Overcoming Racism and Achieving Success

The outrage and protests over the senseless killing of George Floyd along with the brutality and unsensitivity often shown by the police against black men have caused the general public to stop and consider racism as a serious issue in this country. It has been a problem for many, many years. Overcoming racism will not be easy, but it is a worthy goal.

Thirty years have passed since Rodney King was beaten by the police in Los Angeles. The treatment was caught on camera and shown to the nation. This caused outrage at the time, which resulted in rioting in Los Angeles for many days. The violence, looting, and deaths which resulted did not help with the message that black men were being treated unfairly by the police, but the public knew the reason. The white police officers who were involved were acquitted although a civil trial later found two of them guilty. Not much changed.

Colin Kaerpernick chose to try to bring the issue of police brutality against black men to the forefront when he was a pro football quarterback with the San Francisco 49ers. After being convinced to take a knee instead of sitting down during the National Anthem, he was joined by some other players in the protest. He was doing it not for himself but for the sake of black men throughout the nation. He was criticized severely, and he was rewarded by losing his job and his career. Nothing much else changed.

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife walked out of a pro football game in Indianapolis when several players knelt during the National Anthem. He was sending his own message that they were not respected. They were accused of being disrespectful of the American flag or the military. That was not the case. The protests which were intended to bring attention to the problem of racism in America fell on deaf ears.

Finally after the tragic killing of George Floyd and pressure from a number of black pro football players, the NFL made a statement that they are against racism and that Black Lives Matter. These players have obviously «made it» but are concerned for other black men who are not given a chance. No mention was made by the NFL about Colin Kaerpernick and the fact that he had tried to bring up the issue years earlier by taking a knee. The NFL had the platform to help bring about change, but they chose not to listen and punished Kaerpernick instead.

Asian Americans and other ethnic minorities have also faced racism and discrimination. Racism and hatred of people different than the majority were major reasons that Japanese Americans were unjustly incarcerated in camps during World War II. Racism is the reason that Vincent Chin, a Chinese American young man about to be married, was brutally beaten to death by unemployed autoworkers in Detroit. Asian Americans are again facing hatred by racist people during the coronavirus pandemic.

Asian American groups are in solidarity with blacks in the fight against racism in America. Mostly white people seem to be in many of the protests against racism being held throughout the country. It is time for change.

Many African Americans have achieved great successes. They have overcome the problems of racism and discrimination. They were given the chance to succeed. They took on the challenge and succeeded.

Racism is a major reason for many people to be held back from success. If racism is eradicated, more black people will have a better chance at success. If black young men are not faced with racism at every turn, it will be easier for them to believe in themselves and to overcome difficulties facing them.

It is time for successful people of all races to give back and be willing to help others. Some of the richest people among us are doing that by providing money, scholarships, and support. It is gratifying to see and can have far reaching benefits if all people are given a fair chance in life to succeed no matter the color of their skin. Overcoming racism will cause a large group of people to be given a more equitable chance at success.

En la tienda online de Camisetas de fútbol tenemos todas las camisetas de tus equipos y selecciones favoritas en tallas para adulto y niño. Fútbol. Sigue todas las noticias del deporte rey: partidos, imágenes, vídeos, goles y toda la última hora de las mejores Ligas y competiciones

Football Predictions Today: Simple To Apply Rules That Help You Make Better Selections

Are you looking for some football predictions you can apply today that will not require you to be a genius? You are not the only one. What you need are some simple rules that will help you make better selections. Better selections mean more money in your pocket. So below are a few rules you can apply right now to make higher quality selections.

Betting on teams that are not bad at scoring goals in matches

This football betting tip today will help you fast to start winning more matches. All you are going to do is focus on teams that you know are good at scoring goals in their matches. Yes, goals are hard to come by in any match, but some teams are just plain bad at it. By going for teams who are good at scoring you increase your chances of a win or a draw.

If you bet to win make sure the team can score far better than their opponent

If you are going to be risking your hard earned money on a bet, you want to make sure you are backing a team that you know scores more goals on average then it competition that day. One football betting tip today to follow would be avoiding encounters between teams that are in the middle of their league table. These are the types of matches that are unpredictable.

Looking for teams that are virtual lock to score goals

There are certain teams that are just so powerful they have no problem scoring a goal or two in any match. These are teams that know how to find the back of the net. These will be the elite teams in a given league. The only problem with using this approach is that you usually get bad odds on the elite teams so it is hard to win long term like this.

