Premiership Football Draws Fans and Players From Around the World

Soccer, better known as football in Europe (except for Italy where it’s called «calcio»), has become the world’s most popular sport. From China to Mexico and everywhere in between, professional soccer draws crazed crowds, amazing athletes and big business.

Soccer madness overseas

While soccer enjoys a devoted fan base around the globe, none love the so-called «Beautiful Game» with as much ferocity as fans in the England. In fact, footie enthusiasts in England may qualify as fanatics, rather than fans. If you think the crowds at American gridiron football games are passionate, you’d likely describe English soccer spectators as raving lunatics. This reverence explains why 80 percent of the money made from professional soccer is made in England alone.

Americans are finally catching soccer fever

Despite European fervor for the game Americans call soccer, professional soccer is a relatively new venture in the United States. Somehow professional soccer has yet to emerge from the shadows of basketball, baseball and gridiron football here. North American soccer fans will certainly hope the success of Major League Soccer will eventually make soccer the national sport. In fact, in the past twenty years, soccer has become the most popular participatory youth sport in North America.

Youth players from the U.S. head to England for training and pro careers

Inevitably, young players raised in the U.S. and Canada are growing up with a thirst for pro soccer splendor. With pro soccer still in its infancy in their own country, many are turning to study abroad soccer boarding school programs and international soccer training camps. Drawn to the sharp competitive edge of English teams and the unmatched keenness of English fans, most players will prefer to train in England.

Premiership football, the heart of soccer in England

The top teams in Europe play under the English Premiership Professional Football Club. The Premiership, as it is often referred to, is the world’s most profitable football (soccer) league, not to mention the most-watched sporting league in the history of professional sports. Aspiring pro soccer players the world over dream of playing in their midst.

The Premiership takes young international players under its wing

English soccer camps and schools mentored by Premiership teams, such as Blackburn Rovers FC and Bolton Wanderers FC, make this dream a reality for many players. The best of these programs, like those sponsored by EduKick, provide intense pro soccer development courses, as well as cultural exposure and strong high school or university level academics. In addition, soccer students training in England have an excellent chance to be noticed and recruited by The Premiership’s leading teams.

Get in the game!

If you’re a young soccer player, ready to take on the world of professional soccer, England is the place to be. You’ll broaden your cultural horizons, get the world’s finest soccer training, and have a shot at professional soccer glory. You’ve got to admit, that’s a hat trick of epic proportions.

Learn more about English soccer schools and enroll for the upcoming school year at the Edukick Web site.

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How To Be A Lady Killer – 10 Surefire Tips For Every Guy On How To Be A Lady Killer

Whether you are a guy who needs a serious relationship or one that just wants a date, there exist some basic dating rules you must follow to be a dashing lady killer. This article will show you ten surefire tips you need to know in order to be a lady killer.

1: LOOK GOOD: Obviously, even before you are told, you definitely should know you need to look good to attract a lady to yourself! You need to get yourself some decent clothes and shoes. Ladies love guys that have nice shoes and clothes on. They necessarily do not need to be expensive. Get clothes that will make you look good, presentable and attractive.

2: HAVE YOUR HAIR AND BEARDS DONE: No lady wants a guy that looks shabby. You should never leave your hair or beards unkempt. If you do this, you are jettisoning your chances of getting a lady for yourself! Get your hair well barbed, have a clean shave or a well trimmed shave and look presentable. Smell nice and you will attract beautiful ladies!

3: GET A JOB: I am not saying you must get a job at a multinational before you can be a lady killer. But no lady wants a guy that is jobless or that will be a liability. If you do not have a job, how do you intend to take care of her? Just get a job that pays you and go for that lady you want!

4: BE CURRENT ABOUT HAPPENINGS AROUND YOU: Ladies like guys that are of the know how in the society and world at large. Update your knowledge about current affairs; watch the news regularly, read newspapers and current affairs magazines regularly. You need to show your lady that you very familiar with happenings around your society and world at large! Ladies like men that posses this quality.

5: Reduce your bad drinking habit: Why on earth should you spend five nights in a bar? You will never get a lady of your choice this way. Okay, you need to drink to get the body going, but must it be regularly and must it be at the bar always? If you are of the habit of drinking your heart out with your folks, it is time to get rid or reduce the habit!

6: Do not be a fanatical sports fan: No one says you should not love soccer, basketball, golf, tennis or whatever sport you love, but it should not take all your time for crying out loud! Do you need to tattoo your favorite players name on your arm, chest or back because you are fan? Reduce your fanatical level of loving sports and get that lady of your choice!

7: Fine tune your manners: Courtesy and manners are attributes ladies notice in guys. When entering the car, open the door for her and allow her in first, things like these get ladies fall for guys easily. Treat that lady with respect and tender words. Be of the know how of fashion trends, jewelries, flowers and how to eat at a top restaurant. Do not do all the talking, talk a little and allow her to talk as well. Ladies like to express their feelings, so allow her to do the talking as well!

8: Listen and talk less: Never turn your date into a one man show. You do not have to do the talking alone as earlier said. You will bore her quickly and might jeopardize your chances. Talk a little, allow her talk and listen to what she has to say. Remember what she said her favorite color is, her favorite artiste and stuffs like that. Women like guys that remember stuffs about them!

9: Quit smoking right now!!!

10: Fine tune your dance steps: Okay, I assume you do not know how to dance, but just roll to the rhythm. Women love to dance and if you let her do the dancing alone, you are like a non-existent creature to her. Dancing to women is like food to the body. It allows you to get closer to her, it is a romantic way of showing her your love and speaks more than you can ever utter.

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Soccer – The Metaphor of Life

Introduction: As the FIFA 2010 has kicked off on June 11, 2010 at South Africa, there is a great feeling of euphoria and excitement all over the world about the games that encompasses the planet earth through media, news channels, news papers and Television sets. We all love football and in India too there is a great fervor among the populace to watch the game even though Indian football team has never qualified for the biggest football event of the World. We all adore our heroes, the demi-gods like Pele, Maradona, Beckham, Ronaldo, Kaka, Wayne Rooney and many others. Looking closely at the game and how the players are positioned, their role on the football stadium and the way the game proceeds, one cannot help but find a great metaphor of Life in it. That’s what this article is all about. It is a humble dedication and salutation to the greatest and most popular games of the world.

The Field: Soccer game is played on a field of 90 to 120 meters length and 45 to 90 meters of width. On both sides we see the goal posts. Your team which includes 11 players will be aiming to score a goal in the opposite goal post. The opposite team would be trying to defend that and rather counter attacking your goal post to score a goal. In life to you have to have goals. Your aim is to score goals. You cannot sit passively and watch while the outside circumstances counter attack you and make one goal after the other pushing you on the back foot. You got to be proactive. You got defend sometimes but also attack. You got to know where you have to reach, where you have to score a goal. Your goals are like the lighthouse for the ship which helps them to steer on the right path. Remember we are all placed on the soccer field by the Lord Almighty. We all are players on the field, we have to play our part, and we have to be proactive and know our aims and do everything to reach our goals. Then our life becomes exciting, and then we find meaning to this life. So that’s the first metaphorical lesson we glean from the soccer game. We are all players on the field of life and we have to score goals. We have to be proactive about our goals.

Positions: As the soccer games kicks off, the 11 players of a team are positioned on the field according to the various roles they play. We can learn a lot of things from the different positions they take and the various roles they play on the soccer field.

Goalie: Near the goal post is placed the goalie, who plays one of the most important role in a soccer game. He is there to defend the goals that opponent team hits in the net. Usually he has developed the special ability, alacrity and alertness to prevent the opposite team from hitting a goal in the net. He is like the compound wall around our houses that prevents trespassers. In life we have to play the role of a goalie when it comes to guarding ourselves from being hit by negative thoughts. Our minds are like the goal post. The outer circumstances, people and events can try to impregnate our minds with negative thoughts. We should play the role of a Goalie at such times and see that our minds are not invaded by the thoughts that can pull us down and demoralize us. What happens to a team whose Goalie is not able to defend the goals being put in the net. The team is weakened and its focus from scoring goals is switched to defending goals. It is demoralized and is rapidly moving toward defeat. That’s exactly the picture of a person who does defend himself or herself from negative thoughts. He or she will be weakened and will divert from his or her goals of pursuing excellence and succumb to defeat in life. So playing the role of a goalie in life is very important, we should know to defend ourselves from negative thoughts.

