RESUMEN y GOLES Clásico de Clásicos Chivas 0-3 América

Con goles de Henry Martín y Sebastián Córdova América derrotó a domicilio a las Chivas en Guadalajara

Las Camisetas de fútbol de adidas se encuentran entre las preferidas de muchos equipos. Descubre por qué visitando nuestra colección en la web. Últimas noticias de Fútbol. Últimas noticias, fotos, videos e información sobre Fútbol.

Why We Watch Sports – (And It’s Not What You Think)

Whether you want to believe it or not, we like to watch sports for very different reasons than you may think. In fact, the real things that cause us to like sports are in every person, whether we like sports or not. What things can we learn about human nature by simply looking at our fascination with competition? The answers may surprise you. Not only are the answers interesting in themselves, but they may just help you in other ways too.

There are some fairly straightforward and obvious explanations for why we like sports to be sure. Sports teach us about loyalty, perseverance and honor. It gives us a way to bond, it’s cathartic, and we identify with teams and players. We live vicariously through the players we watch. We have our favorite players, and there are teams we’ve grown up rooting for because our brother or dad used to love them, and now we still root for them today. Or we may follow a sport now that we used to play as a child.

But there are some deeper, more powerful and fascinating reasons too.

We’re All Just Big Children

Whether you want to believe it or not, all adults are just big children. We’re all just big kids. We just hide our true feelings and thoughts with highly developed skills (or at least most of us do). We still want to belong or be accepted by our peers, we all still want to be loved, we still feel emotional pain, and we still find ourselves giving in to immediate gratification when we know better. And yes, some of us still lie and cheat in our normal day to day lives.

We certainly hide things better and often successfully ‘act’ as if we don’t care about belonging, or love, or pain, or whatever. Deep down inside we are a little more mature and wise, but basically still just children. We may not say it out loud anymore, but we still think to ourselves sometimes, «That’s not fair!» We would rather play than work. Some may argue, depending on whether they pee standing up or sitting down, that this is especially true for men. Maybe that’s why there are more men sports fans than women.

You see, watching sports gives us a perfect, safe and secure, black and white, little microcosm of life. Following a player, team or game allows us to experience ups and downs and a whole array of emotions, just like in real life, but we aren’t actually affected.

And unlike life, sports and games are generally fair! There are rules and a crystal clear framework, or paradigm that all the participants and spectators know about. There are never any monkey wrenches thrown into a sports game, like the rules changing mid-game for instance. If rules are broken, the offender is penalized. They don’t frustratingly get away sometimes like in real life.

At the end, there is an unambiguous winner and loser. We get to pretend that the game we’re watching is life, where everything is perfectly fair, everyone plays by the rules and everything makes sense.

Children tend to think of things in much more black and white terms. It is only through living and maturing that we realize that all of life is a series of grays. But we all still long for a simpler and easier life. When things are only seen in black or white, things indeed seem simpler and easier, but life isn’t so clear-cut.

This helps explain why politicians who break their platform down into simple sound bites and into terms devoid of complexity often do better than politicians who talk about life like it really is, a complex, interrelated world of nuances.

Watching sports allows us a temporarily safe and socially acceptable way to be more like our true nature, and our true nature is frighteningly childlike. So the next time you deal with a difficult person, remember that they are just a large child, like you and everyone else, and maybe that knowledge will help you deal with them a little more easily.

What do watching a horror movie and sports have in common?

Ever wonder why so many people, including maybe you, enjoy watching horror movies so much? They provide a safe way for people to experience high levels of suspension without actually being in any real danger. Sports can be the same way. Again, watching sports allows us to enter a perfect world where the suspenseful outcome has no bearing on our real lives (unless you have a nasty sports gambling problem of course).

People love drama, suspension, and resolution, which are all elements inherent in sports. In fact, the closer the game, the more suspension there is. If we identify with a player and he wins, we are vicariously happy for the success. However, if the player’s team loses, we feel the defeat a little as well. But our lives are unaffected. And sports announcers usually only add to the drama and suspension.

A sports game is a sort of story. There is a beginning and an end. There is a protagonist (your team) and an antagonist (the other team). There is a scene and setting, the stadium at noon, and there is a plot, which is the action. Only after the games ends, and depending on if your team won or not, is it decided to be called a fairy tale ending or a tragedy.

Reptilian Brain and War

Whether you want to believe it or not, humans are a lot closer to nature and the animal world than most people like to think. We’re not just close to nature; we’re a part of it! Evolutionarily speaking, we are much closer in time to our unintelligent animal ancestors than we are to a transcended sentient species apart from nature. Our behavior is guided much more by our ‘primitive brain’ than our more recently developed neocortex, which is the seat of our intelligence. The primitive brain, or lower brain function, deals with fight or flight behavior, hunger, fear, and sex, among other things.

