Every day we walk, hop, skip, jump, run and jog, each of us uses our foot in any manner we want. Our foot is one of the most important parts of our body and our lower extremities are very much in use just like our upper extremities.
Basically our feet is designed or being given unto us for many reasons and purposes, with good and well formed foot, we can p[perform activities of daily living as free and comfortable as we want. We can go to places we desire, can experience nature tripping, mountain and rock climbing, that is why our foot is very much in need and useful to us.
A lot of salon, spa and well centers are offering relaxation and hygiene care for everyone to enjoy. What is in demand right now, or I should say is most enjoyed accommodation, they are offering are foot spa and foot scrub, through this, individuals both man and woman, kids, adults and elders are fun and enjoy this accommodation, relaxation and hygiene care in one.
Cracked feet is one of the common problems we have, due to our work and activities; hence we can avoid cracked feet from happening.
You can have a regular visit at the spa and have some foot scrub, foot scrub can help smoothen your foot thus dry skin won’t be present preventing cracked foot to happen. After work, have time to rest your foot, have it relaxed for 5-7 minutes before you take a bath, when taking a bath you can use soft loofa, or towel in cleaning your foot avoid rubbing too much, dirt will be cleaned even if you rub it gently. Lastly you can purchase a foot spa creams; you can do it in your house anytime you want.
Our foot should be well taken care of, we need to do so not only for it to look good, but also for us to feel good and look good. Any open pores and wounds ( cracked foot) might cause contamination thus will later lead to infection and later to illness. Avoid it now.