Back positioned Players: In the game of Soccer, the Goalie is not the only one who defends the goals. There are some players positioned at the back like the Centre Fullback, Left-Right Fullback and the Wingback who also help in defending and marking and attacking the Forward players from the opposite team. The roles that these players positioned at the back play, is the role that reminds us that in life many times it is important to be on the back foot and whenever the tide is against us we should be able to keep our calm. We should not be surprised that many times there are people, circumstances and events that will seem to pressurize us and put us behind. When you venture out in the sea in a ship, you are bound to encounter storms. That’s life! «Ships in the harbor are safe; but that’s not what Ships are meant for.» says William Shedd. Ships are supposed to go out and venture into the deep sea and fight it out against the storms that come against it. Many times we have to be players at the back, defending ourselves, our principles, our values, our faith, and our lives from being pushed behind, from getting bogged down. Many times there are people or circumstances that can force us to quit. Many students encounter failures, so do many professionals and businesspeople at such times we are tempted to give up but here the role of the players positioned at the back comes forth. We have to mark what is that is troubling us, go to the source of the trouble and defend ourselves. Many times we may have to defend ourselves from the wrong company who pulls us down, wrong habits that corrode our lives and wrong actions that reap the harvest of bad fruits. The Bible says, «When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him.» That standard is the players who play the game of Soccer positioned at the back.

Midfielders: Now there are players also positioned at the Middle of the football pitch. Some of them are the Left and Right Midfielders, Defensive Midfielders and the Central Midfielder. These players have the duty of game-making. They sometimes defend as well as make the game and then pass it out to players positioned forward. In our lives also there is a time when we have to sit and make out a strategy so that it becomes convenient for us to reach and achieve our goals. At such times we have to be the game makers, the Midfielders. There is a lot of scope in our lives to sit and plan and organize our lives. We have to resort to things like Time Management Planning, Goal Setting and writing the mission of our lives. Many times we have to prepare ourselves by learning different skills and techniques so that it is convenient for us to move ahead to reach our goals. At such times we are playing the roles of the game-makers, we are playing the role of Midfielders. Midfielders play an important role on the field for their team, without them the players that play forward who have to score goals against the opposition would be rendered helpless. They won’t have anything at their disposal to go ahead and shoot or score.

Players positioned as Forwards: Finally let us look at the players who are positioned forward on the soccer field. When the Goalie defends goals for the team, the players positioned behind defend from attackers and the midfielders make the game, the Forwards carry the ball into the opposition’s net. The players who are positioned forward are Deep Lying Forward, Centre Forward and the Winger. The main role of these players is to strike. They are always on the attacking mode. Once they have the ball in their possession, they seek to put it across the Goalie of the opposition team into the net. When we also defend our lives from negative attitude and thinking, when we defend ourselves from wrong practices, principles and people, when we prepare ourselves for the opportunities that lie before us then there will come a time where our goals, our aims would be as clear as the Football goalpost and we would be in the position to hit and score. So in life we would see opportunities before us lying wide awake that would help us to hit at our goals. It is possible that you would miss many hits, you may hit and miss by a mile but you got to keep hitting back till you put the ball across the Goalie into the net. In life we encounter failures, many times we miss read opportunities, many times we commit errors but we got to get up, dust ourselves and hit again. A Japanese Proverb says, «Fall down seven times; get up eight.» Scoring a goal into the net comes through immense practice and patience and we should also inculcate these two qualities when we want to reach our aims and goals in life. So it is important role that the strikers positioned forward play, for they give finishing touch to the game.

Conclusion: Friends, in the end I would like to encourage all of you to go ahead and enjoy the FIFA 2010. But I would also encourage you to look at the philosophical side of the game, the metaphor that the game of Soccer presents. May it excite and enthuse you with courage, confidence and capacity to enjoy, explore and elevate your life to the next level. May you hit and reach your goals in life, may you emerge winners and even when you feel that you have lost remember there’s always next time. The next FIFA in 2014 at Brazil.

Joy be all yours.


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God’s Redeeming Hand

I don’t remember much about my parents living together when I was a child, but I do remember the day my dad left. It left such an impression on me and in my heart that I can still smell the rocky asphalt of the driveway in our apartment complex as I watched his car leave from me. It is the kind of scene you see in a movie and it rips your heart apart. Dad leaving, mom grieving, and daughter screaming. Yes, that was the day I realized that this world is unfair, disappointing, and painful! Some may come to that realization much later in life, but for me, I was only five.

I came to know Jesus at a tender age of 6. My neighbors reached out to me and invited me to church. I remember learning about God’s love for me and how much He wanted to be my Father. I had an emptiness inside and I reached up and grabbed hold of my Eternal Father whom I knew would never leave me! That is the second memory as a young child that left the greatest impression on me. I remember sitting criss-crossed on an old carpet in my Sunday school class that smelled of warm rubber. I will not forget how I felt that day!

I don’t come from a deep spiritual lineage. I come from your classic dysfunctional, alcoholic, divorced, and mental illness family line. I was the first on both sides of my family to make a commitment to follow Christ. A year later my mom started coming to church and soon came to Christ. Shortly thereafter, she met my step-dad who was a Christian and by the age of 7, I was tenderly placed in a loving Christian home. I grew up at an amazing Bible teaching church in the Bay Area called Peninsula Bible Church. I sat under the great teachings of Ray Stedman. My step-dad worked at the church and we lived a modest life in Cupertino, California with my two brothers. While I can honestly say I grew up in the church, I also grew up in the world as my dad lived a life contrary to the lifestyle of my mom and step-dad. I had the unique perspective of living in both worlds. My dad continued to be a strong and loving influence in my life but our value systems were very different. I was raised on hymns and the Eagles which is very telling about who I am today.

I was given a lot in terms of my faith: An incredible church and teaching of God’s Word, mentors, youth camps, 9 trips to Mexicali, endless trips to Mt. Hermon, Young Life camps, and ministry opportunities in my church, etc. If you were to look at my spiritual resume, you might be impressed. I was known in my church and my identity back then was in my Christian experiences and what I did for God and not what God wanted to do through me. I was comfortable in my faith and for many years things stayed status quo. That is until I married my husband and we moved away from all that I had known.

Twelve years ago Robb and I decided to move to Folsom, California. I think of Genesis 12:1 when the Lord said to Abram, «Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.» In many ways my move was a lot like Abrams. My problem the first year was I told God where to take me. I want this kind of house, go to that church, serve in this particular ministry, have my husband make a certain amount of money, have this many kids, find these types of girlfriends, and look a certain way. For many of us, we tell God that we will go where He wants us to go but we are still in the drivers seat. And in His great patience with us, He watches us take those detours, back roads, and dead ends until we are LOST.

After a year living in Folsom, I found myself LOST. We couldn’t find a church, no one was interested in my spiritual resume and what I had to offer their church, women had enough girlfriends and seemed disinterested in me, my husband was working longer hours then he had been in the Bay Area, money is not all that it is cracked up to be, and we had three kids under three, yikes! In August of 2000, I went up to Portland to a Woman of Faith conference. I don’t remember much about that conference except that I finally recognized that I was LOST and had no idea where I was and how I had gotten there. I finally handed Jesus the wheel and said, «Where are we going now?» I am done trying to navigate my life on my own. It is unfulfilling, too comfortable, busy, and I feel like I am missing out. For the first time in a long time I felt excited about my life and venturing into the unknown.