A common, yet erroneous concept is that the human brain is the result of billions of years of evolution. Our primitive or reptilian part of the brain is that old, but our brain’s extra large neocortex, the thing that separates us from other mammals, came about only a couple million years ago, a mere drop in the evolutionary bucket. The neocortex has not had much time to develop, and so our primitive brain plays a significant role in our lives.

Our basic flight or fight mentality is manifested in sports. We can relate, on some deeper and unconscious level, with the guy running with the football towards the end zone and being chased by a pack of angry men. We can understand what it feels like to check another player in hockey and slam him into the boards. Or we can sympathize with the NASCAR driver who gets passed by a competitor, but throws it into a higher gear and chases after him.

Our primitive desire for dominance is represented in sports. When our team wins, we experience a sort of dominance over the opposing team and their fans.

Our predatory nature is lit up when we see a linebacker following a running back through a mass of football players, waiting for the perfect moment to strike his prey with a tackle. Watching someone chase the man with the ball in basketball, soccer, or baseball affects us in similar ways.

Our tribal instincts are fulfilled by sports. We all want to belong to something; it’s a basic human need since we are such social animals. We identify with a team like our ancestors would identify with their tribe. This is especially true for the Western world’s modern man, where community has taken a back seat to independence.

Our primitive warring nature is satisfied by sports. There seems to be an innate desire for war, even in so-called ‘modern’ man. Indeed, look at the world today and how many current wars are going on, and you’ll see how far we are to real peace. Pathetically, that last statement holds true for almost any time in history, regardless of when you’re reading this. Again, this goes back to the fact that we are ruled more by our ‘primitive’, survival-driven, fight or flight brain than our reasonable and intelligent ‘modern’ brain.

Every sports game is like a tiny war between tribes, with an end and a declared victor. But there’s one important distinction; unlike war, no one has to die in sports.

One of the reasons going to a game is more exciting than watching it on TV is that there is a kind of energy created when so many people get together and root for one cause. You might even liken it to a mob mentality. We don’t have to look farther than our own stadiums where pandemonium has broken out in protest to a call or in celebration of a win. Sports strongly appeals to the gaming and struggle instincts of humans.

And since our modern lives no longer contain any real physical danger and all our basic needs are immediately taken care of, we now have a void that needs to be filled somehow, our primitive brain expects it. Sports fit the bill. It gives us the illusion of reality where there are no consequences. It gives us the illusion of battle, war, victory and defeat, without the consequences. And it gives us the illusion of being a child again, even if it’s all temporary.

You may not like sports at all, but we are all a quite childlike inside. We all yearn for some level of drama in our lives. And we are all constantly affected by our primitive brain. Watching sports is one excellent way for people to reconcile these inescapable facts.

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Noticias Telemundo En La Noche, 4 de febrero 2022 | Noticias Telemundo

Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Mira lo último en las principales historias del día, más allá de los titulares sobre los temas más apremiantes en Estados Unidos, América Latina y el mundo.

0:00 – Recap
3:00 – Transportó a migrantes ahogados en naufragio
4:54 – Un arrestado por golpiza en estado Sofi
6:33 – Policía de Minneapolis mata a joven negro
8:35 – Atrapados 20 horas en autopista por hielo
9:28 – Mike Pence lanza su crítica más dura a Trump
11:21 – Tasa de desempleo entre latinos es de 4.9%
11:45 – Nuevos estándares de nutrición en escuelas
13:51 – López Obrador vuelve a atacar a la prensa
16:08 – Se enfrentan policías y normalistas en México
16:43 – Rescate contrarreloj para salvar a Rayan
18:30 – Comida para Super Bowl más cara que nunca

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Es una empresa de medios de primera categoría, líder en la industria en la producción y distribución de contenido en español de alta calidad a través de múltiples plataformas para hispanos en los Estados Unidos y alrededor del mundo. La cadena ofrece producciones dramáticas originales de Telemundo Studios – el productor #1 de contenido en español de horario estelar – así como contenido alternativo, películas de cine, especiales, noticias y eventos deportivos de primer nivel, alcanzando el 94% de los televidentes hispanos en los Estados Unidos en 210 mercados a través de 17 estaciones propias y 57 afiliadas de TV abierta. Telemundo también es propietaria de WKAQ, una estación de televisión local que sirve Puerto Rico. Telemundo es parte de NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises, una división de NBCUniversal, una de las compañías líderes en el mundo de los medios y entretenimiento. NBCUniversal es una subsidiaria de Comcast Corporation.


