt Automatic, and the Captain with his 357-revolver.

Their relationship was built up over a two year period, thus, they both came to trust one another’s judgment, and if the Surety Office looked good, so did the Babenhausen-dispensary [medical clinic], as the good Sergeant, would always insure he told the inspectors the great cooperation he was getting by Captain Sharp. For often the inspectors looked at prescription drugs being prescribed, and if these people were on the site area, and if so what were the effects of the drugs on the people working in the site, and therefore this was a most sensitive area, and Wright had to learn quickly the effects of pharmaceuticals.

–And so the day came when the inspectors arrived–arrived for the big inspection, right from Washington DC [Congressional], not simply from Group, or Battalion, or the main European one USAEU, for there were three basic inspections and the Congressional came every two or three years, and if you didn’t pass them, they came every year. Sergeant Wright had donuts and coffee sitting on the tables, and several chairs about ten-feet away from them, for which, he’d sit in one, and he had two reserved for his assistants [the setup was taught to Wright by Sergeant Hightower], and the others vacant, incase the Surety Officer came in, whom was a young 1st Lieutenant from the 9th MP’s–Lieutenant Nelson, a black officer, whom was never really around, too busy running the MP’s but was given the job of overseer of the Surety Office, thus he got glory if it passed any inspections, and cursed if it didn’t; but had no time to do a thing within the office, was never trained in the area and had he spent time, he most likely would have not had time to run his Detachment’s security purpose for being on the site to secure the nuclear chemicals they had in the back area. And so Sergeant Wright knew this, and respected the fact he was trusted by him to run the office as he see fit, and so he did.

There were five inspectors, two went around asking questions from the personnel at the site, while the other three compared, and reviewed the three sets of records, medical, personal, and security files. And so at 9:00 AM sharp, the donuts were being eaten, coffee was on the table, and the inspection started.

As the day moved forward, about thirty-minutes into the inspection, one of the three men looked up at Sergeant Wright, indicating there was a problem emerging. He stood up and walked to the inspector,

«Yes sir, can I help?» By this time they knew his reputation, and that of the ‘Surety Office’, in that they had never failed an inspection in years, and so he was cautious to point a direct finger at him for negligence, at this juncture anyhow, and so the inspector said with a bit of reserve,

«I see this person is on a prescription medication,» and as he mentioned it, he inferred it was a barbiturate. He knew that Chris knew the chemical effects of the substance, and looked into his eyes [barbiturates being an anesthetic sedative of sorts–with the effects of disorientation–similar to alcohol]. He wanted an answer, but was willing to wait–or so it seemed, since he did not push it, nor did he close down the site immediately, which he could have.

The Sergeant smiled, said to himself: ‘how could this be, we checked, and double checked all the records’. Then he looked at the date of the prescription, it was today’s date, –he pointed it out, then asked if he could look into this for a moment, that he had an explanation for it, but needed to double check. He really didn’t have one, an explanation, but was playing out a hunch–he was stalling, but he knew he’d find an answer somewhere quick, for surely there was something wrong, he had gone over those records just last night, picked them back up this morning two hours ago, and checked them quickly again: scanning them for the most part. So he had his assistant stay right there in front of the inspectors, so they would be assured they were not being abandoned, while he went and got another co-worker, to find the man, the soldier in question, and make sure he did not go to work, at the same time, he called the clinic.

–Twenty-minutes later, he walked back into the room where they were having the inspection, three inspectors heads popped up when Chris walked in.

«Sir,» said he, «this is Private Benson [whom was standing by his side],» he had him sit down is his own seat as he stood, approached the three inspectors, in particular the one who had brought this situation to his attention; thus, he had living proof.

«Sir,» he continued to say, «Private Benson works in the back site as you know, went down this morning to the clinic, because he is a bit ill, was given medication, has a prescription for it, and has not, and I emphasized, he has not gone to work, he was in his room sleeping. The Orderly Room had the slip he returned with, but had not gotten to give it to me yet, but had there not been an inspection this morning, I would have received it most likely two hours ago, or a phone call.»