God didn’t waste time giving me my first destination. The following day, my husband came home and asked me if I would be willing to move to Bucharest, Romania. Wow, who plans that with their life? With great expectation and some fear, we left once again the comfort of our home and country to go somewhere unknown. The experience living in a third world country was one of the richest times of my life. It also gave me a greater confidence in my ability to trust God. Romania was not a means to an end but the means to what would be the beginning of a changed course in my Faith Journey. When we moved back to Folsom, I began to embrace decisions in my life that would push me out of what I could do on my own, challenge me to be more dependent on God, and live more dangerously! This thinking was a new way of living.

My greatest weakness is being a people pleaser. The most daring step I have taken in my faith is to allow God to remove those areas in my life that keep me focused on what people think of me and not how God sees me. If there is one thing God wants us to live for, is to please Him and not man. God allowed two things to happen to begin my journey of freedom. As much as I tried to get plugged back into a church to serve, God would shut the doors. He also did this with my heart. I found myself thinking, praying, ministering, and reaching out to women and families who were not connected to a church or who didn’t know who Jesus Christ was and who were on the fringe, or teetor-tottering between the world and the church. They were everywhere- On my kid’s soccer teams, at their schools, at Starbucks, at the gym… Women just like me, raising their kids, struggling in their marriages, dealing with body image issues, caught up in the materialism of their culture, struggling with the same old issues, feeling defeated, lacking the Woo Hoo of life, etc. The only difference was I had Jesus Christ in the center of my life, walking through all of this with me, and they had NO ONE! This broke my heart and continues to do so today. The second way God began to free me up was going public with my faith. Yes, I came out of the closet 8 years ago when I told God yes to starting up a Bible study in my neighborhood with 18 women. The greatest risk I have ever taken in my life thus far, but one that has brought me the greatest spiritual growth and freedom as well. There is no going back to the status quo once you have experienced the blessings of being out of drivers seat!

World Vision has a plaque hanging at their headquarters that says, «Having hearts that break like Jesus does.» Ninety percent of most communities across America are not plugged into a local church. Folsom, like many cities, is poor in spirit. It is a city known for its prison thanks to Johnny Cash who put us on the map. Yes, there are men incarcerated but as I drive around my city I see many more men, women, and youth in their own prisons. The prophet Isaiah describes the ways the Spirit has changed my heart for those who don’t have all that I have been given. «The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion-to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.» Isaiah 61:1-3.

As I look back at my life I am not surprised where God has me today. We live in a messy world. We are all products of sin. And the result of sin has wreaked a lot of havoc, disappointment, regret, shame, and sadness for all of us. But God is in the full-time business of taking our lives, cleaning up the messes, and using us for greater purposes than we could ever imagine. Whether it be divorce, growing up with alcoholism, sexual abuse, addiction, lack of love and approval from parents, death of loved ones, chronic pain, cancer, financial struggles, unreconciled relationships, seeking the world’s approval, materialism etc., we are all lost and the question remains for everyone of us, when are we going to stop and ask for directions from the ONE who knows exactly where He wants to take us?

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Christianity’s Marginalizaion in the West and Its Link to the Enlightenment Age’s Philosophies

The devastating work of the Enlightenment Period’s philosophies and their jarring conspiracy to destroy the Christian religion is a shocking travesty from the quaint showroom of history. This strange, obscure historical period fostered a dramatic polarization between good and evil that literally turned Western civilization on its head. Since the fall of the Roman Empire, no one in his right mind dared challenge the authority of the Christian religion; consequently, the Christian worldview was the supreme law of the land. Rome’s brash, bombastic emperors; who viewed themselves as gods, did attempt to defy the irrefragable authority of the Christian religion’s gospel message. They fed Christians to hungry lions; they beheaded and crucified many of the apostles; they used Christians as lanterns at night; they used them as sports objects in their sanguinary gladiatorial contests; they flung Christians in jail, persecuting them almost indefinitely: The pagan Roman emperors did just about everything they could to silence the voice of truth roaring from the mouths these incredible human beings, but they found out that Christianity was (and still is) like a basketball-it does not remain under water and thrives mainly in the searing fire of persecution. After almost two hundred years of poignant persecution and crucifixion and imprisonment of Christians; Constantine, a Roman Emperor, became a Christian without any proselytizing whatsoever–he did it on his own accord. The noble emperor was convinced that there had to be more to Christianity than met the eye; and, as it turned out, there was. Accordingly, Christianity was named the state religion–the supreme religion of the Roman Empire! After Rome’s long, shameful, murderous campaign against innocent men and women who were just exercising their unforfeitable right to freedom of religion; the titanic might of Rome eventually caved in and collapsed under the irrepressible force and power of the truth.

And after its noble promotion by Rome itself over all other religions in the world, Christianity held sway for more than twelve hundred years: No one in his right mind had the guts to challenge the irrefutable truth of the gospel message. The Romans, closest to the transcendental resurrection of Jesus Christ in broad daylight before the eyes of men, pleaded no contest. Did anyone else have a word of disapproval? Virtually no one had anything to the contrary to say regarding the sacrosanctity and unassailability of the Christian message. The Romans had seen all the resurrection with their own eyes. Of course there was always Islam to the East, which was somewhat a challenge to the Christian message; but the Western world’s association with Christianity allowed it to rise way above the political reach of Islam. The Western world outdistanced Moslem societies by more than ten to one; and, for the most part, world dominion was given to the West because of its unwavering support of the gospel message. Fundamental concepts in science such as insistence on proof and the scientific method are all basically Christian ideas; in fact, Francis Bacon, a vanguard in the modern scientific movement; and Sir Isaac Newton, the most brilliant scientist who ever lived; were devoted Christians. Science is a direct offspring of the Western World’s association with Christianity; however, judging from the way most science textbooks read today, you would never know this unanswerable fact. Just around the close of the Renaissance; a very intriguing, intellectual movement sprang up in France and consumed the rest of Europe and, late on, North America. Jealous of Christianity’s unquestioned, unecrivocal spiritual and political hegemony in Western societies; a group of intellectuals stepped forth to the podium and began to question the claims and validity of the irrefrangible Christian message.

This most disturbing, intellectual movement focused on acquiring fresh knowledge, applying reason-driven dialogue, and understanding the secrets of the universe. Well, this writer thinks that the Romans had already figured out that the most appropriate book for comprehending the secrets of the universe was the Christian manual-the Holy Bible. The Romans, closest the indubitable resurrection of Jesus Christ, were so impressed that they used his name to divide time-BC, before Christ and AD or Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord. The Romans called Jesus Christ «Lord.» this author thinks that if there were any people who ought to know the person who knew the secrets of the universe were the Romans-they were in the middle of the action: They saw it with their own eyes. All of a sudden, these moral scoundrels of the Enlightenment period knew more than the Romans and wanted to know what the secrets of the universe were. In the process of all this chicanery and guileful maneuvering for spiritual and political power; Christianity was shoved aside, as a new age and civilization began unfolding in the West. The people at the forefront of this mystical, intellectual movement called themselves philosophies; as the movement had begun in France. They were an elite pool of intellectuals drawn from European society’s middle class and aristocracy. These were editors, lawyers, doctors, professors, and other intellectuals from the astral circles of European society. Most of these men were deists: They used a slick, religious designation to conceal who they really were. Closer inspection of the word deist reveals that these intellectuals were not Christians; accordingly, they created a nasty, poisonous polarization of society; and the good-evil divide greatly disrupted European life. One glance at the French Revolution; inspired by these heinous, flagitious henchmen; tells one all that he needs to know about their true identity. Merely based on the raw, unvarnished barbarity that these crooked rogues engineered in the French Revolution; their unmistakable alignment and association with the satanic bible and devil worship cannot be overlooked.