You can decide to be against teams that are extremely weak

One solid football betting tip today to use would be betting against teams that are extremely weak. Just about every league has one or two teams that look to be hopeless and seem to lose all the time. These types of teams are often overlooked by oddsmakers. A solid plan to follow would be looking for matches where they are playing on the road against a mediocre team.

The home team is going to have good value in this case, when the reality is it should be going off at lower odds. So make a plan to identify the worst teams in a given league. Once you have done this you can start looking for this type of situation and make a profit betting against them. This tip works and several punters use it to make money.

When this method might not work so well

Lucks plays a strong role in the game of football, and betting against a really weak team might not always work in your favor. If the team is playing a really powerful team that is away from their home field, they might still find a way to win. However, the one thing going for the elite team is the really bad team always seems to find a way to lose.

At football betting champion, they know how to make good football predictions. I strongly suggest you try their football tips this season.

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Football Betting Picks

Predicting the future has always been an intriguing subject for human beings. There were a lot of prophets since the beginning of age. Because of their prophecies they managed to became immortal and be forever present in out minds

But not everyone is a psychic, and even if one was to have psychic powers, we all saw in movies, you can’t use your powers for personal benefit. I’ve personally always loved this explanation….

In the last decade people concentrated more on predicting the future based on what they know: looking at the past to understand the present and predict the future.

I guess it’s the same with bettors or tipsters.

Another reason of why there are so many bettors out there may be their love for the game. They grew up watching football, watching their favourite team, they grew up playing football in the school yard and calling themselves Maradona, Pele, Gascoigne or Eusebio.

There are a lot of factors to be taken in consideration before placing your bets, some more important than others, but if you want to be a constant winner you’ll have to take all of them in consideration: form, team news, motivation, tactics, expectations,fans opinions, referee, weather.

Every single one of these factors plays its role in the final outcome of the game. The problem is that nobody managed to put together an algorithm for everybody to see the percentage that each factors has, that’s why all factors have to be studied with patience and meticulously.

Superficiality will always be your enemy in this field, and I believe in life in general.

One should treat their bets exactly how he/she treats her job. As it represents a source of income, it should be seen like an investment, but always when investing you have to take out money upfront, that’s why a lot of responsibility is needed.

People’s brain represents a mystery in many parts of it.

It is said that some kind of substance is produced when a person is gambling or betting. Many scientists have studied that aspect but no clear conclusions have been drawn.

What’s known for sure is that after a bet is lost most of us tend to place the following bet thinking at the one we lost before. That’s a mistake from the start as it will influence our judgment and we will select our bets mostly based on odds, thinking what odd we need in order to get back what we lost and still have some profit.

It’s a mistake that all bettors do sooner or later, without exception, kind of like, you are not a driver until you’ve bumped your car.

Having a strong psychic is an essential quality in this field or else betting will became gambling…. Leave the past bets behind and concentrate fully on the future ones, because if you’re in loss, only this way you will be able to be in profit again.

So you see there are a lot of dangers this activity implies, lots of work and efforts, lots of research but more important lots of seriousness and continuity. This activity is no joke and should be treated with the proper respect, that’s why experts advice is always welcome, let people with experience in the industry do the job for you.

With lots of years behind, with knowledge and enough time to make the research work. This is one of the only ways you won’t fail.

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Where Honesty Rules

What would the world be like if total and fully integrated honesty leads everything in it, and I do mean everything. I ask myself that question all the time, and I want to give a few of my answers to that question here. Not only that, but I give some epistemological understanding and reasoning for my answers in plain English. Read on: First of all, everyone would know where they stand in the world and life would not come off as so much of a sales pitch for survival. Especially the standard «survival of the fittest macho football player through gladiator like thinking of the slanted news media» going on now. It would be the rule of the wisest and those who genuinely get the best results. It would be a genuine democracy that really is fairly for the best people who get the best results for everyone through their genuine efforts. In short, people would genuinely creatively think for themselves.

I know, even that above honest scenario of life seems far off. Is it, though?

I say: When people get sick enough of the current «survival of the fittest macho football player through gladiator like thinking of the slanted news media» living, and it reaches its terminal destination, things will change like that, I understand.

