25 Great Reasons For Having a Small Penis

Many companies and individuals promoting «penis enlargement» products use the «Fear Factor» to get men to purchase their products; sighting the negative aspects of having a small penis and that your life will be over if you can’t enlarge it. There are many wonderful aspects of having a small penis. Let’s look at some of them:

1) Increased Faithfulness – Men with a smaller than average sized penis tend to be more faithful in relationships and in marriage. It increases his trustworthiness. A man who cannot be trusted is a man who is weak in character and basically useless.

2) Increased Success In His Endeavors – It is believed that most men become successful after the age of 50. The theory is that, once men hit this age, that they are no longer totally consumed with sex. Instead, they transfer this energy into their careers. By having a smaller penis and not be consumed by sex allows a man to better channel these energies. There are hordes of extremely successful men with small penises.

3) Increased Spiritualism – In religion, such as Catholicism, for instance, the priests did not engage in sexual matters, as such acts were felt to be more on a terrestrial and material plane, instead of a spiritual plane. By not being so consumed with sex (because of size) it allows a man to evolve in a deeper spiritual manner.

4) Physical Compensation – If a man feels he is lacking in his penis department, it will inspire him to compensate for it in different ways. One way is by increasing his physical appearance, by working out, increased hygiene, and learning how to dress more fashionably to be more attractive to the partner he wishes to attract.

5) Development of Humbleness – The word «humble» gets a bad rap, but it’s an admirable quality that very few people possess. It has to do with not being so self-consumed and proud of oneself, but giving more attention and praise to others. It does not mean to put oneself down, it’s just a trait that allows a man to appreciate others. It is a lack of conceit. Again, a trait very few people have; and the world would be better off it there were more people like this.

6) Acceptance of Oneself– The most beautiful women I’ve ever met were so full of self-doubt about their looks and abilities that it was terrifying and completely illogical. Here they were, with looks that could kill, yet they believed they were unattractive and ugly. The problem was, they had difficulty accepting themselves. This created a very disturbed character in most of them. Having a small penis – and accepting it – will do more to develop your self-acceptance than nearly anything else. We all must learn the lesson of accepting ourselves. If we don’t accept ourselves, for what we are, then how can we expect anyone else to accept us?

7) Accomplishment Factor Potential – If a man feels he is inadequate in his penis size – and he does something about it – the reward he will receive from this accomplishment will make him realize he can accomplish anything in life. A truly priceless trait.

8) Compensation of Self– A man who feels he is inadequate has the drive to compensate for it in developing his self. Becoming honest, reliable, educated, etc. This list is endless.

9) Decreased Arrogance – We’ve all met women who were drop-dead gorgeous. The problem was that they knew it. This made them arrogant and conceited. This goes along with humbleness. A man with a smaller penis is unlikely to be an arrogant jerk.

10) Sexual-Ability Compensation – A man with a smaller penis may feel that he is lacking in the bedroom department. Whether this is the case or not, it will encourage him to find more exciting, dynamic, and creative ways to stimulate his partner. This means he can become the ultimate lover. There is more to sex than just intercourse.

11) Financial Compensation – Men who feel undersized, history shows us, have a more driven need to become financially successful. It is a form of compensation for their size. Every woman respects a man who is financial successful.

12) Sexual Pain Factor – Having a large penis can be a detriment to some women, as too large a penis is painful for them during intercourse. Every woman is different in size, too. Sometimes being too big can have an adverse affect on sexual relationships. After all, how enjoyable is sex if your partner is in pain because of your size?

13) Increased Respect for Women – We’ve all known the «players» and smooth-talkers who can get any woman into bed they want, but who have absolutely no respect for women and treat them like garbage and toss them out the same way. Men with a small penis tend to revere and respect women. What a wonderful trait to have.

14) Increased Success in Long-Term Relationships – A woman who falls in love with a man with a small penis will be falling in love with HIM and not the size of his penis. She will love the man and respect him. How fantastic is that with a divorce rate at 51%?

15) Specialness Factor – Who wants to be «average» in size? Yes, it’s great to be big, but it’s great to be small, too. It makes you unique and special. Most everybody is average; I say it’s great to be different.

16) Decreased Selfishness – Men with a smaller penis tend to be more giving and caring of themselves. They put their partner first and are not selfish.

17) Decreased Narcissism – A Narcissist is someone who is in love with themselves. Narcissists are some of the most loathsome people on earth. Men with small penises rarely have this disgusting trait.

18) Realization of Not Being Perfect – Men with a smaller penis are typically down-to-earth. They realize that they are not perfect. Of course, no one is perfect, but many people think they are and work very hard to try to prove to others that they are perfect. What’s more boring than someone who thinks they are perfect?

19) Increased Appreciation for Life and Living – Many times a man with a smaller penis will realize that there is more to life than sex and sexual relations. They will foster a better understanding and love for life and this will illuminate their character and soul.

20) Decreased Superficiality – Superficial people are some of the most obnoxious and cumbersome people in the world. Most men with a small penis are hardly superficial. They are typically rock solid.

21) Decreased STD’s – Men with large penises are typically more sexually active than men with smaller penises. This leads to an increase in Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

22) Decrease in Penile Cancer – The more penile tissue one has, the greater the potential for penile cancer. In this case, the smaller the better, as it decreases your risk.

23) Chooses Partners More Carefully – The man with a small penis will choose his partners more carefully. He will see the person for who they are, more than likely, and not be swayed by superficial attributes, such as looks.

24) Modesty Factor – Modesty means a lack of vanity, pretentiousness, and showing off. We’ve all met people who are immodest and they get old really, really quickly.

25) Decreased Insolence – A man with a small penis is unlikely to be presumptuous which leads to exploitation and a license to take liberties with his partner.

Obviously, there are many positive aspects to having a small penis. I’m sure many men can come up with more positive aspects of their unique and beautiful size. Be proud of your size, no matter how big or how small – it takes all kinds to make a world.Don’t Forget: You can have as much fun in a Mini, perhaps even more fun, than in a Hummer.

«A real Man is judged by the size of his character and not the size of his penis.» If you do want to learn how to enlarge your penis, read IRON MAN PENIS – THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM.