History does not give us this critical piece of information about these darkened occultists and rapacious villains who disrupted European society between 1650 and 1800; however, when their religious association is carefully studied, a disturbing picture emerges. Although the period between 1650 and 1800 is supposedly the exact timeframe of the Enlightenment Age; in all honesty, that period never really ended. This timespan cited by most historians was merely the period during which the foundation of a new kind of French Revolution-oriented society was laid. Since the time of the French Revolution, the world has never been the same. The philosophies stole many of modern science’s fundamental principles from Christianity, as they were developed by Christian men and had evolved out of the context of a free, Christian-oriented kind of society. The whole idea of freedom from tyranny, rule of law, the scientific method, and a host of other ideas are basically Christian in nature and origin. These ideas were stolen by the philosophies in their creation of a tortuous, new kind of society. They stole these ideas from the Christian worldview and created an exclusive club of atheists in their darkened world of what they called modern science. They vehemently pushed the vain, flawed big bang and evolution theories; both atheistic in nature, and stuffed and shoved them down the throat of an unsuspecting world. Once the scotch or Jack Daniels wears off, it is not hard to see where modern science and its machine of dishonest villains are coming from: They make themselves abundantly clear who they are. The problem is that they have shoved and stuffed all that falsehood down the throats of society’s masses; who have swallowed it hook, liner, sinker, the fisherman, and his boots; thus polluting and corrupting the entire world with the garbage of their so-called modern science. What a shame! Additionally, not only have these dashing boys of the classroom podium rejected the Romans’ resurrected Christ and Lord, they have the nerve to say that morals don’t matter: Morals are irrelevant. What other evidence do you need that modern science is a pert production of devil worship! It’s all there: It basic trademark is brash atheism and poisonous hatred for Christianity! All the facts are there. They are not even insinuated; they are boldly spoken for the whole world to see for itself who the vanguards and exponents of modern science really are.

After the French Revolution, the philosophies began to realize that their blank, blind sermon of reason was no longer resonating with society’s masses; so they quietly shifted gears and swung all the way to the other side of the ideological spectrum, pumping out one irrational theory after another behind the screen of science laboratories and in the bold mirror of public classrooms. They spewed their poisonous venom against Christianity’s innocence in those tame, easily controlled classroom environments; thus turning the whole world against Christianity and capsizing the ship of natural order in society. Generation after generation of college and university students was cavalierly told that Christianity was a joke. This writer’s professors told him that Christianity was an old, archaic religion that no longer had any relevance in human society. This is the God truth. These unscrupulous suckers used the big stick of grade to control their students, and some even bartered grades for sexual favors from female students. These are matters of public record: These salacious stories are in the news just about every day. The atheistic world is a lie that cannot follow rule of law. It is a law unto its own self-the only kind of law that exists as far as it is concerned. And this is the way the dashing boys of modern science do business: They lie and lie and lie and pervert and distort the natural order of things. Oh what a shame! What a cruel, pathetic shame!

What a breath-taking disgrace that has been wrought at the hands of these so-called founders of modern science; nonetheless, the Enlightenment’s philosophies and their venal, brawny team of modern scientists cannot take all the blame for the fading of the gospel in the West. There have been other forces, not necessarily connected to the modern science conspiracy of fraud against the Christian religion. Western civilization’s inextricable tie to Christianity cannot be concealed, as it was supposedly the principal driving force behind Europe’s imperial domination of most of today’s Third World countries during the age of Imperialism. When Cortes went into Mexico, he pulled no bones about his clear, unmistakable mission to convert the devil worshipers there–who, at the time, were Aztecs-to Christianity; so there is no need for modern scientists to act as if the West never knew anything about the Christian religion. In the process of converting these pagan cultures to Christianity, quite a bit of transfusion of their cultural ideas to Westerners took place; accordingly, Christianity itself began to be diluted and polluted. In time, fervent Westerners lost much of their ardor for spreading the gospel and became more consumed with the profligate matters of empire building and the day to day affairs of the Mercantile System. Indeed, much proselytizing did occur; and many colonies, both in Africa and the West Indies, adopted the Christian worldview. Even the United States claimed that it went into Hawaii to convert the Hawaiian devils to Christianity. America should be ashamed of itself to advocate unnatural policies contrary to Christianity and to snub he gospel message. Shame on you America! Oh what a shame. You have back slid and fallen from thy spiritual pedestal of nobility and grandeur to the dark, acheronic cave of witchcraft an d devil worship. Oh shame on you, America. How dare you disrespect and dishonor the God that you once served!

In addition to modern science’s crass rejection of the Bible, there were other forces at work in the steep decline of Christianity’s hegemony and America’s frightening back slip and nerve-wracking moral decline. Westernization of the world, fueled by power-hunger and greed, generated phenomenal imperial wealth; particularly to Western European countries, which began to lose their Christian focus in the process. As the Westernization of the world proceeded with much frenzied rapidly towards the close of the nineteenth century and all the way to the middle of the twentieth century; broad global changes, which had a powerful impact on the world’s major cultures, began to transpire. The rapid rise of multinational corporations in the twentieth century, especially after World War II, was one the major game changers for the Christian religion. Business concerns fostered a more tolerant sociocultural environment in the world as a whole. Accordingly, Christianity’s exclusive message and monopoly on truth became less and less tolerated by major Western countries. In other words, countries like Great Britain, Canada, and the United States slowly but surely began to snub the Christian message in favor of doing business with countries which the Bible deemed pagan, gentile nations. These gentile countries typically tended to have antichristian, polytheistic religious philosophies; which, of course, the major Western countries simply ignored. And today, all the chickens have come home roast in the West. It does not take rocket science to see that the West has lost its way in the world. It is manifestly obvious that something way of the ordinary is wrong with the West. Paradoxically, many former pagan countries which have adopted a Christian worldview, even only in part, are spanking Western countries front and back. Today, China has over three hundred and seventy million Christians stuffed away in underground churches, hiding from the authorities. The result: China is rapidly becoming the world’s most powerful nation regardless of what America does. America switched to darkness, and all the wealth that Christianity brought her has left: China has embraced Christianity, even just in part; and all the wealth of the world has been flowing into the coffers of Chinese society. I wonder: How clearer does the message have to get for blind people in the West to see and understand how the world really works. Things have switched around in the world; China is now sending missionaries to witchcraft-peddling America. What a shame: What a disgrace!

The rapid rise of multinational corporations has played a lusty role in the fading of the gospel in the West. These giant corporations’ immense, wealth-generating power produced an elite aristocracy which dabbles in other world religions and dangerous occultic practices. In this same vein, the rise of globalism knitted all the world’s economies into one colossal, interdependent fiscal machine. This technocratic change produced even more intermingling between Western countries, which were once predominantly Christian in worldview, and pagan societies that were largely polytheistic and antichristian in their philosophical disposition. As a result, Western countries; for the sake of international trade benefits, began to distance themselves from the tangled web of Christianity’s exclusivism. At this juncture, it is important to point out a rather noteworthy fact: While all these changes and switching maneuvers have been transpiring, few have noticed how closely all these changes in world politics have been lining up with the Book of Revelation. But, you see: that is exactly what is wrong with the world; it does not dot its I’s and cross its T’s. Man has failed to make the connections that are so critical to understanding what is really going on in this world. At the same time all this is happening, computers have been shoved to the forefront; and virtually everything today is computerized. This is another Book of Revelation connection that few have noticed, and the dramatic rise of evil in the world is a frightening alarm bell that, just behind the corner, the philosophies of the French Revolution are about to strike again. In the meantime, society has been getting darker and stranger than ever before.

At the same time all of these tenebrous changes are transpiring in the world, freedoms of all kinds are gradually drying up just about everywhere. Preachers of the gospel are cavalierly told what they can say and what they cannot say; in fact, new laws, carrying stiff prison terms for preaching the Bible; are already on the books. Hate speech nowadays can be defined as someone merely exercising his First Amendment Rights, muttering to a friend from a behind door that he disagrees with sodomy and loathes the idea of gay marriage. That kind of rhetoric is now considered hate speech. Well, people are called ugly all the time: Is that hate speech? No, that is ordinary speech in our progressive American society. Come on, be a good sport; how could that be hate speech! You get the drift of which way things are going, don’t you? Such preposterous perversion of rule of law is what’s already on the Books, with more coming down the pipe. Where are the demonstrations in the streets? There aren’t any. This is the sort of thing that fuels senseless civil wars in unwise human societies. The upshot of all of these brakes on moral endeavors is a society that, sooner or later, will inescapably unravel; and when it does, woe be unto those who are alive! Plugging up the mouth of the gospel is tampering with the mouthpiece of God himself. You don’t even need very good vision to see what is happening in America. The violent beast of nature has been uprooting the pillars of American society one by one. Gradually, America has been falling apart one day at a time.