I mean, when people get ready to really have a winning existence and be honest with themselves, the honesty will be there. That is my point. The current dishonesty is the counter point that exists now against what I am writing and talking about. In fact, I will go as far as to say that this is the training ground for that type of future honesty, really.

Like I said, though, like everything, what is currently going on has to run its course and then fully change to better, to put my understanding into the plainest English I can put it into. Nobody can act genuinely beyond their understanding and change does not happen overnight. Yet when it does, it does quickly in a terminal way and permanently for the better in the way that the electric light bulbs replaced the candles, or the motorized cars or trucks replaced the horse or work animals. It all starts with the honesty of adaptation and genuine growth progression. We all have a choice to survive or not, but, when change like this happens, genuine regression is not an option. You may or may not agree with me, but birds never fly backwards in reality, just on film we take of them flying in reverse to end with a logical metaphor. There is a genuine and agreed on productive principle of honesty. There is not a principle of dishonesty, except when laws are broken and values are destroyed. That is what is meant by the metaphor «birds do not fly backwards in nature».

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Are You Being Coached Into a Cave?

The thoughts, the emotions, and the prayers that followed the adventure of the Thai football team are indicators that their unforeseen cave experience caught the world’s attention. Many, who had no connection with Thailand, shed so much time as their hearts pulsated with news from the media. There was no resistance to diversity as local and international divers stormed the Chiang Rai Province of Thailand for the safety of the local footballers. It was a unified action that further demonstrated the oneness of the world. In the few days that elapsed before the boys were safely found in the cave, so many people outside the cave have given up the hope that sustained them.

The Wild Boars as they were fondly called ventured into a striking escapade that claimed human life. It was a huge sacrifice that deterred a skilful diver to be referred to as a hero.

I settled between enthusiasm and joy for the successful discovery of the boys as my heart pondered the question of what spurred them on.

The courage of the apologetic assistant coach confirmed the football team were coached into the cave. He undoubtedly had good intentions as they marked the birthday of his team member, but what a complicated adventure for a birthday?

The unpleasant adventure of the boys would possibly wrap up someone in a phobia for caves and trigger someone else to vie for an adventure in a cave. Life mostly consist of two kinds of people: the fearful and the risk takers. The former would not dare go near the entrance of a cave, the latter would explore the cave for a quicker solution to a similar problem.

I came to a sudden realisation that the fear of not going near the entrance of a cave, automatically puts one in a cave. – the phobia for caves!

Some people who have never physically ventured into a cave are already encased in caves for life’s monstrous adventures.

As I join others to celebrate the safe return of the Wild Boars and their reconnection with family members, I’d like to cast a reader’s memory to unseen caves. How has life’s adventurous journey coached you? Are you being coached into a cave? If you are honest about an unseen circumstance that have caved you, do you have divers?

The cravings for wealth, the struggle for freedom, the guilt of unfaithfulness, the longing for health, the enduring pain of abuse, the torrent of torment, fear of the unknown, the grief of a painful loss, the dangerous encircling of frenemies and such disquieting circumstances are all caves that can hire no physical diver for freedom. Correspondingly, life has the ability to convert such circumstances with the strength inherent in the power of the mind, the courage that spurred on the Wild Boars, the ability to see hope against hope, the faith to conquer the fear of the unknown, the tranquillity to transition the mind to peace, the joy that persists in the face of pain, the patience that subsides temperament and the love that endures. Those are the divers when life coaches you into the cave of challenges. Those divers constitute the positivity that negates negativity. The sight to see possibility in the face of impossibility is more real than reality.

I journeyed through the jaggedness and structure of a cave and paused to think about purpose. Every life adventure hinges on purpose. The Wild Boars did not have a hindsight at the brink of their journey, but in reality, their painful journey has earned them a global presence and who knows what the future holds?

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Watch Football on PC – How to Watch Live Football on PC and Laptop

One of the most common requests when searching for PC software is the ability to watch football on PC and laptop screens.

Now I don’t know about you but I’m a huge football fan, and love to watch any games that are being screened, so having been recommended to check out satellite TV software for my computer I began searching for what package offers the most bang for my buck.

PC satellite TV software basically offers you the ability to watch movies, sport, news, kids TV, music, and virtually any other entertainment that you can think of. This sounds great but one thing to be aware of is that not all packages are the same. Some charge monthly fees, several are poor quality, and many do not offer top quality channels.