Georg von Neumann

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Prostate Massage And Milking The Prostate – How To Milk The Prostate – Nurse’s Guide

Prostate massage and prostate milking are both commonly used terms to describe the massage or stimulation of the prostate gland either for medical or sexual reasons. Both terms are frequently used when the purpose is the relief of the symptoms of chronic prostatitis by a doctor and prostate milking or milking the prostate is used more often when the purpose is draining prostatic fluid during sexual activity to achieve a specific effect. Both can be performed internally or externally, but I will describe the internal technique here.

The prostate gland is just one part of the complex male reproductive system. It produces seminal fluid and functions in the process of ejaculation and orgasm. The gland is about the size of a walnut and is positioned directly behind the bladder. It’s prone to many conditions and diseases including, acute prostatitis, chronic prostatitis, enlarged prostate or BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy) and prostate cancer.

The prostate milking technique is as follows (also sometimes prostate massagers or other milking or medical devices are used).

It’s best not to attempt this unless you’re sure you don’t have chronic prostatitis or any other serious condition. It’s always preferable to be cleared by your doctor first.

1. Gather your equipment together. You’ll need sterile non-latex gloves. Do not use latex gloves; serious allergies can develop over time with repeated use. You’ll need gloves that won’t snag or tear easily from sharp fingernails, etc. You can find these cheaply in any store with a pharmacy or over-the-counter drug section. You’ll also need some lubricant that is water-based; you can get this at your pharmacy also if you don’t already have some. Don’t use oils, lotions or perfume-based lotions; these contain irritants.

2. Check out your fingernails and make sure they are clipped and/or filed smoothly and won’t snag the gloves.

3. Take a trip to the bathroom and completely empty your bladder and bowels. This will help you relax more and will lessen the chance of an accident. Wash the area around your anus thoroughly to avoid any transfer of organisms. Wash your hands thoroughly and scrub them with a nail brush.

4. Get into a comfortable position, usually on the back or side. Put on one of the sterile gloves. You can use gloves on both hands if you like. Put a little of the lubricant on the fingers of the gloves you’re going to use.

5. Gently insert one or more fingers – better to start with one until you know what you’re doing. Be very careful if you have hemorrhoids. If that’s the case you may want to have them checked out by your doctor first. Move you finger slowly up the wall of the rectum, until you can feel the prostate gland. Be very gentle. No forcing or pushing. The gland will feel like a small ball.

6. Carefully and gently stroke or massage the gland along the sides only with your finger tips, not fingernails. You don’t want to touch the center or the top where there are many sensitive nerves and where you could do some damage.

7. Note the time. You should do this for only a few minutes. You may experience some odd feelings or sensations. And you may feel like you have to go to the bathroom but that should pass. Once the gland has contracted it will release some seminal fluid. You may or may not experience sexual pleasure, orgasm or ejaculation; this varies from person to person.

8. Carefully take off the gloves to avoid contamination and dispose of the gloves – they are no longer sterile and can’t be cleaned properly. Wash your hands thoroughly using a nail brush.

Prostate milking or prostate massage has been practiced by prostate specialists for many years for specific medical conditions. It’s controversial however. Although many men have been using this technique, there are risks involved. If you have any known or hidden condition or infection or inflammation of the prostate it’s possible to cause a serious systemic infection. The best approach is to get thoroughly checked out by your doctor first before you proceed.

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Safe Sex Advice – Lube Ingredients to Avoid

The two staples of safe sex are condoms and lubrication. Condoms form a physical barrier that interrupts the transfer of semen and many viruses, helping prevent pregnancy and various sexually transmitted infections. Lubricant helps reduce friction when using a condom, thereby reducing the chance that the barrier will break. However, safe sex entails more than picking up a couple products at the pharmacy or grocery store; to truly be safe, additional considerations should be kept in mind. Proper condom storage and application are essential, for example. It is also important to mind the ingredients used in the lubrication one buys; certain common ingredients can cause vaginal and penile irritation along with other problems. Proper penis care, then, requires familiarity with ingredients to avoid in lubricants.

1) Glycerin

This ingredient is commonly added to water-based lubricants. While it contributes to the slipperiness of the stuff, it also creates a ripe environment for yeast, as it is similar to sugar. Men and women can pass yeast infections back and forth, leading to burning and itchiness in the genitals.

2) Sorbitol

As with glycerin, sorbitol can promote yeast overgrowth.

3) Preservatives

Several preservatives may be found in lubes to prevent bacterial growth, including parabens, benzoic acid, sorbates and phenoxyethanol. These ingredients increase the risk of vaginal infections.

While the science is still out on a potential link between parabens and cancer, these preservatives are believed to mimic estrogen in the body; for women exposed to them, this could translate to an increased risk of certain cancers. There are a few different parabens commonly found in lubes: butylparaben, methylparaben and propylparaben. Better safe than sorry.

4) Oils

While oil-based lubricants (such as baby oil and coconut oil) generally contain no preservatives or odd ingredients, they can cling to the skin, clogging pores and increasing the risk of bacterial infections. Partners prone to yeast infections in particular should avoid them. Another highly important consideration is that they can wear down latex and diaphragms, increasing the risk of pregnancy and STIs when using those types of condoms.

5) Petroleum

Petroleum-based lubes can be irritating to the vagina, causing inflammation. They may also increase the risk of bacterial infections. As with oil-based lubes, petroleum products cannot be used with latex condoms or diaphragms.

6) Chlorhexidine

This antibacterial agent can interfere with the natural flora within the vagina, increasing the risk of infections.

7) Scents/flavors

The ingredients used in scented and flavored lubes can be highly irritating to vaginal and penile skin. Unscented, unflavored products are better choices.

8) Nonoxynol-9

This spermicide may be added to lubes to boost anti-pregnancy protection, but it has been shown to damage vaginal cells. It not only can lead to burning and irritation, but can increase the risk of contracting HIV, since damaged vaginal tissue provides an open door for the virus.

When using lubricant, check the ingredients and make sure it will not cause damage to oneself or one’s partner. It’s particularly important for individuals who are prone to yeast infections to avoid certain ingredients above. In general, a «plain Jane» lube is a couple’s safest bet for avoiding irritation and infections. Go for preservative-free, scentless products.

