Rachel Maddow informa sobre las últimas noticias sobre el jugador de fútbol americano de los Buffalo Bills, Damar Hamlin, que colapsó en el campo después de una jugada y fue sacado del campo en una ambulancia después de recibir RCP. William Rhoden, reportero deportivo desde hace mucho tiempo, ofrece sus pensamientos sobre la violencia en el contexto del deporte del fútbol. » Suscríbase a MSNBC: siga los blogs de MSNBC Show MaddowBlog: ReidOut Blog: MSNBC ofrece noticias de última hora, análisis en profundidad de los titulares de política, así como comentarios y perspectivas informadas. Encuentre videoclips y segmentos de The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House, The ReidOut, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour y Alex Wagner, quien aporta su amplia experiencia en reportajes al horario estelar de MSNBC. . Mire “Alex Wagner Tonight” de martes a viernes a las 9 p. m., hora del este. Conéctese con MSNBC en línea Visite msnbc.com: suscríbase al boletín informativo diario de MSNBC: MSNBC.com/NewslettersYouTube Encuentre MSNBC en Facebook: siga a MSNBC en Twitter: siga a MSNBC en Instagram: #BuffaloBills #DamarHamlin #Football
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Is this fake news? I just don’t trust this network anymore!
I've dished out worse hits than this, and didn't have this outcome. Who knows why this happened the way it did. It is definitely a freak occurrence. Maybe the covid shot has something to do with it. I think most of the players will be more than willing to play through the playoff's. I think the Bill's have a good shot at winning it all this year. Anyhow the left are morons.
That's what happens when you take the Jibby jab shot. well deserved man!! I applaud you for taking one for the team. literally. lmfaoooooooooo
Question. How many prayers are required before god acts?
Let me guess, he didn't have all his booster shots….
He was taking something, probably steroids. Or he had some type of condition that went unseen or untreated. You must be honest with these NFL doctors. Too bad. 😒
Looks like Hamlin got tackled, he didn't "make a tackle" as she said
Sunday during the colts game, Nick Foles was slammed down on the turf and had a seizure on the field from the hit. It looked just as awful
Watching the corrupt media covering up the damage done from the jab….
It's the vaccine! I heard a report that he's brain dead from lack of oxygen.
This is Christopher Lee super I have been the bills fan for many many years I hope he comes through this guys you need to go win the super bowl for him or at least get us there that would make him even better yet love you all and good luck to him
It’s sad but we keep seeing healthy fit sports individuals dropping down like flies. There is something sinister going on here. I believe it’s the snake oil he took.
No One, I mean "NO ONE!" puts their HEART" in the game more than Damar…. GODSPEED DAMAR…
The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis
If a tackle to the chest could stop a players heart there would be thousands of heart attacks every season. Something quite odd about this. I don't claim to know what is causing heart attacks among the young and fit but I'd be wary of cranking MRNA shots into my arm going forward.
It is curious no one asks the big question was he vaxxxxxed. Of course he was just like 99.999 percent of young athletes who died while playing. People dont normally drop dead in their teens and twenties for no reason.
Did he get charged helmet first to the chest? That’s why it looked like. If so the impact to his heart could have been a factor. Not a doctor, but any impact trauma to the chest at such force could have put him in cardiac arrest. Hoping he pulls through sincerely.
Lord am crying my eyes out cover him lord
My prayers go out for Damar🙏🏼
God Bless 🙏🏼
He will have to decide to continue playing or leaving for good. Hard to choose what you love and for the money over leaving it all behind.
Worst anchorman ever
This reminded me of the Euro Tournament 2021 where Christian Eriksen of Denmark collapsed during the game with a spontane heartattack. His teammates and opponents stood around him to block the view of the cameras, while the doctors and medical team performed CPR to keep him alive. His good friend and teammate Simon Kjaer tried to keep his wife away from the field.
Today he plays again with an internal defibrilator
I can’t believe tee Higgins did that
Was he smoking from his eyes,nose, mouth and ears?
I hope and pray he recovers.
This is from the Covid vaccine. !!!! I don’t care what they say.
My heart brakes as a Mom this is Our worst nightmare My prayers are with everyOne
Prayers to Damar and his family.
How many of them players are thinking wow, could I be next I drank the Kool-Aid!
MSNBC make SURE you all go get that vaccine
Oh its not the c o v I d vax….nothing to see here totally normal for ufc fighters soccer players football players to drop like this
That hit wasn't as hard as most and wouldn't stop his heart. mRNA to blame? A young guy like that doesn't have a heart attack or heart problems, unless something was introduced into a young healthy body that would make it otherwise. So sad. Complete deflection of the problem. Praying for him and his family.
Lol anything but the obvious… He got "safed and effectived". Thousands of tackles over the decades but zero heart attacks.
Let’s all boycott football it’s destroying our diverse children. Give them other avenues and opportunities
Football is lame and toxic culture can we cancel it now?
He followed the science 4× too many 😥💉
Way to loop the injury over and over for effect? Why not show how people responded to help him that's more reassuring but the media doesn't want that they want effect is why smart people hate the media we need to start having the people that produce this crap to put their names to their work, so we know who they are they get away with murder and they know it these nameless faceless people with no moral center whatsoever
Black men killing themselves for a game while Rich white owners get the profit – And the Mob (Black & White) pay to watch and call them 'heroes' and 'gladiators'. America in a nutshell.
When's the last time this happened in the NFL?
As a Bills fan since 1990 I knew when I was watching the game that the offensive hit was clearly way to hard. I have went over the replay about 50 time. Higgins diliverd way to much power with the offensive hit with his shoulder to the chest. I'm 44 years old and played a lot of Football even backyard Football when I was younger and there is a way that anyone can diliver a very powerful offensive hit right before that player gets tackled by the way that they throw there weight into it. You can clearly see in the video Higgins ment to diliver a hit with the intent to cause harm and no not that much harm but that's the risk of playing football. My prayers go out to him and his family.
So now it's ok to pray ! It's about time , that being said how about all the others that had heart attacks that day … Where are those donations
Yes, by all means, please pray for Damar Hamlin. But please also pray for the more than 2,200 other people in the United States who also had a heart attack on the same day. As well as for the more than 5,200 people who were diagnosed that day with cancer. And for the more than 13,150 people who were seriously injured in automobile accidents that day. And for the families of the approximately 9,450 people who for a variety of reasons died on that day. Pray for each one of God's children, who He loves equally, as should we.