As i’m not a particularly techno-savvy person I also wanted to find software that was easy to install, didn’t need a satellite TV expert to setup, and didn’t require any further hardware or software to use. This is also an important consideration as the last thing you want is to go out and buy a satellite dish after investing in the software.

After a lot of searching and reading many reviews of PC satellite TV packages I found the software that I still use everyday and am very happy with. Not only does the software have a low one-time fee (something I particularly wanted), but it also offered over 4000 channels from the major networks. The software works perfectly with even a slow internet connection so there is no problem for anyone that doesn’t have broadband. The software is also instantly available via download and can be setup and ready in just a few minutes with no extra hardware or software needed.

Being able to watch live football on PC for such a low cost is great, and the software runs perfectly every time. Although there are several packages available I’d seriously suggest you invest in what I consider to be the best software, rather than try several others to only end up disappointed and out of pocket.

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Football Sports Betting – A Favorite Of Millions Around The World

Betting on the sport of football is a favorite of millions around the world. These days, there are many avenues available for people who want to bet on live sports, with expectations of winning big. Though the market offers plenty of means to get good tips, one surely must show shrewdness while using them for making money. The Internet also provides some useful information that makes this job simpler and financially gainful in the long run.

Many people have made fortunes through online betting. Of the many sports available for the purpose, football remains the most favorite of people betting online. Of course, you can bet on other games of your choice, like badminton, baseball, basketball, cricket, rugby and tennis also. To gain experience, and thus enhance your chances of winning, you need to grasp and apply available betting tips.

Because of tough competition, they offer free bets to new and regular players, to have a good patronage.

It is interesting that most of these sports betting people work from Gibraltar or the UK, the reason being the low-tax liability there, enabling them to offer first-class service to clients. Players are able to choose from a range of games and place their bets. Of late, it has been possible to offer live bets on sports like tennis and football. Some of the best horse-racing bookmakers are known to offer ‘Best Odds Guaranteed’ for that sport.

Some of the huge websites use in-house facilities, including software, to end their dependence on an outside provider. This facilitates carrying out changes needed when necessary, in their attempt to offer better products and services to their customers. This has empowered many to look for new avenues like in-running betting for generating extra revenue. The present-day websites are user-friendly and allow the visitor to offer bets very quickly. In case of any difficulty, which is quite rare, the user can conveniently make use of the competent customer support that is always available through trained and courteous staff, capable of resolving issues in real-time. The customers never had it so good!

«In-play betting,» has enabled bookmakers to satisfy their clients by providing an array of games, for betting at their convenience during the day. Whether you prefer Premier League or fancy betting on Tennis, you are sure it will be there. The best thing is that, while using free bets for your betting, you can also watch the event without paying a dime. At the same time, you feel the heat and pulse of the moment. You can find regular broadcasts for football and horse-racing, though, you may also discover basketball and tennis in that list.

Of late, online betting sites have shown great improvement in the services offered by them. Now, they offer a range of sports betting through websites that are secure, using the latest technology. The fierce competition prompts them to make lucrative offers to keep their existing customers and to attract new ones. It is almost a norm to offer free bets and regular promotions. That is how you find the usual bookmakers offering ‘best odds guaranteed’ for horse-racing. Technology has facilitated highly secured and entertaining online betting. Since competition keeps the bookmakers on their toes all the while, customers are enjoying the benefits.

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Champions League Semi Final Liverpool, 1 Chelsea, 1

For Liverpool the impressive performers were Fabio Aurelio, Martin Skrtel, Dirk Kuyt and especially Xavi Alonso.

The 1st chance of the 1st half was set up by the excellent Xavi Alonso as his pass found Dirk Kuyt in space but his chest control was not as good as it should be and brought out a comfortable save from Petr Cech. Joe Cole had Chelsea’s best chance as he was put through by Frank Lampard but he was caught in 2 minds and he fluffed his chance.

Chelsea felt they should have had a penalty when it looked like Jamie Carragher had brought down Drogba in the box but this being the champions league and involving Liverpool, nothing was given.

Liverpool then had another chance when Steve Gerrard played Fernando Torres through but Cech was able to smother his effort. Just as it looked like it was going to be a goalless 1st half, Alonso’s quick thinking from a free kick found Kuyt, his cross was intercepted by Lampard but he hesitated and was robbed by Javier Mascherano and Dirk Kuyt with Mascherano making a complete mess of his attempted cross but it fell kindly for Kuyt as Claude Makele made a big error with his attempted clearance and Kuyt put the ball between Cech’s legs to make it 1-0.