The inspector looked up at Chris, and Benson, took the records back and said, «Private Benson, is that true?» asked the inspector with a calm but established voice, as not to scare him: «…you have not gone to the back area as of yet, nor do you plan on it until the doctor indicates you can–right? «

The private said, as quickly, and nervously as possible, «Yes sir, yes sir, I am just going back to my bed, get some sleep. I never go back to the site until I get an OK from the Surety Office.» Thought Chris, if that doesn’t over it, nothing will, but it worked, and it was fair. The inspector, smiled and I sat down waiting for the next crisis.

And that is how it went for three days–a few more crises that were put out–like a fire, as fast as the Sergeant could. At the end of their inspection, the inspector commented: «Job well done Sergeant,» and Chris would receive a medal for his outstanding work, somewhere down the road; Sergeant Hightower would make sure of it. Everyone was happy, to include the: inspectors, the new Commander, Wastrel, and the Battalion Commander, the Surety Officer, Nelson, who was applauded for his work, and First Sergeant Hightower, who used to be ahead of the Surety Office, and all three clerks from Chris’ office, everyone got a piece of the glory, but Sergeant Wright would get the award.

The Major, the new Company commander, Wastrel, got a little disturbed by the Surety Personnel. They were the only ones that did not go to formation, and the reason being, Sergeant Wright had them working the moment they walked through the door. The sergeant felt it really took too much time. And LT the Surety Officer, as he was called by the Surety Office staff, asked several times if Wright would please make an appearance so as to calm the Commander down, and go to formation, and so he did. The major saying, «I’m glad you could show up–Sergeant Wright,» emphasizing the ‘show up,’ part. But even Sergeant Wright liked the power and influence he had with his Surety Office. But he didn’t want to abuse the fact he had it, and portray him was not replaceable: save for the fact, he knew he was replaceable; and ‘Pride comes before destruction,’ he had learned. And so he made formation for about six-weeks before he dismissed himself from it again, saying it was time consuming, and privately feeling it was worthless standing around taking roll call–Army drills and wasting good investigation time.


Mexican Standoff
[Sergeant Wright]

[From: Chris Wright’s Journal]

«I am a Buck Sergeant now–and the NCOIC [Sergeant in Charge] of the whole Surety Program at the 545th and 9th MP Detachment; a whole lot of responsibility; –I not only have to deal with Military Intelligence now, but indirectly with the FBI. The whole compound, site, knows my name. On one hand, people are more in a panic state coming into my office than the commanding officers wondering if or when their security clearance will be in danger, which means career position, and longevity in the military service, I think they think I will mess around with their career if I dislike them so they play cool with me. Things are changing, or have changed. I have even changed, matter of fact I got a special medal from the General, he flew in by helicopter, and gave it to me in front of 200-soldiers for being an outstanding soldier I guess, but the only thing outstanding is that I’m passing all these inspections for him, making him look good, and staying out of harms way. Sergeant Hightower, at the last minute, our First Sergeant now, looked at my pants–the day the General was to give me the medal–I had patches on them, and he shook his head, told me–bluntly–to go and change them before the general comes, and so I did–and I got an Army Commendation Medal. Yes, I have a little power now, but under control; I like it also, why not, I’ve worked hard to get it. And I get a medal pinned on my chest for the best of the best, Surety Sergeant in all of Europe; you can’t beat that. But everything has its price, you pay sooner or later, I am beginning to get fried, burnt out–my brain is reacting slower, or so it seems. My head can’t think straight, or should I say, can’t concentrate on simple things very long, surely a sign of ‘burnout.'»

[Update for the Journal] «The shoes were taken off the tree a while ago, after I had seen them there for several months got tired of looking at them–now I have time under my belt; I am learning, to duck– that is, stay out of harms way, you could also, or possible, call it out waiting the many things happening around you to simply go away–yes, they simply may disappear, go away, I found out they do just that: it’s one of his ways of looking at things now, things I have little control over. And they did go away. The new Major has no real leadership skills with people, and is–for the most part–despised by his subordinates, he is a robust figure of a man, red faced, and a little slim in posture, reddish hair, about 35-years old [Major Wastrel], but a drunk, and it shows on his West Point face, yes, an Ivey League drunk–a man of Harvard but still a drunk no matter how you sliced the pie: and a detriment to the mission here.» Signed, SGT Wright