Sexy time isn’t the only time during which the penis may benefit from extra moisture. Using a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) every day can keep the tool hydrated, soft and supple. Look for Shea butter and vitamin E on the ingredient list. A man can get the best bang for his buck by choosing a cream that also contains L-arginine, a blood flow promoter, and acetyl L-carnitine, which supports nerve health so that a man can keep feeling sensations of pleasure.

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All You Need to Know About Female Orgasm

There are several forms of female orgasm singled out by sexologists nowadays. Based on the localization of an orgasm there are four physiological forms – clitoral, vaginal, uterine (the orgasm of the cervix), and perineal, as well as several pathological ones – oral, rectal (or anal), and nipple ones.

An orgasm is a complex psycho-physiological process, which is based on the corresponding processes in the brain. The stimulation of the brain’s specific zones of pleasure leads to an objective display of an orgasm. These zones are turned on under the influence of the impulses going through the female reproductive organs. The female’s body motor activity resembles seizures. In some cases the body tenses up and stretches out, the pelvis lifts up and the whole body arches supported by the back of the head and the heels, the hands tense up and stretch out, jaws clench, eyes are tightly shut. In other cases the body arches, wiggles, makes heaving motions, hands and legs make sharp chaotic movements, the head spins in all directions. All of this is accompanied with sounds effects (cries, screams, sobs, wails, squeaking of the teeth, as well as the sounds muted by the willpower or by the spasm of the speech muscles, moans, sighs, and so on). Sometimes separate words and incoherent phrases escape the mouth. A spasm takes place, which is quite an abrupt contraction of the muscles of vagina, uterus, perineum and other muscles of the small pelvis. Usually a young girl that has not given birth and has a well-developed muscular system has 2-3 strong spasms and several weak ones, which gradually die out. Women who have a weaker muscular system, are older, and have given birth have only one strong spasm and 1-2 weak ones. All of these spasms can be felt with the man’s penis. The increase of the discharge in the vagina sometimes is so drastic that the penis loses the feeling of the vaginal walls. In rare cases a large amount of fluid even overflows outside. During the orgasm the nipples increase in volume and harden (the nipple erection).

So how important is it for male and female sexual organs to be of matching size in order for a woman to be able to reach an orgasm? There has always been a significant importance given to the size of reproductive organs in sexology and in society. In reality things are way simpler. First of all, a successful sexual life does not require a penis of particularly large size. It is well known that a woman can experience four types of orgasms, three out of which (clitoral, vaginal, and perineal) do not depend at all on the size of male genitals. The fourth type of orgasm – the uterine one – requires the penis to be a certain length, but a quite moderate one, since the majority of women have their cervix situated relatively not deep. There are no correlations that exist between the overall size of the man’s body, namely the size of a man’s penis, and the size of a woman’s vagina. The anatomical non-conformity can take place only when there is an obvious vaginal pathology (its underdevelopment, scarry stricture due to previous injuries, burns, and so on). In all other cases the male and female sexual organs present a functional system, in which the vagina can stretch a great deal if a man’s penis is large, and on the contrary, it can contract and tightly envelop a small penis.

So what is a clitoral orgasm? There used to be a wide-spread opinion that this type of orgasm is characteristic for very young women, and as women get older the orgasm relocates to the vagina. However, it is not so. The clitoral orgasm can be characteristic for any woman regardless of her age, constitution, and so on.

In order to reach a clitoral orgasm the clitoral stimulation is necessary. Women, whose most common orgasm is a clitoral one, can almost never reach it if having sex in the most common missionary position. The clitoris remains outside of the area of stimulation. When having a sexual intercourse in the missionary position, the necessary stimulation of the clitoris is achieved by its contact with the dorsum of the penis, for which the penis should be inserted under an angle (top-down). It is possible if the distance between the clitoris and the vagina’s entrance is normal (about 1 inch). If the clitoris is located higher, the penis will not reach it. In this case it is necessary to either change the position or to apply small monotonous stimulating movements to the clitoris with your finger during foreplay and the sexual intercourse itself. The clitoris’ head is rich in blood vessels and nerve endings, therefore stimulating it with your hand should be very light and tender. Sometimes it is useful to use vaseline or to moisture your finger by inserting it into the vagina. If the clitoris’ head is too sensitive the finger stimulation can be transferred higher. These parts of the clitoris are hidden deeper and so the stimulation can be stronger. Women with the clitoral type of orgasm will not enjoy having sex from behind. The following position is way more acceptable: start having sex in the classical missionary position and then push the woman’s legs together, so that the penis was stimulating the clitoris with every friction. You can switch places – a man on the bottom, and a woman on top. The signs of the clitoral orgasm are a considerable increase of the clitoris’ size (an erection), and its temperature rising.

The second type of female orgasm is a vaginal one, or commonly known as the g-spot orgasm. The erogenous area in this case is the lower third of the front wall of the vagina, which requires a special technique consisting of the tight pressing of a penis to the front wall of the vagina during frictions. You can also practice small frictions that are not deep and affect only the lower part of the vagina, which would intensify the impact on the lower third of the front wall of the vagina. There are also cases of the combination orgasm or the clitoral-vaginal orgasm. To achieve it, try to simultaneously stimulate both the clitoris and the front wall of the vagina during foreplay, and to simultaneously stimulate both erogenous zones with your penis or hand during the intercourse.

To achieve any type of orgasm, it is necessary for the cavernous bodies of the clitoris to be filled with blood to the maximum, and the lower part of the vagina is covered with the muscles tightly connected to the cavernous bodies. When contracting these muscles, a woman not only intensifies the filling of her own cavernous bodies by contracting the base of the penis during the intercourse but also complicates the blood’s outflow from the cavernous bodies thus intensifying the partner’s erection and creating additional pleasurable sensations.

Unfortunately, these important muscles do not always work to their full potential. Some women have them low-power, and some women do not properly use them. The sexologist’s task is to teach a woman to use these muscles in both cases. The power of any cross-striated muscle increases with exercising therefore women should do a special sex work-out: flex the main vaginal muscle-constrictor over and over again on a daily basis.