Liverpool came out with purpose in the 2nd half and played some good football but could not create too many chances but just as it seemed it was going to be yet another 1-0 home leg win between these 2 sides; John Arne Riise decided in all his wisdom to head the ball instead of clearing with his leg and put the ball into his own net with seconds to go in 5 minutes of extra-time.



Beppe Reina 6 He was not duly tested but was solid throughout and stood no chance with the goal

Alvaro Arbeloa 5 He was poor throughout and was culpable for the equalizer as he allowed Kalou to put in a speculative cross.

Fabio Aurellio 6 He had a decent enough game until a groin injury put paid to his participation.

Jamie Carragher 6 He was there again with this last ditch tackles but was very luck to escape without giving a penalty and yellow card that would have ruled him out of the 2nd leg.

Martin Skrtel 6.5 He was up to the task of keeping Drogba quiet and did not put a foot wrong all night. He was the best defender on view.

Dirk Kuyt 6 He gives you far more quantity than he does quality and did not see too much on the ball in the 2nd half.

Javier Mascherano 6 He had a better 2nd half but he is not good on the ball and he should take a bit of blame for the equalizer as he did not stop the cross coming in.

Xavi Alonso 6.5 He was Liverpool’s best player on the night but his 2nd half was not as good as his 1st.

Ryan Babel 5.5 He showed glimpses of his potential but again it was another unconvincing display before he was replaced in the 2nd half

Steve Gerrard 5.5 This is the Gerrard that always shows up in games of this magnitude

Fernando Torres 4 He was extremely poor and the chances he had, he fluffed them as he kept on diving trying to win cheap free kicks. Pathetic display from Liverpool’s player of the year.


John Arne Riise 3 His own goal was just ridiculous. He should have cleared the ball with his right leg but decided to head it into its own net.

Yossi Benayoun5 He did not do anything worthwhile when he was on the pitch.


Petr Cech 7 He produced some very good saves with the pick of the bunch being a very good tip over from Gerrard in the 2nd half. He was the man of the match.

Paolo Ferreira 5.5 He did not do too much in a good or bad sense.

Ashley Cole 5.5 He made a few mistakes and was not able to go forward as he would have liked but made a vital block from Alonso.

John Terry 6 He made some vital tackles but once in a while the thug in him comes out as he had an unsavory situation when Torres was on the floor he seemed to step on him.

Ricardo Carvalho 6.5 He provided his usual panache in defence and was not found wanting in any department as he helped to keep Torres very quiet.

Florin Malouda 5 He was not effective at all even when he had a good chance, he dithered too long and allowed Mascherano to make a fine block.

Claude Makele 5.5 He did what he normally does but father time is catching up on him.

Frank Lampard 6 He was better in the 1st half and had a very good chance in the 2nd half but his pocket was picked by Carragher.

Michael Ballack 6 He just glides around the place with a lot of class but he did not see too much of the ball from Chelsea’s point of view.

Joe Cole 4 In all candor he was hopeless as he gave the ball away cheaply, did not support Drogba at all and was found wanting in all areas.

Didier Drogba 6 He had a decent game as he was always a constant threat to Skrtel and Carragher but his histrionics were getting annoying.


Salomon Kalou 6 His great cross in the dying minutes for the equalizer may have just saved Chelsea’s season.

Nicholas Anelka Not sure if he touched the ball during his time on the pitch.

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World’s Top 10 Textile Companies

Clothing and fashion are the basic human needs irrespective of the sporadic changes in the technologies happening all the time. The fashion has changed a lot over the last few decades. All across the world, there are thousands of companies and brands that work day and night to bring the latest fashion to their customers. Textile is the soul of every fashion. Let us discuss the Top 10 Textile Manufacturing Companies that are ruling the fashion world for decades.

1. Arvind Limited: This is an Indian textile manufacturer and the flagship company of Lalbhai Group, founded in 1931 in Ahmedabad. The company has been establishing trendsetting styles for decades. It focusses on making finest fabric and unique styles. The company holds the license for the populous international brands like Arrow, Tommy Hilfiger, Cherokee, lee, wrangler and owns brands like Flying Machine, Newport.

2. Dorothy Perkins: This is a US-based fashion manufacturer and retailer that is world-famous for its lingerie, tights, and sleepwear collections. The company designs clothes in different styles and offer a wide range of facilities and outfit ideas on their online stores. The brand is one of the favourites among women.