–It was on this certain day Chris observed a happening that would push the Major to get find his replacement to its limits, for it would cast a shadow on the Major’s leadership and cause loose-talk to be looked at by higher headquarters, from Battalion level to Group–had it not been for the passing of all the Nuclear Surety Inspections, the Major might have been replaced immediately, or long ago; it was early afternoon when the incident took place [October]: the Major, came out of the PX-store, kitty-corner from the Mess Hall, when Private Rodrigo was making his way across the center of the compound, by the flag pole, and almost walked smack into the Major:

«Private Rodrigo,» said the Major, «Are you drunk again…(a rhetorical question at best, for the Private was beyond drunk ((hence, the Private looked up to the Major’s face after looking at the ground–as if in an emotional cluster–as he was walking, and gave a smirk)):»

Said Rodrigo,

«Borracho, no, señor, no lo soy, porque dice eso? Usted es el borracho [Draunk, na-a, me no unk, si, major sir,-r, why ya say that?]» and started to walk away laughing like a lunatic.

«I order you to go back to your room [which was above the mess hall], immediately–Private!» said the Major, in front of several people escorting the Major.

This was not the smartest move the Major had ever made, for the private had a well known reputation [so Chris had learned] for being spontaneous with resistance in a harmful way, in other words, he could be dangerous [Chris was thinking: had he been in his shoes he’d had just relayed the message to the MP’s and had him taken away, but for some reason the Major needed to show off his power, which at times he liked to do, as many officers did].

Rodrigo, about five foot six inches tall, a beer belly, about twenty-seven years old, turned around, looked at the Major now some six-feet away to the side of him, then did another quick 45% angle turn making him directly facing one another now: leaped, like a foot-ball player after a football, right on top of the Major with a knife in his hands and put it next to his artery alongside his neck. Everyone froze for a moment, every single person taken by surprise: eyes were bulging from corner to corner on everyone’s heads, and mouths were open from ear to ear–it was a shock to see this.

Said the private in a slurping, stuttering drunken stupor, reverting back to English instead of Spanish: «So yaw like to give me orders major, haw…! Modar-fa-er, give dhem now–boy!» The private then, punishing-ly said: «I can’t hear you…uuuuu Ma-jor rr- gringo-OO.» Then came from the private the devil-tongue, with his insulting remarks: «Ya moder fu-er, sy somedhing now, or I cut your ugly fat red neck…hot shot-shit, moderr fuc-er.» But the Major was stone-frozen, silent as a graveyard at 2:00 AM, with big bulging eyes, didn’t know what to say or do; about a dozen people were now around. Chris stood by, he had seen this scene before, in Vietnam. Many an officer got on the wrong side of their men and never made it back home.

By the time the Mexican was pulled off the Major–after a few soldiers tried to calm him down, soldiers that were standing by the major, in consequence, convincing the private, telling the private it wasn’t worth it, that he’d end up in jail should he kill him, while several other soldiers calmly put more potent remarks out at the Major, the private sensed he was losing his audience [for most didn’t’ care about the Major that much anyhow, but this incident was going to extremes, plus the MP’s had arrived with weapons].

Unexpectedly, the private took a knee and moved it over to the side slowly looking at the Major like a prey [a Jaguar] who had just lost his meal, as two soldiers lifted the Major up cautiously, insuring the Major would not be approachable by the Mexican–as one of the two stepped in front of the Mexican, and took his knife: at the same moment, the knife was lying on the ground and the soldier didn’t want the Mexican to grab it again it was but a foot away, should the Major feel overly safe and say something stupid; then the two MP’s escorted the Private back to his barracks.

–«Sir,» said one of the MP sergeants, now standing around the Major as the two men had just lifted him to his feet: «What should we do with him?» The Major just walked away, not saying a word. He stood there in amazement if not shock, unable to speak possible, not sure if he was a coward, or just smart enough to say nothing for once. In either case, the private was taken out of the company area within twenty-four hours, and nothing was ever heard of him again. It was bad news to exploit such news, or let it get out to the American Press, least it cause an investigation right out of Washington DC, for a Nuclear Site was big news when it came to such things, and therefore the Major would soon be replaced also.