The lower third of the vagina and perineal muscles play a very important role in the body. They form an orgasmic sleeve, the contractions of which (5-12 contractions with 0.8 seconds interval) create the vaginal orgasm. After an orgasm the vaginal sleeve and the walls quickly relax. With the vaginal form of orgasm a woman can experience pleasure in any position.

During the uterine orgasm the contractions of the uterus start from its bottom and transfer to the whole body. The strength of the uterine contractions equals to the strength of the orgasm. This orgasm is known for the so-called «suction effect», when the cervix «sticks» to the upper part of the vagina, after which the uterus goes back to the original position.

This type of orgasm requires the stimulation of the cervix. If a penis is not very long or if the vagina is too big, a penis may not reach the cervix. In this case, a woman should lie on her back and pull her legs to the stomach, which shortens the vagina considerably. Another option is for a man to lie on his back and for a woman to squat down on top of him. Sometimes the cervix is situated not in the posterior fornix of the uterus, but instead is facing forward. In order to put the uterus back into its place, you should change the position, so that a woman is lying down on her stomach or on her side. In this position the penis goes not in the posterior fornix, but in the front one. If a woman is obese, the coitus is only possible in the position when a woman is on her side with her legs strongly bent in her hip joints or in a classic Bozeman’s position when a woman is on her knees leaning on her forearms and a man is standing on his knees behind her, commonly known as doggy style. This same position is almost the only possible position to have sex if a man is obese.

The technique of the sexual intercourse to achieve this type of orgasm consists in a man carrying out deep frictions thus rhythmically stimulating the cervix and the posterior fornix of the uterus. Although you should avoid hitting the cervix too hard.

The fourth type of orgasm and a very rare one is the perineal orgasm. The nerve impulses start in the perineum when it comes into the state of vibration. Women with this type of orgasm sometimes experience it while riding a horse, a bicycle or a motorcycle. The technique of the sexual intercourse consists in stimulating the lower part of the vaginal back wall with the head of the penis.

So what happens to a woman after the sexual intercourse? The woman’s sexual arousal goes down gradually, and because of this women are sensitive to the men’s sexual indifference after the intercourse is over. There are a lot of complaints about men switching to routine conversations right away or even falling asleep. These complaints express the women’s need in the post-coition caresses. These caresses should not be of sexual nature and thus should not be about stimulating the erogenous zones, but on the contrary consist of the stimulating the non-erogenous zones of a woman’s body. The psychological content of these caresses is the display of gratefulness, tenderness, emotional relaxedness. At the same time during the post-coition caresses a woman is displaying her gratefulness to a man and her appraisal of him as a sexual partner. Every man during and after the sexual intercourse has a hidden need to receive the assessment of his actions from a woman. It contributes to his self-affirmation but at the same time a man becomes especially vulnerable to any kind of reproaches. This is why it is important that a woman expresses any concerns she might have about the foreplay and the intercourse itself at any time but not immediately after sex. At this time a woman’s assessment should be positive no matter what. Keep in mind that this is not only the concluding assessment of that night’s intimacy, but also the stimulus for the future. A man will always want to live up to the woman’s assessment especially if it was slightly above the objective evaluation. Of course sometimes life takes over and a husband or a wife still have to get up after just being intimate and go take care of the everyday stuff, but psychologically the best state of being after sex is sleep. A woman should always fall asleep before a man, resting in his embrace, and not the other way around.

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How Movies Can Help You Deal with Romance at the Workplace

Mixing business with «pleasure» has never been a recipe for a «happily ever after» and sex in the workplace seems to cause pain more often than satisfaction. Every year, an average of 15,000 claims are filed for sexual harassment in the workplace; news headlines about sexual scandals between prominent bosses and work subordinates provoke public contempt and outrage; more families and couples split as a result of an extramarital affair that one of the spouses began in the workplace; and more psychotherapists treat patients experiencing the aftermaths of a workplace romance gone sour. Such aftermaths may range from feeling angry, confused, humiliated and depressed to having been fired from the job, sometimes without even a letter of recommendation.

More companies today are enforcing work dating policies, providing training about work romance, or choosing to show lenience toward romantic involvement among employees, so long as it doesn’t threaten productivity and team effort. And yet, so many people are not clear about the rules of romance at work. Still a taboo and a subject for tabloid gossip, sex and romance at work is considered a thorny issue most of us wish would go away.

Whether you are an employer or employee, here is how to prepare your personnel and yourself to deal with Cupid striking at the office:

Know The Definition of Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment occurs when one employee makes continued, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, to another employee, against his or her wishes. This unwanted behavior affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with this person’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

The film «Disclosure», illustrates how sexual harassment is the abuse of power that violates another person’s moral, ethical and emotional boundaries. The films shows how a computer specialist is sued for sexual harassment by a former lover turned boss, whose purpose is to incriminate him and destroy both his career and his personal life.

If you are being sexually harassed don’t stay silent hoping it will go away. This behavior usually escalates if you don’t stop the harasser with a firm, proactive stand. Call the person on their behavior immediately, ask them to stop and warn them that you will report them if they continue. If it continues, report the harassment. Your employer has the responsibility to take each complaint seriously and investigate.

Deal Appropriately with Sexual Advances from Coworkers. A sexual advance may be a straightforward expression of sexual attraction to a coworker, a blunt invitation for a physical relationship, or flirtatious behavior that has gone overboard.

In the movies, Andy, the central character of «The 40-Year Old Virgin», neutralizes his female boss’s advances by staying loyal to his values. His boss understands. When he gets promoted, it is not because of sexual favors but because of his job performance.

Real life often resembles the movies. If you stay loyal to your values and keep your work priorities straight, you too can achieve success without losing your integrity.

Honor Your Work First, then Your Sex Fantasies. In the film «A Time to Kill» a young and handsome Mississippi lawyer is handling with admirable strength a tough criminal case and a very attractive assistant. Even though the sexual chemistry between them sizzles, he chooses to channel his passion into the case, which he wins.