3. Bombay Dyeing: The Indian flagship company of Whadia Group is a leader in home textile industry. The company is redefining home fashion for last so many decades. It offers some of the finest products like linens, bed sheets, curtains, comforters, blankets and a whole range of other products.

4. Agile: Established in 1853, the French company delivers quality footwear and textile products. The company is renowned for its chinos, bias ribs jumper, essential 5-pocket trousers, long warm parka, padded winter jackets, and heathered jumper.

5. Canterbury of New Zealand: Established in 1904, this is a UK-based sports clothing company focussed on rugby football. Their tagline reflects their dedication towards the business: «committed to the game». The company is also the official sponsor of New Zealand and Scotland cricket teams. It has also sponsored many rugby football clubs and nations like England, Georgia, Japan, Poland, etc.

6. Admiral Sportswear: This UK-based company is dedicated to manufacturing sportswear related to football and cricket since 1914. The company is mainly focussed on three genres: football sports performance, retro-inspired sports fashion, and casual sports-inspired fashion.

7. Ashworth: This is a US-based golf apparel company established in 1987. Initially, they were dealing in golf-based goods and then later shifted in designing other clothes as well. Golf players endorse their products as their ambassadors. The company has been acquired by the Taylormade (Adidas). Now, the company focusses on both traditional and modern clothing.

8.Bruno Banani: Established in 1933, it is a Germany-based clothing company that is involved in the manufacturing of men’s and women’s clothing and undergarments. They are also involved in some fashion accessories such as belts, wallets, shoulder bags, handbags, and perfumes as well. One of the major breakthroughs brought by the company is in the form of eco-friendly fibre – biophys.

9. Cone Mills Corporation: This Germany-based company is the leading producer of denim. The corporation owned Asheville Cotton, Minneola Manufacturing Company, John Wolf Textiles, American Spinning Company. etc., which were later acquired by W.L. Ross. However, they are still ruling as one of the biggest producers of denim.

10. Cotton Corporation of India: This is an Indian Government undertaking, managed by Ministry of Textiles. The corporation is mainly involved in the importing and exporting of cotton and cotton related products across different nations around the world.

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Football Betting Tips – Money Management

The search for profit does not end once you have found the best football betting tips. There is still a lot to be done to ensure consistent profit. Money management is just as important as using the right football betting tips.

However in the rush to get their money on, most people overlook this important aspect of football betting. So what is money management? Let’s look at it in simple terms: You are betting on two football matches. You know that one will produce a profit 80% of the time and the other has a 50-50 chance of winning. You would want to put more money on the match with an 80% chance of profit wouldn’t you? That is money management.

It is basically managing your money to cope with risk. So logic says that on the risky bets, you should risk less money and on the bets that are stronger, you need to stake more money. This may seem like common sense to you, but it is often overlooked.

Now the next question is: How do we calculate how much to put on a team? The most common method is to use the same amount (level stake) on each selection. While this can work in the long run, in the short term you have to watch out for long sequences of losers from the bigger priced football tips. Four or five losers in a row can quickly deplete your bank. Therefore it may be better to look for a different approach.

Another approach suggested by many is the Kelly Criterion. However, Kelly requires you to know the probability of a win. The bet size is then determined by first converting the price on offer into a probability. You then have to estimate the probability of your bet winning. The difference between the sports book’s price probability and your probability has to be positive. If it is negative, you should drop this football tip like a ton of bricks and move on to the next match. The size of the bet is then calculated using this difference in probability. A larger difference would suggest a larger investment and a small difference would suggest a small investment.

Now as you can imagine, the average person can’t estimate the probability of his football prediction winning. So this method is of little use to him. Yes, the mathematicians’ and professionals rave about this formula, and don’t get me wrong, it is great in theory – but it fails in practice. If fails for at least for 90% of the people who try to use it, and I’m guessing that’s you and me included.

Instead I prefer to use the average price available. Sports Books have studied the matches in depth and it’s not often that they get the prices wrong. So why not use this to our advantage? This makes our foes greatest strength their weakness. Yes, I know that upsets happen, but if you look at sports book prices over a long period, you will find that if they quote a result at even money, that result will occur very close to 50% of the time.

So by using this as the true probability of the result we can accurately calculate how much to invest on each football tip.

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