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Paraguay Independence Day

Paraguay Independence Day Date: May 15, 2010 Independence Day is celebrated by Paraguay.

Paraguay celebrates this day of Independence from Spanish rule on May 15.

Independence Day History

Paraguay created this Independence Day to commemorate the nations statehood from the Spanish in 1811. The first country in the new world behind the U.S. The Spanish withdrew on May 14; however, the Paraguay people celebrate it on May 15.

Paraguay consisted of nomadic tribes famous for their fierce warrior traits. The land was lush and fertile making it easy to live. The Europeans first arrived in the sixteenth century and the settlement of Asuncion the capital was founded by Spanish explorer Juan de Salazar y Espinola. The city then became the centre of a Spanish colonial province as well as a primary site for the Jesuit, the largest male order of the Catholic Church.

Many Jesuits work as missionaries or human rights activists and many work in social justice organisations. They were founded and flourished in Eastern Paraguay for 150 years before expulsion by the Spanish crown in 1767. After overthrowing the local Spanish administration Paraguay declared independence in 1811.

Independence Day Traditions and Activities

In the campo area of Paraguay, Independence Day is celebrated with family and friends, often outdoors by having barbecues, playing football, loud music and lots of beer and wine mixed with cola. In the larger towns and cities parades are organised and people eat typical Paraguayan food like Sopa Paraguayan, corn, and other Indian foods as well as the usual drink, mate.

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The Collapse of the Auto Industry – Are Unions to Blame?

According to the Indianapolis Star, in the year ending 2007, the average base wage for a GM blue-collar employee, was just under $28 an hour. GM officials say that average reaches $39.68 an hour, when you consider base pay, cost-of-living adjustments, night-shift premiums, overtime, holiday and vacation pay. Health-care, pension and other benefits average another $33.58 an hour. This brings the total average cost of employing a single GM worker to an astounding $73.26 per hour.

Compare these outrageous hourly numbers to those of our Mexican counterparts. In June of 2008, Ford Motor Company announced that their Union had agreed to cut wages for new hires, to about half of the current wage of $4.50 per hour. Starting wages at some plants in Mexico are as paltry as $1.50 per hour with a lot less of the related pension and health care costs of U.S. workers. The total cost to employ a worker in China is even less than the cost in Mexico. There is no need to dissect those numbers, as I believe the point has been made quite clear.

The entire North American auto industry is on the brink of collapse and we wonder how in the world this could happen. The answer is quite obvious. North America can simply not compete with the foreign auto manufacturers. Certainly not at these hourly labor rates. The Unions have been holding a knife at the throat of the manufacturers for far too long. Greed in its purest form has broken the back of the auto industry. The Union is unrepentant as they have already spoken out and declared that they refuse to make any form of concession even during the industries darkest hour.

Leadership on behalf of the Union is largely responsible. The shepherds of the cattle if you will, who advise and direct their herd to fight to the bitter end in order to get what they want. They have no regard for the economics of their demands. Their stance has consistently been, give us what we want or we will take our ball and go home. In other words they will go on strike. Once again, holding the industry hostage.

The talking heads at the Big Three have asked Congress to kindly hand over $25 Billion of taxpayer money to help solve this crisis. Although this is an astounding number, it is certainly not the saving grace, which the auto industry requires. A Band-Aid on a gunshot wound will not stop the bleeding. Without becoming more competitive with foreign markets, the auto sector will gradually regress back into the funk it’s in today.

Congress, it would seem, is negotiating with the wrong people. They need to sit down with the United Autoworkers Union and provide them with a simple ultimatum. Either accept some very deep cuts not only to your wages but to your benefits and pension as well or the Government will break the Union and start anew. Then and only then should the Government consider providing financial aid to this troubled industry. Harsh, Perhaps, necessary absolutely. I am certain there are enough people currently on unemployment and welfare who would be thrilled to work in this industry for $15 an hour with limited benefits and a small pension program. And let’s face it, most of these positions require the intelligence and dexterity of a monkey, so the supply pool should be quite large when you consider we have college graduates and computer programmers currently sitting on the dole.

The repercussions of a North American auto industry collapse are enormous. Imagine hundreds of thousands of workers no longer contributing towards income tax, Health-care, pensions or unemployment insurance. Instead these same workers now become a drain on our society as they all rush to the unemployment line at once.