If you ever feel irresistibly attracted to a coworker, before you give into your fantasies do a reality check. Examine how it would affect your work if you consummated your sexual attraction. If you realize that it would jeopardize your work–and your relationship with your colleague–then you should honor your work and look for a different outlet for your fantasies.

Don’t ever Start An Extramarital Affair in The Workplace. In «The Firm», young attorney Mitch is the victim of a corrupt law firm that throws its employees into extramarital affairs and then blackmails them to extort their loyalty. He has a company-induced affair that costs him his marriage and his sanity. The movie has a happy ending only because Mitch fights very hard to recover the love of his wife.

In real life, extramarital affairs in the workplace never have a happily ever after. Besides the agony of being discovered at home, the parties involved live with the constant stress of being discovered at work. When this happens be prepared to cut your losses. And those losses may include your reputation, your family, your job, the person you have the affair with, or all of the above.

When You Date A Colleague, Set Post-Breakup Rules from The Beginning.In the classic film «The Apartment» C.C. Baxter climbs the career ladder by lending his apartment to his boss for his extramarital trysts. He’s also falling in love with his coworker, Fran. All seems to work fine, until he discovers that Fran is also his boss’s mistress. How will they all emerge from such perplexed dynamics and keep their jobs?

In real life, a romance with a coworker always has some impact on your work life. Once you know each other intimately, you become more vulnerable to each other. This is why you must draw up a contract in which you specify how you will preserve your working relationship, should your personal relationship not last. Sign it and honor it, in case you break up. It’s a smart thing to do. You don’t want a situation like Baxter and Fran’s.

Stay Away from Office Sex Gossip. In the French comedy «The Closet», the main character François spreads false rumors at work that he is gay, hinting that he will sue the management if they fire him for sexual discrimination. As sex gossip spreads in the office it creates havoc in his coworkers’ careers and personal lives with consequences that vary from hilarious to severe.

In real life, you should avoid office havoc by staying away from gossip about your coworkers’ sexual orientation and sex life. When a coworker confesses to you an affair with another coworker, politely decline to become their sounding board. Protect your self and your job. You never know how office sex gossip may backfire or used against you, whether you have generated it or not.

When Cupid Strikes at The Office, Keep Your Romance Private. In the movie «Kindergarten Cop», tough guy detective Kimble goes into a school undercover as a kindergarten teacher to investigate a case. He ends up falling in love with Joyce, another school teacher who is also the very subject of his investigation. But this is true love and it changes Kimble’s destiny. Leaving the police force, he returns to Joyce and her school as real kindergarten teacher.

In real life, if you have found your soul mate in a certain coworker and you want your budding romance to have a happily ever after, you must keep it private until it becomes a serious, mutual commitment. Never transfer in the workplace personal conflicts with the person you date. Always respect each other as coworkers. Make your romance public only when it’s a solid relationship that you know will last. Then, it’s a time to celebrate. Congratulations! You have shown discretion and good judgment!

Knowing how to navigate successfully the dark waters of romance in the workplace, should be part of your job training. Follow these guidelines as rules of conduct to ensure your career and safeguard your personal life, every time Cupid’s arrow threaten to pierce your bubble at the office.

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Want to Be the King of Sex? Find Out How You Can Become the Best Ex-Lover She Has EVER Had!

Most men either do not understand the attributes of a lover or just don’t care about being one. Such men have unsatisfied partners or are left with none. If you take efforts you can become the best lover your girl ever had and she will not only stay loyal to you but will also brag about prowess and make you famous.

Here are four tips that will make you the best lover your girl ever had.

Treat her mind as a sexual organ

When a woman is turned on, it is not only her body that wants sex but her mind too is demanding and craving for it. Unlike men girls need physical and mental stimulation to get excited. Before you try to turn on her brain you need to make sure that she is comfortable in your company and does not mind discussing sex with you. Tell her all your naughty plans and let her imagination take over from there. She will now be waiting for you to turn all you said into reality.

Oral is the way to go

Unlike men girls can have more than one orgasm in one sex session. You will need to orgasm last and you better keep this in mind. Give her oral pleasure after undressing her by playing with her body gently. Do not hesitate to use your tongue for things other than whispering. She will be mighty pleased about it.


Much like kissing, performing perfect cunnilingus is an art. First gently rub her love button or clitoris after parting her vaginal lips. Use your finger for a while and then start using your tongue to flicker her clitoris. Soon her clitoris will get erect as blood starts to rush there. Her vaginal lips will also swell. Insert your fingers in her vagina and locate her g spot and pleasure her with your fingers.

Start the real act

Once your girl has cum a few times now penetrate her and begin thrusting in slow and steady rhythm. As she starts screaming increase your tempo. You may use two or three positions for the entire act to prolong your orgasm. Try and climax with your girl and see the glow on her face.

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The Ability to See a Partner As a Sex Object

Unlike emotional attachments, arousal is not caused by a specific person or by a relationship. Arousal relies on being able to see a person, to some degree, as an object. Arousal is achieved when the mind focuses on objects or concepts that a person finds arousing. Arousal mechanisms (erotic turn-ons) involve physical attributes and the psychology of a scenario or a lover.

Men naturally see attractive women as objects that cause arousal. Women accuse men of being sexist but this is just how male sexual psychology works. Men may suppress their comments if they accept that women are offended by them but they cannot change their innate sexual responses. Men can love a partner and still view them as a sex object. Men are not usually aroused by a relative because of the emotional significance of the relationship.

Women’s nurturing instincts mean they empathise with others. Men are more emotionally detached, which helps when men need to kill as well as in sexual scenarios. Their sex drive causes men to respond to erotic rather than emotional stimuli. Men, who are natural hunters and have a strong sex drive, cannot afford to empathise with their victims or their lovers.

In past times acting was not a respectable (or even safe) occupation for a woman because any woman who put herself on display (no nudity implied) was seen to be a target for male attention. Later, actresses were associated with prostitution. Women’s activities have often been limited because men view them as sex objects. Women don’t want sex the way a man does. Men have not suffered in the same way because women do not see men as sex objects. Equally sex with a woman is not something most men try to avoid.