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Noticias Telemundo En La Noche, 4 de febrero 2022 | Noticias Telemundo

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ENVÍO y DEVOLUCIÓN GRATIS – Gran colección de Camisetas de fútbol oficiales – Descubre camisetas de equipos y selecciones europeas en Página web oficial del Universidad Católica de Murcia CF. Noticias, fotografías, resultados y todo lo que necesitas saber del equipo universitario.

Planning Soccer Practice Effectively

Many youth soccer coaches have coached multiple seasons and they feel comfortable with their knowledge about soccer and coaching. This comfort leads them to believe they know everything they need to know about coaching soccer and they become far too complacent simply «winging it» during practice.

If you are one of these coaches, you are doing your players a great disservice because the simple fact is, your players will not learn as much if you don’t plan practice beforehand. A plan will allow you to put together a list of topics you hope to teach your team and cover as much ground as possible during the season.

Your time will be utilized to the fullest if you operate in this fashion. This will greatly increase your chances of achieving soccer coaching success as defined by two factors: 1. Did your players learn and improve their game 2. Did they have enough fun to play soccer again next season. It all comes back to your practice designs.

Considering your team is made up of kids, some of whom will have very short attention spans, a fluid practice where you move seamlessly from drill to drill will decrease the chance your players will get distracted. It will also show them that you «know what you are doing,» making it more likely that they will listen and learn.

Your kids will not have fun and will not improve if you lose control of practice and you are much more likely to get to the point of madness when you are winging it. If you plan everything out before the time arrives, practice will go much smoother and the kids will learn and love the game, and you will look like a superior coach.

I also know that not everyone has the time or the ability to plan out practice, so I have put together a book with 20 original and pre-designed soccer practice plans, made up of my most effective drills. If you are short on soccer or coaching knowledge or insanely busy, these practices can be the blueprint to your entire soccer season.

Compra online la Camisetas de fútbol! En JD encontrarás las del FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, la selección de España y equipos internacionales. Actualidad y últimas noticias de Portada Fútbol con La Provincia. Toda la información y última hora de Portada Fútbol.

RESUMEN | R. Valladolid 0-3 Real Betis | Copa del Rey | Dieciseisavos de final

?? Un Betis inapelable no ha dado opción a los balnquivioletas en la eliminatoria del José Zorrilla.

-SUSCRÍBETE al canal de la RFEF ⚽

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Premiership Football Draws Fans and Players From Around the World

Soccer, better known as football in Europe (except for Italy where it’s called «calcio»), has become the world’s most popular sport. From China to Mexico and everywhere in between, professional soccer draws crazed crowds, amazing athletes and big business.

Soccer madness overseas

While soccer enjoys a devoted fan base around the globe, none love the so-called «Beautiful Game» with as much ferocity as fans in the England. In fact, footie enthusiasts in England may qualify as fanatics, rather than fans. If you think the crowds at American gridiron football games are passionate, you’d likely describe English soccer spectators as raving lunatics. This reverence explains why 80 percent of the money made from professional soccer is made in England alone.

Americans are finally catching soccer fever

Despite European fervor for the game Americans call soccer, professional soccer is a relatively new venture in the United States. Somehow professional soccer has yet to emerge from the shadows of basketball, baseball and gridiron football here. North American soccer fans will certainly hope the success of Major League Soccer will eventually make soccer the national sport. In fact, in the past twenty years, soccer has become the most popular participatory youth sport in North America.

Youth players from the U.S. head to England for training and pro careers

Inevitably, young players raised in the U.S. and Canada are growing up with a thirst for pro soccer splendor. With pro soccer still in its infancy in their own country, many are turning to study abroad soccer boarding school programs and international soccer training camps. Drawn to the sharp competitive edge of English teams and the unmatched keenness of English fans, most players will prefer to train in England.

Premiership football, the heart of soccer in England

The top teams in Europe play under the English Premiership Professional Football Club. The Premiership, as it is often referred to, is the world’s most profitable football (soccer) league, not to mention the most-watched sporting league in the history of professional sports. Aspiring pro soccer players the world over dream of playing in their midst.

The Premiership takes young international players under its wing

English soccer camps and schools mentored by Premiership teams, such as Blackburn Rovers FC and Bolton Wanderers FC, make this dream a reality for many players. The best of these programs, like those sponsored by EduKick, provide intense pro soccer development courses, as well as cultural exposure and strong high school or university level academics. In addition, soccer students training in England have an excellent chance to be noticed and recruited by The Premiership’s leading teams.

Get in the game!

If you’re a young soccer player, ready to take on the world of professional soccer, England is the place to be. You’ll broaden your cultural horizons, get the world’s finest soccer training, and have a shot at professional soccer glory. You’ve got to admit, that’s a hat trick of epic proportions.

Learn more about English soccer schools and enroll for the upcoming school year at the Edukick Web site.