In addition to the Enlightenment’s philosophies’ indirect tampering with Christianity through modern science’s lies and deceitful practices, and government’s phony manipulation of the law to bescreen their naked lies and perversion of the natural order of things; there have also been direct attacks on the Christian Faith by a new breed of philosophies. These ingenious machines of evil have joined the Christian Church in America and other Western countries under the phony umbrage of converting to the one true religion; moreover, many have even started Christian Churches, wiping the slate clean from the Bible and inventing brand new theologies. They have literally cast away the basic tenets of the gospel and introduced fresh, ear-tickling doctrines-foreign to the Bible-into the Christian Church. The result: A massive watering down of the gospel message and a burgeoning proliferation of Christian Churches that have absolutely no impact on, and make no difference in, society. The decline of Christianity in America, in particular, is due mainly to this type of tampering with the gospel. These twenty first-century philosophies know exactly what they are doing: They are bent on destroying the integrity of the gospel message-and they have done just that! The rise of occultism in America and Christian leaders’ rank inability to deal with it and to Christianize society speak volumes.

This sort of spiritual wickedness also coincides with the eerie rise of rock stardom and gimmickry in the Christian Church of America. This new generation of philosophies is even wiser and more lupine than their modern science counterparts. They do not express any outward animosity towards the gospel message-they are the dashing preachers of the day. They simply toss the Bible out the way and drop the bomb of godlessness on innocent, unsuspecting, church-attending people; whose wallets are cavalierly snatched by passing the offering buckets more than a dozen times in a single service. These dashing boys of guile and gimmickry know how to hoop: they know how to raise their voices and gargle their throats to stir up the congregation like a wino’s ice in a glass of wine. While all this is going on; the brash introduction of a flawed societal thought stream has done the rest of the damage.

The sudden appearance of rogue ideas such as tolerance, political correctness, and moral relativism has done incalculable, irredeemable damage both to society and the Christian Church. This new thought stream’s speech-censuring mechanism has been very effective at keeping Christianity at bay-that is exactly what it was designed to do! In short, a brash machinery of speech manipulation and tampering with the dissemination of the gospel along with the vulpine tricks of modern science have virtually huffed and puffed the light of the gospel out of view. Oh how sad; how pathetic! In the meantime though, the catastrophic consequences of all this perverse wheeling and dealing behind the scenes of Western civilization have been evident just about everywhere. The news is awash with tears; people are crying and sobbing everywhere. American society is in trouble, and the trouble is showing up all over the place. Saddled with a fifteen trillion-dollar debt, Republicans and Democrats fight like animals in a dogfight gone wrong. This writer wonders: Who they are trying to fool-certainly not those who can plainly see the writings on the walls «MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHRASIN!» Oh dashing philosophies of America, you are steering the ship of this country in the wrong direction; you better turn around, but this author knows that you won’t. People who can see far into the future are not terrorists; they are just wise, humble servants and soldiers of truth. America, the door of doom is closing in on you, turn around before it’s too late-MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHRASIN! The God of the heavens; not me, America; leaves you to figure out the rest!

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Midget Tossing – A Lost Art

It’s 2am. It’s dark outside. I look over at my clock with the sudden realisation that there are literally hundreds and thousands of people out there getting wasted on cheap booze and generally having a much better time than me. I rub my eyes, sigh, shake my head and get back on with it. Not because I’m better than them. And not because I’m some sad, locked-in loser either (although that is debatable.) You see, I don’t need the usual distractions – booze, fun, women, daylight, other people, normal human society – all fade into obscurity. I care not for these things. Why? Because I have stumbled upon the ancient art of Midget Throwing!

Perhaps it’s a sign of the times. Perhaps I have finally gone crazy. I’ve spent all night looking at flying dwarves. There’s a story to this – you may have seen our recent article ‘The A-Team – Then And Now.’ If you haven’t, then you’d better drag your worthless ass over there. After putting that particular masterpiece online, I read through and one sentence in particular lept out at me: «Mr T is winner of the World’s Toughest Bouncer contest. One of the events in the competition was dwarf tossing (since outlawed.)» Dwarf Tossing?! That sounds amazing! I just had to find out more!!

The lost sport that is Dwarf Tossing / Midget Throwing originated in Australia in the 1980’s – a pub game for bored white trash country types, bored with driving their tractors. According to one website (hosted on the ever-trusty no less):

«This pub sport can be played by anyone, as the need for heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages as preparation purposes is completely optional, but strongly recommended. Both men and women can play and even compete against each other head-to-head. Unfortunately for the men, the women who generally participate tend to have male like qualities. This has meant the customary swapping of shirts at the end of each competition has been scrapped, due to the women’s constant complaints that the shirts given to them were always too small and that they wouldn’t want to wear the shirt of a ‘chauvinist pig who got his kicks throwing persons of restricted growth anyway’.

Large muscles, strong legs and the arbitrary beer belly are the physical secret weapons of a true dwarf-throwing athlete. However, to fully master the sport the athlete must also possess the strength of an ox, the speed of a leopard, the timing of a magician, the patience of a predator and the appearance of a rather large bull sitting on a wasp. In order for ‘persons pacified with their horizontally-perpendicular circumstances’ to take part in a throwing competition they must always wear full protective clothing. Injury is a serious threat to the career of a Throwing Dwarf who, if on tour, can earn a six-figure sum for allowing people to share in their very specialised field of expertise.»

«Unlike golf, this is a true spectator’s sport worthy of any Olympic games but thanks of the interventions of ‘persons who negotiate a humour deficiency’ no professional body has been created to globally organise and fund what can only be described as the only sport that promotes an unprejudiced view of society (even though a British Association of Dwarf Throwers does currently exist).»

Christopher Reeve shudders in his grave. Lois Lane silently weeps.

These flying midgets get six figure salaries? Can this be true?! Which makes me wonder – who in the name of Jesus H Jones pays these people? Is there a Flying Midgets union? Can you imagine putting this on your resume? I wonder if these talented human missiles get hazard pay?

Basically the rules are as follows; you pick up your selected midget (who will likely be adorning some kind of safety helmet and vest), take a three step run-up and throw the little bugger as far as you possibly can. And there you have it – possibly the most non-PC sport ever invented. Whoever gets their human missile the furthest is the winner. Although I shudder to think what kind of prizes would be given. Sexual favours perhaps… who knows?

The Roots.

The first of these twisted little events to get any real recognition was The Dwarf Throwing World Championship (I kid you not) which took place some time in 1986 – further proof as to what a messed up decade that was. That particular toss-fest was won by Team England – Danny Blue, Roy Merrin and Lenny The Giant the heroes of the hour.

Making And Breaking Records.

Take a glance at the rather marvellous newspaper clipping to the right. I guarantee it is genuine. The current world record for the longest throw is held by some white trash nutcase called Cuddles. Bless. I bet he loves his mommy and everything. The throw was an impressive 12 feet 9 inches. Cuddles belongs to a team of circus escapees calling themselves Oddballs. The Oddballs are mainly famous for their rather racy (and un-nervingly homo-erotic) ‘baloon dance,’ which basically involves them prancing about naked with baloons covering their pinkened, shrunken manhoods.