Men enjoy trying different positions for intercourse. The missionary position’s disadvantage is that it does not allow a man to see the genital action. Men are aroused by observing their own erect penis during masturbation and they enjoy watching their penis enter a lover’s body. Women consider graphic images to be crude, obscene and non-arousing.

Women tend to see people purely in a social and relationship context. A woman lacks this ability to view a lover as a sex object. In a real-life sexual situation, a woman is aware of her lover as a social person she loves. When masturbating, a woman is aroused by scenarios unconnected with her real-life lover and her sexual relationship. A woman has to envisage surreal erotic themes to consciously generate the equivalent mental arousal a man needs for orgasm. This mechanism does not work in a sociable context.

Women’s sexual fantasies involve taboo themes and engaging in surreal sexual activity with complete strangers. Women use fictitious men in their fantasies who can be depersonalised and made into sex objects to be used for arousal rather than human beings with their own emotional needs. Women’s fantasies provide a mechanism for women to turn men into objects. The men in women’s sexual fantasies are not men they have ever met or who they are in a relationship with. These fantasy men represent male sex drive or an erect penis that is part of a penetrative sex scenario.

In fantasy a woman can simultaneously imagine herself as both giver and receiver. Women’s fantasies are surreal because, in the absence of any sex drive, women need to focus on the more indirect consequences for women that arise from men’s sex drive. Using fantasy allows a woman to be both the woman and the man in the scenario penetrating the woman. She can focus on male ejaculation as a means of producing her own sexual release.

Fantasy is a mechanism a woman uses to focus on a more psychological view of sex by being the object of male sex drive. A woman fantasises about a man doing things to her because men initiate and drive penetrative sex. A woman needs to see herself as sexually attractive and she needs to take pleasure in the knowledge that a man wants her sexually. A woman may enjoy imagining a man’s desire to penetrate her body. In her mind she can also be the male who is driving the action and experiencing the pleasure.

Men enjoy sharing their fantasies because they hope a lover will participate in activity that they fantasise about. Women’s fantasies are not based on reality. They focus on impossible and unreal situations and people. A fantasy involves imagining impossible or improbable things. Women’s sexual fantasies are purely a mechanism for enjoying orgasm. They lack all the practicalities of real life and the crude visual eroticism that men enjoy.

In her fantasies, a responsive woman focuses on the concept of penetration rather than graphic images. She focuses on a man’s sex drive to penetrate her body. This is at a much more explicitly sexual level than a romance novel. A sexual fantasy culminates with male ejaculation as a sexual release rather than the graphic images of creamy gelatinous semen that gay men revel in. A responsive woman enjoys the idea that a man focuses on his urgent need to penetrate her body. She doesn’t want to see a real penis or touch one by hand or mouth to enjoy it as tangibly as a gay man would.

On the other hand, since there are marked differences between females and males in their response to psychological stimuli, it seems apparent that those responses must depend upon some mechanism which functions differently in the two sexes. (Alfred Kinsey 1953)

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Oral Sex: Tongue Tips for Men

No matter how good the sexual experience, anybody is always open to even better sex – and men should know that while a healthy penis is essential for sexual satisfaction, sometimes a woman may desire a little extra something from another body part: the tongue. Even men who are cunnilingual enthusiasts may not be as expert at giving oral sex as they may think. So, without neglecting the prime attention to penis care which a man needs, he should also spend some time learning how to use his tongue to better advantage with a few sex tips.

It’s not all about the vagina.

When a man thinks about oral sex with a woman, his thoughts pretty much focus on the vagina and stay there.

In fact, as pleasurable as oral attention to the vagina is, a woman usually enjoys a little attention elsewhere. A guy should start where he’s got the greatest experience: the mouth. Engaging in some long, loving kisses is pretty much guaranteed to be a good start. But if it’s agreed that a guy is going to be dedicating himself to orally pleasuring a woman, he should also move beyond mere kissing. Running the tongue sensually along a partner’s lips or gently, lightly nibbling on the lips can be quite erotic for some women.

From the lips, move on to other areas of the body as one works one’s way down. For example, kissing the nape or lingering at the earlobes can be very arousing. And definitely spend a nice long time kissing, licking and – if this can be done with enough sensitivity – lightly nibbling the breasts and nipples.

But it still is a lot about the vagina.

All of this is important, but it’s still a preliminary to engaging orally with the vagina. Keep these tips in mind while demonstrating your expertise with your tongue:

– Start slowly. The clitoris is keenly sensitive, and it may take a few minutes for it to become acclimated to a guy’s ministrations. A man shouldn’t dive in with all he has; rather, he should slowly warm it up. It’s important to take one’s time and to move one’s tongue slowly around the entire clitoris. (Remember: some of it is hidden under the «hood,» so don’t just concentrate on what is visible.)

– Take breaks. Let the clitoris have a few moments to adjust, especially in the beginning. Transfer attentions to the pubic mound or to the thighs, and then return to the «main event» again. But be judicious in taking breaks: Once the appropriate rhythm is established, it will be frustrating if a man sneaks away, even for a minute.

– Commit to it. Once it is clear that one’s partner has become wholly engaged, the man needs to make a strong commitment to bringing her maximum pleasure. One method which often brings about the most pleasure for a woman is when, after the vulva has been warmed up, the man places his mouth open around a wide area and creates a kind of «suction seal.» Sucking gently but committedly while at the same time allowing the tongue to flicker back and forth (paying special attention to the clitoris) is often the best way to bring about a memorable orgasm.

Giving oral sex to one’s partner is a marvelous way to show one cares – and it very often leads to a reciprocal effort on her part.

Of course, if a guy wants oral sex (or better sex of any kind), it helps if he presents a healthy penis; after all, no woman wants to put in her mouth an organ that doesn’t look appealing. Regular use of a top-notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help address many common penis health issues. For example, a man whose manhood carries a strong (and not pleasant) odor may benefit from a crème with vitamin A. This crucial vitamin has anti-bacterial properties which may eliminate persistent penile odor. Men with a cracked, wrinkled look to their penis skin need a crème that also contains a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. This can defuse the oxidative processes that make member look prematurely aged.