The U.S. Government just bailed out the financial sector with a $250 Billion payout. The collapse of the auto industry will result in a further collapse of the financial industry. The Government brain trusts need to determine just how many of these auto workers are likely to forfeit on their loans and mortgages should they suddenly find themselves unemployed. Those numbers will be staggering and that bailout money will disappear quicker than a box of donuts at a Policeman’s ball. Of course, those of us that are still employed will be left footing the bill through higher taxes.

Management of these companies cannot escape unscathed either. Although they are a contributing factor towards this financial crisis with their multi million dollar salaries and corporate jets, the Union eats up far more money than management. It is however, time for these so called brilliant CEO’s to lay down their Crackberrys, roll up their sleeves and formulate a viable plan that can save North America from financial disaster. A plan that not only includes drastic company wide cuts but a plan that will make this industry competitive with other world markets.

Our Nation cannot sustain a collapse of the auto industry. The impacts are so vast and the trickle effects so numerous it would be near impossible to evaluate the total devastation. It is essential that we resolve this crisis. The Government must hold the Union Leaders and the CEO’s of these failing companies accountable. Most importantly, we, the people, need to hold our Governments accountable. After all, they are the ones giving our hard-earned money away to these failing businesses.

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South Africa National Football Team

The FIFA Football World Cup 2010 is here and the spotlights are on South Africa! Let’s take a closer look at the host nation and their chances this season.

The South Africa national football team, also known as Bafana Bafana is controlled by the South African Football Association. They made a comeback at the international football scenarios in 1992 after being banned from FIFA and is the host for the 19th FIFA world Cup this June. With this, the Rainbow Nation becomes the only African country to have ever hosted the event.

Bafana Bafana past record has not been impressive. Having qualified only twice for the tournament, the team could make it beyond the first round either time. Their first appearance after the ban was uplifted, came against France in 1998 where they were thrashed 3-0. They registered their first victory in 2002 after beating Slovenia 1-0.

Although the performances in the last few years haven’t been as consistent, the team poses a considerable threat and the home turf only adds to their advantage. In the light of their terrific performance at the FIFA Confederations Cup in June 2009, where the team suffered narrow defeats against Brazil in semis and Spain in the third-place play off, other teams too would not be taking South Africa lightly.

By the virtue of being the host country automatically qualified them for the World Cup. Their hopes are pinned up on their star midfielder Steven Pienaar after his motivating performance in the FIFA Confederations Cup last year. South Africa’s star player and inarguably one of the most successful striker, Benni McCarthy is out though and it could slightly deter their chances on their home soil. South Africa’s coach, Carlos Alberto Parreira’s second stint is also expected to motivate the team for a better performance in front of the home crowd.

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Top Three Soccer Teams in the USA

The United States has not had professional soccer until just in the last century or so. Compared to other countries, this is actually recent in soccer history.

In the US, Major League Soccer is broken down into two sections: Eastern and Western. In the Eastern Sectionals, there are seven major teams: Chicago, Columbus, D.C. United, Kansas City, New England, New York, and Toronto FC. In the Western Sectionals, there are six major teams: Chivas USA, Colorado, FC Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, and Real Salt Lake. Then there are the playoffs, which are the ultimate rankings, combining both sections of the nation. Let’s look at the top three of each region’s standings first, then we’ll take a look at the top three in the playoff standings.

When looking at standings, we look at the total number of points accrued during a specific period of time. For our purposes here, we are going to look at the 2007 standings.

In just the Eastern Standings, D.C. United took the lead for the year with 55 points total. New England came in second with 50 points, and New York barely clinched third from Chicago with 43 points. In the Western Standings, Chivas USA barely stole first with a total of 53 points, with Houston not far behind with 52 points. FC Dallas came in third by quite a distance, with 44 points.

In the Major League Soccer Playoffs, only some of the top teams from each region made it into the top three. D.C. United came in first with their total of 55 points, with Chivas USA coming in second with 53 and Houston taking a close third with 52 points.

While professional soccer teams in the United States are pretty new, it is becoming a more popular sport in the States, as more people get caught up in the soccer craze.

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