It seems the local newspapers were all over this event, keen to bring you the latest on this extreme spectator sport for the new millennium. It seems not much happens in whatever sleepy-hick-filled country hovel this took place in (we will call it Sheepball-on-sea.) Either that, or there was some crazy, sickening midget sex fetish going on at the time…

Oh, and by the way (if you give a shit) – according to some random, haggared site I’ve since forgotten about, the English are still world champs. Another black eye to national pride, methinks. We might suck at the Olympics, or any other real sport for that matter, but damn – we really can let those midgets fly.

Understandably, when people heard about this sick, non-PC, offensive, yet strangely fascinating sport, they rallied en-masse to have it banned. Wow, that must have been one hell of a sight – hundreds of people marching down on the houses of law, demanding that the vertically-challenged have the right to stay on the ground. I wish I could have been there. Damned hindsight.

The year was 1989, and the world’s only support group for the vertically-challenged – The Little People Of America – went to Florida and convinced the lawmakers there that this strange sport is infact cruel and should be stopped. The measure banning dwarf-tossing was passed with a wide margin, and dwarf-tossing was outlawed in both Florida and New York. Yet, in the LPA’s home state of Texas, you can still throw migdets about to your heart’s content. Want to abuse a midget? Now you have to get in your car and drive… Later Dave Flood who appears on a morning radio talk show as «Dave the Dwarf,» took the issue to court and made the sport illegal in bars. Thanks Dave.

In Ontario, Canada, the Dwarf Tossing Ban Act, 2003 was enacted, with penalties of a fine of not more than $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or both. Perhaps they have a special wing in the jails for the dwarf-tossers. Hmmm…

Despite all this fancy legal action, this bizarre sport is still taking place today. During my research for this article / compulsive waste of time, I stumbled across some random Satan-type website that had a section on Dwarf-Tossing. These photos (see below) were taken at a recent event, probably deep in the heart of Sheepball-on-sea. One thing I noticed – if you look closely at the photos – it’s the same midget being thrown by each one of those hickory hillbillies. The poor bastard! That’s just not right! He doesn’t even get a helmet or anything!

Remember folks no matter how bizarre, different, or strangely fascinating this obscure and perverse sport may seem, don’t try it. Johnny Law will be two steps behind you ready to throw your bitch ass in jail. You’ve heard about what they do to rapists in prison, right? Imagine what they’d do to a Dwarf Thrower. In conclusion… it’s never cool to be a tosser.

An Article By: Part-time Ninja of []

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Suppression of the Alpha Male

Prior to the 1970s, role models for young men were plentiful. Their attributes were well described and positive. There were examples of successful men shown in many situations: head of family, business and political leader, sports participants, doctors, lawyers, assembly line workers, minors, airline pilots, explorers, military people, etc. There were self-improvement and further education plans as well as manual skill development programs and technical education schools, all mainly developed around what the male would need In order to support a family. The role of males and females in American society was pretty much settled. The leading/ building/ creating/ directing types of vocations were mostly peopled by men.

Women were mostly shown in support roles for men and rarely in positions of leadership and/or decision maker. This portrayal of women’s role in society was by and large due to the majority of them being house wives and mothers, and even though the role played by women while being the house wife and mother also involved, in many cases, handling the family finances, that was not considered a skill set. Women worked in, among others: nursing, medical technologist, secretarial, wait staff, organizing, teaching in primary and secondary schools.

Were those types of vocations peopled by women because of their free choice, or was it because of societal pressures?

The reasons for those choices of labor can be debated although there is objective demonstration that early on in life most females lag behind males in innate spatial and logical cognizance.

The need to be in control of her situation and being competitive was not recognized outside of the family situation. Their physical strength being only forty percent of men led to them being viewed as less capable for vocations which required physical strength. Did all this lead to women looking for work in other than technical disciplines?

Women were viewed as the supplicant gender in sex. Men were seen as the aggressor which led some to miss the point that in other than rape cases females are the gender which controls when and if sex occurs. She was also expected to comply with his expectation for sex which also led to the misconception of the male being dominant.

The reasons for the choices back then are important for this article only to draw context for looking at how things have changed since those days and accessing what the impact may be of these changes on males.

Minority groups within society began getting more attention while gaining a greater part to play in societal decision making as women rose in prominence. There have been several minority groups identified: Women, people by place of origin [Latinos, Asians, and the like], Blacks, Disabled, LGBT people and some others.

Recently there have been very bad actions by younger males which resulted in deaths of innocent people and I’m left to wonder if the societal changes over the last five decades have played a part in those actions.

I believe the primal urges within males are still strong and a driver for their actions. They still strive to be leaders among men and demonstrate this through making nearly every activity competitive. They still feel they play the role of protector of ‘their’ female, if modified. That ‘their’ female should look up to and respect them. They think they should be the decision makers in their relationship while conceding the woman’s things, such as decorating the abode and controlling the house hold issues, to ‘their’ female and that they are to be the ultimate disciplinarian in the family. Their image, as they see it, is still that they are head of the relationship with ‘their’ female. They fall back on sports to bolster this. They still believe they voluntarily concede leadership to ‘their’ female and that society as a whole supports that belief.

Weakness in a male is a very bad attribute. It diminishes his very reason for achievement and his feeling of self-worth suffers.

Males have always dealt with rejection by females of their advances but they still had the strong leader role models in the media to look up to and be impressed by. This is no longer the case.

Television is the main source of input to society. The participation of women, LGBT people and minorities in the world of advertising has replaced that of heterosexual males. The decision making process in marketing and advertising is strongly influenced by women and LGBT groups and begs the question: has the result grown to where heterosexual alpha males are the subject of derision or suppression? It seems as though that may be the case.

The portrayal of the sexes on TV impresses society with what the genders should be. An example is the female complaint of the desirable female: slim, physically fit, well proportioned, and beautiful.

As for the young male: gone are the strong role models; the clear thinking, decision making heroes he imagines his role to be. He does not have an area of activity which is free of females. There is no place where males can be males without the effect of female disapproval of his priorities and value system. In nearly every advertisement, and most of the sitcoms on TV the male is portrayed as a bumbling idiot, incapable of existing without a female to make decisions, protect and defend him. Even in the world of sports the reporting and discussion programming is no longer men’s province. Although the sport is contested by men, women, some who do not even play the game, now lead the discussion panels and news reporting, replacing the men who once did that. The young man needs role models, not anti- alpha male models and not simply men who excel at a game.

With only impressions of inadequate males and the leadership of females on TV, and in some cases, his mother leading the family, the young male has nowhere to turn to legitimatize his need to be a competitor. Does this diminish his achievements; his sense of self-worth? Is achievement academically an alternative? How does he deal with the frustration? What role in society does he see for himself? How would he act out in this situation? What effect might that have on the already difficult need for gaining respect from males and attracting a female?

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The Art Of Love: Sun Tzu’s The Art Of War In Romantic Endeavour

Military historians have often speculated that Napoleon Bonaparte may have utilized Sun Tzu’s timeless treatise The Art of War in his victorious campaigns, losing only when he failed to follow its rules. Certainly, his often stunning mobility would indicate that perhaps he did. One thing is certain; The Art of War, written over two and a half centuries ago, had been translated into French in 1782 by the Jesuit, Father Amiot and was available to the Emperor. But if he did read and apply it, he wisely kept it to himself. Mao Tse-tung however made no secret that Sun Tzu formed the source of his copious works on military strategy, tactics and guerilla warfare and his writings follow the master almost word for word. And, clearly, the fingerprints of Sun Tzu are indelible when one examines the military defeat of France at Dien Bien Phu ending their role in Indo China, and, in what may be his shining hour, the defeat of the United States of America in Vietnam. The Art of War is probably the finest treatise on the conduct of warfare ever written. But what about its application in other fields, other endeavours?

In recent years we’ve seen a spate of books applying Sun Tzu’s rules of war to business strategy which includes most notably Mark McNeilly’s Sun Tzu and the Art of Business, David H. Li’s Art of Leadership by SunTzu and The Art of War for Executives by Donald G. Krause. And by all accounts they work very effectively. But this should be no surprise. By any measure, The Art of War can be applied and lead to victory in many battlefronts, international relations, politics, business and in our personal struggle for survival in the socio-economic conflicts we daily face. But what about love? What about the sexual battleground?