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How To Do A Sensual, Sexual And Erotic Massage That Will Really Turn Her On

Why would you want to spend time giving your partner a sensual, erotic and sexual massage? There are some of the reasons to give a sensual massage to your lover tonight. Massage shows that you love your partner and you can give a loving touch. Touch is a wonderful way to relax your partner. It teaches you how to give pleasure to your partner. It teaches you that an erotic and sexual massage can really turn on your lover.

You can learn all about giving. When receiving it teaches you to surrender. You can find out some erotic hot zones on your lover

Sensual, Erotic and Sexual Massage Tips

I have training in professional erotic massage on men and women. Here are some sexual massage tips that work for me.

The first tip is to bring love energy into your hands. To do this, before the massage, feel when you really loved someone from the past. This could be your current partner or a lover from the past. Really feel this energy in your heart.

Love Energy in Sexual Massage

Now, feel or imagine the love energy coming to your palms and out of your hands. When you touch in learning how to do a sensual massage, Let the love energy come out of your hands and fingers, and flow into your lover.

This sort of love is unconditional. A person receiving unconditional love can often heal deep emotional issues. Sometimes feelings can come up during the massage that needs releasing. Sadness and anger are some emotions I have seen.

Breath in Erotic Massage

The second tip is to deepen your breath when you are giving the massage. Try to breathe from your belly. I also take longer on each breath. What this does is increase your body’s energy level. This energy will come out of your hands. Your hands will actually feel warm.

Presence in Sensual Massage

The next tip is to really bring your awareness into your hands when you are doing any strokes. Try to get out of your head and into your body. Have no addenda. The less you are in your head, the more your lover will feel your energy and love.

You will find that when you are very present in your hands your massage stokes will become slower. This will also have an impact in the quality of touch. The more present you are the more your lover will relax.

To make the energy transfer more pleasurable, really enjoy giving the massage to your partner. Explore your lover’s body and if she is a woman, the smooth skin and curves. Instead of trying to give your partner pleasure, get into your own pleasure. The funny thing is that this will give your lover more pleasure too.

Dirty Talking Can Drive Her Wild.

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Save the Children

The poet Oscar Wild, wrote these moving lines: «Children begin by loving their parents. After some time, they judge their parents. Rarely, if ever, do they forgive them». It is a well known fact that the well-being of today’s children is inseparable from the peace, progress and prosperity of tomorrow’s world. It is, therefore, important that children be nurtured in an environmentally sustainable pattern to promote national and global peace and progress. The importance of their welfare was underlined during the World Summit for Children in September, 1990, held under the auspices of the United Nations International Children Education Fund (UNICEF) where world leaders maintained that «unless the investment in children is made, all of humanity’s most fundamental long-term problems will remain fundamental long term problems».

Put succinctly, children are a country’s most precious assets and they demand the highest priority on both national and international investments. In spite of this open acknowledgment of the importance of their survival to our collective global future, evidence abounds that children are facing the worst tragedy in the world today. In a recent seminar organised by the United Nations non-government liaison services in Geneva, participants at the seminar from more than 120 countries were in agreement that «millions of children around sub-Saharan Africa live under especially difficult circumstances where special protection measures are required to enable them enjoy fulfillment of their basic rights». These children in addition to being poor, are exploited, abused, abandoned, neglected, disabled and deprived of liberty.

The greatest manifestations of child abuse, exploitation, deprivation and neglect are very obvious in situations where children are used as a veritable source of cheap labour, soldiers, and prostitutes against their innocent and passive will. Many children seldom report cases of such abuses against them and most child abusers rely on this fact to continue in their wicked acts. Child labour thrives in our societies today mainly because some employers consider it cheaper to employ and over-work children who have very weak resistance to exploitation and oppression than adults. Such employers often betray and take undue advantage of the innocence of children’s dependence and trust. Families also use child labour to make additional income. While some of the hapless children are engaged in domestic duties of hawking goods, others are made to do hard labour meant for adults. Some Non-Governmental Organisations, (NGOs) have continued to express their concern over this unfair practice that is conducted not only in Nigeria, but also in other countries of the world. In an interview granted to a newsmagazine, Mr. A.C. Onukwue, a director of Media Environment Initiative (MEI) in Nigeria said that «children as young as eight years old are being subjected to a bland agreement by their parents to serve as slaves all their childhood and youths in the name of apprenticeship».

Those working as domestic servants are the most exploited and most difficult to protect. Most of them are girls who live with their employers and are totally dependent on them. The United Nations Organisation (UNO) and the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) have made some legal provisions in their bid to checkmate this growing monster. Article 32 of the United Nations Convention of the rights of the child and article XV of the Organisation of African Unity Charter on the rights and welfare of the child, unanimously condemn child labour in all its ramifications. The two articles recognize «the rights of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous, or to interfere with the child’s education or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social developments». In Asia, South America and some migrant communities in the United States, it has been reported that children even as young as five years of age are forced into what can be termed «slave labour». They work like little robots in dreadful conditions that damage their immature bodies and minds. Most of them have no education, are homeless and deprived of parental love and care.

Children as Child-Labourers

Most people have argued that the main cause of child labour is poverty. Others are economic and social inequality, war, unemployment, broken homes and juvenile delinquency. The merchants of children peddle stories of pleasurable life awaiting the kids in the cities in order to entice their victims from their poverty-stricken parents. Most poor parents swallow such stories hook, line and sinker and so inadvertently release their children to the slave merchants. Because of the nature of their minds, children believe what they are told by adults without reservation. Some of them on hearing such false stories of bright future awaiting them at imaginary lands, sometimes sneak away from their homes to be taken away without their parents’ knowledge. Most of them also follow child merchants because their parents find it difficult to feed, clothe and train them in school. Though many children in the advanced industrial nations and in some urban centers of the Third World countries enjoy good care and welfare, yet it is obvious that majority of them in some rural and urban areas whose parents are living below subsistence level are more often exposed to this risk. The situation has been considered dangerous enough that it was brought to focus in 1997 at a forum organised by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the United Nations International Children Education Fund (UNICEF) for jourlalists in Lagos to deliberate upon. The theme of the forum was The Impact of Child Labour on Development. Participants at the forum agreed that child labour exists in Nigeria as in other parts of the world. It is interesting to note that most of these unsuspecting children lured from their homes in Nigeria are taken to Gabon in Central Africa and other neighbouring countries where they are subjected to the highest form of child abuse.