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Intensa nevada en Ciudad Juárez; termómetros podrían llegan a los -15 grados

Ciudad Juárez amaneció vestida de blanco tras la intensa nevada que comenzó desde la noche de ayer. Las clases se suspendieron. Se espera que durante el deshielo la temperatura llegue a los -15 grados.

Ahora podrás ver tus noticieros favoritos en Youtube, a través de Tv Azteca Noticias. No te pierdas Hechos AM, Hechos Meridiano con Alejandro Villavazo y Christian Lara; Hechos Noche con Javier Alatorre; Hechos Sábado con Carolina Rocha y Hechos Domingo con Jorge Zarza. Todas las noticias en vivo, las encontrarás en este canal.

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a mayor selección de Camisetas de fútbol baratas está en eBay ✓ Compra equipaciones de fútbol y más al mejor precio ✓ ¡Con opción de envío gratis Un jugador muere por un golpe en un partido de fútbol. EFE. Javier Tebas acompaña la cena de Nochebuena de Cruz Blanca Huesca.

Eliminatorias | Argentina 1-0 Perú | Fecha 12

Argentina dominó el juego y se quedó con la victoria ante Perú por la Fecha 12 del camino a Catar 2022 ?
?? 1️⃣-0️⃣ ??
⚽?? L. Martínez



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Las Camisetas de fútbol de adidas se encuentran entre las preferidas de muchos equipos. Descubre por qué visitando nuestra colección en la web. Todas las noticias, resultados y clasificaciones de las ligas de futbol de la Comunidad de Madrid.

How To Be A Lady Killer – 10 Surefire Tips For Every Guy On How To Be A Lady Killer

Whether you are a guy who needs a serious relationship or one that just wants a date, there exist some basic dating rules you must follow to be a dashing lady killer. This article will show you ten surefire tips you need to know in order to be a lady killer.

1: LOOK GOOD: Obviously, even before you are told, you definitely should know you need to look good to attract a lady to yourself! You need to get yourself some decent clothes and shoes. Ladies love guys that have nice shoes and clothes on. They necessarily do not need to be expensive. Get clothes that will make you look good, presentable and attractive.

2: HAVE YOUR HAIR AND BEARDS DONE: No lady wants a guy that looks shabby. You should never leave your hair or beards unkempt. If you do this, you are jettisoning your chances of getting a lady for yourself! Get your hair well barbed, have a clean shave or a well trimmed shave and look presentable. Smell nice and you will attract beautiful ladies!

3: GET A JOB: I am not saying you must get a job at a multinational before you can be a lady killer. But no lady wants a guy that is jobless or that will be a liability. If you do not have a job, how do you intend to take care of her? Just get a job that pays you and go for that lady you want!

4: BE CURRENT ABOUT HAPPENINGS AROUND YOU: Ladies like guys that are of the know how in the society and world at large. Update your knowledge about current affairs; watch the news regularly, read newspapers and current affairs magazines regularly. You need to show your lady that you very familiar with happenings around your society and world at large! Ladies like men that posses this quality.

5: Reduce your bad drinking habit: Why on earth should you spend five nights in a bar? You will never get a lady of your choice this way. Okay, you need to drink to get the body going, but must it be regularly and must it be at the bar always? If you are of the habit of drinking your heart out with your folks, it is time to get rid or reduce the habit!

6: Do not be a fanatical sports fan: No one says you should not love soccer, basketball, golf, tennis or whatever sport you love, but it should not take all your time for crying out loud! Do you need to tattoo your favorite players name on your arm, chest or back because you are fan? Reduce your fanatical level of loving sports and get that lady of your choice!

7: Fine tune your manners: Courtesy and manners are attributes ladies notice in guys. When entering the car, open the door for her and allow her in first, things like these get ladies fall for guys easily. Treat that lady with respect and tender words. Be of the know how of fashion trends, jewelries, flowers and how to eat at a top restaurant. Do not do all the talking, talk a little and allow her to talk as well. Ladies like to express their feelings, so allow her to do the talking as well!

8: Listen and talk less: Never turn your date into a one man show. You do not have to do the talking alone as earlier said. You will bore her quickly and might jeopardize your chances. Talk a little, allow her talk and listen to what she has to say. Remember what she said her favorite color is, her favorite artiste and stuffs like that. Women like guys that remember stuffs about them!

9: Quit smoking right now!!!

10: Fine tune your dance steps: Okay, I assume you do not know how to dance, but just roll to the rhythm. Women love to dance and if you let her do the dancing alone, you are like a non-existent creature to her. Dancing to women is like food to the body. It allows you to get closer to her, it is a romantic way of showing her your love and speaks more than you can ever utter.

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