My father was a British professional soldier. He caught the tail end of the Second World War serving in the Burma campaign at Imphal and Kohema. He returned to South East Asia in 1948 for the Malayan Emergency, Britain’s victorious 12 year battle to defeat communist insurgency in what is now Malaysia. And it was there that my father came into contact with Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, an encounter that altered the course of his life.

The final years of my father’s military career were spent in what he called the «backwater» of NATO, a military organism he learned to despise as an expensive tax free social club for well connected civilian and military elites. He referred to it as «America’s Foreign Legion. His experiences there led him to firmly believe that in a confrontation with the armies of the Warsaw Pact, NATO would have been swept aside like a flimsy cobweb.

Throughout his career, my father made no secret of his belief that Sun Tzu should be on the curriculums of all military colleges and even schools and universities and that military promotion should be contingent on a high passing grade in knowledge of Sun Tzu. Unfortunately, as Sun Tzu was obligatory in the political and military organisms in the Soviet Union and of course China, it was considered part of the philosophy of the Warsaw Pact, I believe my father’s open advocacy of him cost him dearly in terms of promotion.

When he retired with the rank of Colonel, he moved back to England and took up his love of fly fishing. But military history was his real passion. And he enjoyed re-visiting historic battles and applying Sun Tzu’s rules of engagement to the great battles of the past.

Visiting dad was, for me, always a pleasure in itself. But it was especially enhanced by the many delightful and lovely ladies who shared his life. My mother died when I was young, a schoolboy, and my father never re-married. Yet he had an endless coterie of lovely girlfriends. I was always puzzled since my father, while a charming and intelligent man, was no film star. Nor was he, strictly speaking, a ladies man. But he was a very successful lover. And his greatest conquest was Tam.

Tam was Eurasian, born in Saigon to a Vietnamese schoolteacher mother and a Danish diplomat father. A lawyer, Tam specialized in international law and worked in SHAPE, the headquarters of NATO’s Allied Command Operations in the Belgian town of Mons. She was employed in the civilian section of NATO and it was there that my father, working in military intelligence, met her. A woman of great beauty, very well educated and of independent means, she was also a linguist in fluent command of Danish, Vietnamese, French, German and English. When I first met her in Brussels she was working on Flemish (Dutch). At 35, she was closer to my age than my father’s and for a while I was jealous. I wondered how he was able to woo such a lovely, young woman, a speculation that was only answered after his death.

After he passed away, as his only offspring, I took on the responsibility of winding up his estate. I had known since childhood that he kept daily journals, but only after his death did I come to know how copious a diarist he had been. Fascinated, I steeped myself in the volumes of neat handwritten records that filled his library shelves. And it became clear that, for my father The Art of War was more than just a military text. For him it was about an overall life strategy for overcoming obstacles, a tool to attain specific goals. Consequently he applied it to most aspects of his life. And this included matters of the heart.

In his diaries my father wrote frankly on the methods used to win the ladies who attracted him. He was not always successful as sometimes the ladies were simply not interested, and not even Sun Tzu could overcome that. But in the cases where he had a glimmer of a chance, but where the conditions were difficult or unfavorable, the application of the Sun Tzu’s Rules won the day. This was especially true in the case of Tam.

As they moved in very different circles and worked in different areas, he saw her rarely and then usually in dry, stuffy meetings in the company of others. She had a luxurious home in Brussels in the exclusive suburb of Uccle, while dad rented a simple Mons flat. But whenever he encountered her alone as he occasionally did, such as in the office cafeteria, she offered a ready smile and he made a point of joining her. Sensing he had a chance, he moved quickly. Above all else, he needed to know everything about her. And so he used spies.

He hired an expensive, high quality and very discreet private detective agency and set them to task. And they were more than thorough. Apart from their normal surveillance they penetrated Tam’s citadel by replacing her cleaning lady for a single visit and that was enough. They handed my father everything he needed. He now knew her tastes in music, literature and art as well as her favorite foods and sports: she was an accomplished and keen sailor and sea kayaker. An accomplished pianist herself, she loved classical music and was an especially fond of Elgar as well as being a jazz buff and a Stan Getz fan. He knew where she shopped for clothes and even the brand name of her underwear. She had been married once to a Danish business man, was now divorced, and had a teenage son in school in Denmark. With photocopies of her diary in his hands, dad had her social itinerary for several months ahead. He also now knew something about the men in her life: his adversaries and how formidable they were. She had many men friends and, it appeared, four serious suitors: an American Major-General in NATO, a senior French Diplomat with the French Embassy in Brussels, a successful Belgian artist, a painter of impressive quality, some of whose works hung in her apartment. The fourth was a rich Swiss socialite. My father’s next step was to know more about them, specifically about their foibles, weak points and vulnerable areas. He was well aware of his own, particularly with reference to the ground where the contest would unfold. Sun Tzu said: «If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.» My father would often quote the Polish writer Witold Gombrowicz who said: «Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act. Action will delineate and define you.» As Sun Tzu said: «All warfare is based on deception.» And so it was with father’s winning of Tam. He began laying plans.

He steeped himself and became erudite in her interests. He developed a taste for jazz and the Big Bands of the ‘forties; he learned to appreciate Miles Davis and enjoy Stan Getz. He attended a sea kayaking symposium in England and took courses in the sport. And having knowledge of Tam’s social itinerary, he was able to surprise her and appear when he was not expected; such as at music concerts. Often he would bring another lady, but just as often he would appear alone

It was at one such «surprise» encounter, a Mozart event, that he hit her for a date and she accepted for dinner and an evening of jazz in a Brussels club the following week. His foot was in the door. He was in her network. He had joined her club.

My father was entirely objective and quite pitiless in the handling of his adversaries. The French Diplomat was a handsome, charming, smooth tongued roguish character. My father found him, very likable. He was also a roué with a secret vice: a penchant for occasional sex with low class underage hookers in a rough Brussels immigrant quarter whorehouse. A police raid found him with two of them one well under age. Faced with arrest he tried bribery: it failed forcing him to use diplomatic immunity. This worked, but resulted in publicity, embarrassment and his fast recall to Paris. And, of course, the news did not pass Tam by and he was out of her life.

Shortly after the demise of the Frenchman, Tam celebrated her thirty sixth birthday. Dad gifted her a boxed set of CD’s, Stan Getz: The Bosa Nova Years – and a nice bound copy of Sun Tzu. She threw a party in the garden behind her home. According to my father it was an impressive event which included an excellent jazz trio, a great buffet prepared by Tam and superb wines. And, according to dad’s diary entry, it was there he began his campaign to dismantle and discredit the American General in Tam’s eyes. Dad engaged him on the American’s hobby horse – Vietnam. Influenced by drink the General became unpleasant and offensive to dad. Tam diplomatically suggested he apologize which he did, and he then left the party early.

My father learned that despite his high tax free salary, the General had a gambling problem and considerable debts, in consequence of which he had engaged in serious black market dealings with a Belgian group based in Liege. A Financial Police raid on a warehouse revealed the General’s connection. To save face, not to mention his pension, and because of his profile, he was allowed to resign his NATO post ahead of his time and quietly moved back to America.

It turned out the Belgian painter was no threat at all, dad discovered; he was never more than a good friend of Tam’s. My father met him, liked him and bought a small painting from him. But the Swiss playboy was another matter.

Tam and he were old lovers and dad could see why. In his early forties, Hans had everything: a friendly outgoing personality and an infectious smile, good looks, a great athletic physique – and money to burn. He’d never worked or had employment of any kind. He played fine tennis and often coached Tam with her game. But his big passion was motor racing and he drove well and with panache, winning many races. He’d wanted to be a world class professional, but lacked the required discipline and commitment. And it was at a race meeting at Spa Franco-Champs that my father met him. Tam took my father to watch Hans race a Porsche in a sports car event. Unfortunately he crashed out of the race at the complex and infamous Eau Rouge corner while in contention for the lead and ended up in hospital with broken bones and concussion.