Children as Articles of Trade

But how widespread are cases of child abuse? Let us at this stage, embark on a historical excursion in order to reveal the extent of abuse and danger our children had been exposed to. On May 30, 1995 when 330 Nigerian deportees arrived in Calabar from Gabon, 109 of them were children below 16 years of age. Again, in March 1996, four students of Ikono Ibom Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikot Aya, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria were cajoled into embarking on a trip to Gabon by a fellow student. But these students, made up of three girls and a boy whose ages were between 10 and 14 years were lucky as they could not reach their destination. As fate would have it, officers of Nigerian Immigration Service intercepted their boat at the Oron Creek. And in January 1997, 150 Gabon-bound children were rescued from a camp at Mkpanak near Ibeno. Among the children aged between 11 and 18 years were 20 Nigerians. The rest of them came from neighbouring Togo, Benin Republic and Ghana. In February 1997, 86 under aged children were freed after a raid on an uncompleted building at Ibeno, Akwa Ibom State. It was reported that the nefarious dealers on children had intended to ship them to Gabon before they were rescued. A breakdown of the rescued children’s nationalities showed that 25 were from Nigeria, 23 from Togo while 38 were from Benin Republic. Of the 86 kids, 46 were girls.

It is also sad that not all of these children had been lucky. The hapless ones do not get to their destinations and do not live to tell their stories. In January 1996, more than 200 persons perished in the high seas of Ibeno Beach. About 73 per cent of the victims were school children, some of whom were in their school uniforms. These difficult circumstances represent serious hazards and risks to the survival and development of our future generation.

Children as Sex Tools

Apart from child labour and trafficking, sexual harassment is another area of high risk that confronts our children. Convincing indication of the enormity of this crime was tendered at the World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1996 which was attended by representatives of 130 countries. For instance, it was documented that in several parts of the world, there are millions of young girls, some even as young as 10 years of age who are constrained to work as call girls. After years of physical, mental, and emotional molestation, these girls are scarred for life. In most cases, they surrender to this atrocity simply because they want to eat and stay alive. The option is like choosing between six and half a dozen. As a result of such abuse, some children develop social and psychiatric problems later in life. Furthermore, the activities of pedophiles who occupy influential positions in our society do not help matters. Pedophile refers to a psychological disorder which causes adults to be sexually attracted to children whose sexual experience is nil. In August 1997, a Dublin Chief Judge, Cyril Kelly, committed Reverend Berndan Smith a 72 -year old Roman Catholic priest to 12 years imprisonment for a case involving 74 count charges of indecent and sexual assaults against children. Rev. Smith who admitted to a 36-year career of sex offenses against a total of 26 children in the Republic of Ireland, pleaded guilty to the charges. The Daily Telegraph of June 2, 1998 carried a report on a 44-year old soccer coach who used his position of trust to abuse young boys. He was jailed for nine years after pleading guilty to 23 specimen charges against children. The Chester Crown Court was told that from 1978 to 1992, the coach invited boys from the North West and Midlands to stay with him or go on holiday to North Wales and Spain where the offenses took place. According to The Daily Telegraph: «Benndell would take the boys into his trust by offering them the chance of not only training with his teams but also an occasion at Grewe Alexandra and Manchester City».

Children As Child Soldiers

Compounding the tragedy further, there has been an increase in the use of child soldiers in guerrilla armies. Children are easily kidnapped, separated from their parents and siblings and conscripted into the army to fight wars. In such situations they are systematically brutalized, at times by being forced to watch gruesome murder. Some have been ordered to kill their own parents, brothers and/or sisters. Where they find it difficult to carry out these bloody assignments as a result of their innocence, such children are encouraged and compelled to take drugs in order to heighten their killer instinct. In Freetown, Sierra Leone, child soldiers whose innocence had been destroyed by the crimes of a protracted civil war resolved that they were not going to hands-off arms. They took the resolution in October, 1998 when Carol Bellamy the then UNICEF’s head in Sierra Leone, asked them in Bo to surrender their weapons. The child soldiers belonged to the hunter militia group known as Kamajor. In addition, children generally suffer a high death rate during civil or international wars. Most of them die of hunger or hunger related diseases such as kwashiorkor. Because they are fragile and defenseless, they are easy victims in war situations. On August 31, 1997 about 21 children fell into a swimming pool in panic and got drowned in Nsele, 60 kilometers east of Kinshasa, capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo when some armed troops tried to maintain order in the area. In Northern Uganda, rebels of the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), headed by Joseph Kony, who have been fighting against the Ugandan government have continued to carry out atrocities against children in that country.

It is interesting to note that children are gradually becoming aware of the injustice and oppression against them by the adult world. In July 1997, Eric Ndelema, a councilor from Kaziso, West Rand, was stoned to death by an irate mob of about 200 primary school children. The mob also set his house ablaze. Mary Martins, a sergeant and South African Police spokesman, confirmed the incident that occurred in Johannesburg but said that the motive for the attack was not yet known. If the cause of the attack was not known, perhaps the peaceful demonstration that was carried out by children from January 5 to June 4, 1998 is enough proof that children are gradually getting fed up with the whole game. Pakistan played host to the global march against child labour in April, 1998 as part of a campaign to draw world attention to children’s rights. The campaigners, numbering about 45,000 children from various countries, walked through Manila, Vietnam, Thailand, India and Geneva into the boarder town of Wahgah, 25 kilometers from Lahore, capital of Pakistan, amidst cheers from the citizens. Kailash Trithay, the leader of the demonstration said his group was carrying a message from every working child that «the world should be free of child abuse».

In spite of the above facts, which are by no means exhaustive, it appears that not many countries of the world have taken definitive stand against this global monster of child abuse which is threatening to turn our God-given children into slaves and make this world an unsafe place for those who are undoubtedly our leaders of tomorrow. The situation quickly calls to mind, the admonition of an erudite scholar, Martin Luther King, who once remarked that «the world is full of evil today not because of those who do evil, but because of men who keep silent and watch evil being done».

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