My father had no wish to share his women and Tam was no exception. He liked Hans and wished him no ill but he needed to move him from all proximity to Tam’s bed. He was working on that when fate took a hand. Hans suddenly announced from Zurich that he was going to be married for the first time. The lady was a lovely young French fashion model of 21 years. He sent out invites to all his friends including Tam and my father. Tam declined. Instead, she sent him a card signed by her and dad.

Tam remained with my father for many years. I last saw her after his death when she came over to England for his wake. No longer young, but still impressively beautiful, she had retired to live in Denmark. She invited me to visit, but I never took the offer up. She remains to this day one of the most beautiful women I have ever known. I was given my first copy of the Art of War on my sixteenth birthday, a gift from my father. I didn’t read it then and it lay neglected on my bookshelf. Dad would often quote Sun Tzu, reminding me of such wisdom as: «If you know the enemy and know yourself you will not fear the result of a hundred battles.» He would also often quote the Polish writer Witold Gombrowicz who said: «Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act. Action will delineate and define you.» Father would ask me questions could not answer. This disappointed him, so to keep the peace I got down to it and studied Sun Tzu. And I’m glad I did; what a wonderful it is. It certainly helped me in life.

Did The Art of War work for me in romantic endeavor? Well, yes it did. Following my father’s lead, and being already well aware of its potency in overcoming conflict and achieving victory, using The Art of War as a tool in developing romantic relationships came natural to me. Using the 13 Rules of Engagement to win on the sexual battlefront was remarkably easy. I have also come to believe it has been used this way by many other people. And not just by men. I believe that the great diva, Pamela Harriman, probably the 20th century’s most prominent courtesan used Sun Tzu in her many conquests. I once read an article on her and the writer mentioned seeing The Art of War on her book shelf. And reading of her exploits suggests she applied deception in her strategic and tactical drive to get the men she wanted. But if she did use him, like most people who utilize SunTzu, she took the secret to her grave.

There is no question that the Art of War provides us with powerful tools that can be applied to deal with conflict and difficulties in business or personal objectives. In sexual relationships, for men and women both, it excels no less.

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Women in Colonial Latin America

The role of women in colonial Latin America was very much determined by what racial group and social class they were born into. In her book, The Women of Colonial Latin America, Susan Migden Socolow identifies additional factors that caused differences in women’s lives. These other factors include «demography, life cause, spatial variations, local economy, norm and reality, and change over time» (Socolow 1).

Socolow contends that among these additional variables, demography was the most important. This is due to the fact that the «ratio of men to women could enhance or limit women’s choices» (Socolow 2). The experiences of women also changed as they grew older and moved into different roles in life, e.g. from childhood to marriage to widowhood. The economy of the area where the women lived also had an effect on them, since women in a more prosperous area (especially elite women) lived more comfortably than their counterparts in less affluent areas. Socolow argues that these women did not always follow the social ideal of women imposed by the patriarchal society, and of course there were different ideals for each race and class of women. And lastly, these ideals of women, in some instances, changed over time.

The social ideal for Iberian women, in the Old World and the New, was strongly influenced by the Islamic tradition, which was to keep the females cloistered in the home. Female virginity at the time of marriage also had an effect on the family’s honor and was strictly monitored. This was especially true of the women in the Spanish elite, although many women did find ways to evade their chaperones to meet their lovers, as evidenced by the number of abandoned Spanish children. This cloistering of Iberian women was both a blessing and curse; while they did not have freedom to move around as the lower class women did, they did escape the social stigma attached to women who did appear on the streets. Also these Iberian women were not expected to work, at least not outside the home. Elite women did no work at all, other than supervising the work of the household servants and slaves. Iberian women also benefited from laws such as marriage and inheritance laws that were not extended to the other racial groups and social classes.

The role of women in pre-conquest Latin America varied according to the ethnic group she belonged to, but many native societies «controlled female sexuality in ways strikingly similar to the Spanish» (Socolow 19). Unlike Spanish inheritance and property laws, «generally land was held only by men» but women could own movable property (Socolow 21). Also like the Spanish, indigenous peoples had a strict sexual division of labor, although their views of what was women’s and men’s labor differed from Spaniards, and even from region to region.

After the arrival of the Spaniards, the role of indigenous women changed dramatically. The indigenous elite women became attractive marriage candidates to non-elite Spanish men, because these women brought increased social status and wealth to the marriage. Elite Spanish men (the ones that participated in the conquest) took indigenous elite women as concubines, but usually did not marry them. Non-elite women had a more difficult time as they were abused sexually and economically by the Spanish conquerors.

Mestiza women (those born from Spanish-Indian unions) also were potential marriage partners, especially those «who inherited from their conquistador fathers» (Socolow 37). Socolow contends that the mestizas’ «wealth and perceived social status overcame any possible problems associated with legitimacy and race» (Socolow 37). Many poor mestizas became concubines to the Spaniards, until Iberian women became numerous in Latin America. As Latin America became more settled, the mestiza women found «their acceptance into Spanish society increasingly difficult» (Socolow 38).

Unlike Iberian women, most indigenous and mestiza women were forced to work in order to survive and pay their tribute tax. Women who appeared in public frequently were suspected of being immoral and lacking in honor. Employment outside the home was most usually an extension of female duties inside the home; that is, the women worked as domestic servants, midwives, «or self-employed washerwomen, candlemakers, laundresses, cleaning women, seamstresses, weavers, embroiderers, nurses, and cooks» (Socolow 119).

Although indigenous women were exploited sexually and economically, they did possess some legal rights against abuse, which were denied to enslaved women, i.e. African women. These women were considered property and, as such, had «even less power to resist the sexual advances of their masters than did Indian women» (Socolow 134). Although there were laws to protect slaves from abuse, in the few instances where a slave woman filed a complaint, it was usually dismissed because the courts «gave precedence to a white man’s testimony» (Socolow 134).

However, enslaved women did enjoy some rights and privileges. In many circumstances, they were allowed to sell their labor in the towns and keep some of their earnings for themselves. This allowed them the opportunity to save money to buy their freedom. Other slave women could achieve manumission by forming sexual liaisons with their owners. Because of these relationships, many enslaved women were the heads of the households, since paternity for the mulatto offspring was rarely acknowledged. Slave women were encouraged to marry by the Spanish crown and the Catholic Church, although most of their white owners opposed this since it tended to make selling the slave more difficult. However, some slaves did marry but these were usually the slaves of «persons with higher social status» (Socolow 135).

The convents in Latin America offered some freedoms for Spanish women during the colonial times. Many elite women whose parents did not want to or could not provide a dowry for her were encouraged to become a nun. At this time, prospective nuns had to be white and have «purity of blood» (Socolow 94). The calced convents required a dowry be given to the convent to support the woman; poor Spanish women were «given special licenses to beg for alms in order to amass the requisite white-veil dowry» (Socolow 96).

The convent was structured hierarchically, consisting of black-veil nuns (who were the elite women) and white-veil nuns. The discalced convents did not require dowries, but did ask for a «yearly income to support the nun» (Socolow 97). The calced convents allowed nuns with property to manage their holdings also, which was usually not allowed in the outside community. Nuns were allowed to have slaves and servants in the convents with them. The convents also had educational opportunities for women that they were not encouraged to pursue in the colonial society. The convents became a refuge for women and girls «in need of protection, shelter, and support regardless of their marital state» (Socolow 103). In later times, convents designed for other races and classes were opened in Latin America, despite the opposition of the elite Spanish nuns.

Many changes occurred during these women’s lives, but the level of change was very closely determined by what race and class she belonged to. During the Enlightenment period in Europe, the education of women became more popularized. However in colonial Latin America, this education was confined to elite women and only involved education in domestic responsibilities with just enough reading and writing so that they could understand their religious studies. The lower classes remained largely illiterate.

Socolow, Susan Migden. The Women of Colonial Latin America. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

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