The Strange Tale of the Jules Rimet Trophy

The golden trophy that is awarded to the eventual winners of every FIFA World Cup tournament is the most prized award in soccer. But the trophy that will be awarded to whatever team eventually is victorious in South Africa in 2010 will not be lifting the original trophy, first awarded in 1930, but instead a replacement that has been in use since the original, the Jules Rimet trophy, was awarded in perpetuity to Brazil in 1970, in recognition of their third World Cup Victory.But the story behind the fate of the Jules Rimet trophy is a far stranger one than you might imagine.

The trophy itself was first created for the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930. At that time it was officially known as the «Victory», it was not until 1946 that it was renamed for man whose vision had beget the competition in first place. It was a true work of art. Designed by Abel Lafleur, its blue lapis base held a solid gold representation of the goddess Nike, the ancient Greek patron of victory.

In January of 1966 the Jules Rimet trophy made its way to London, so it could be displayed prior to the World Cup, scheduled to take place in England later that year. The trophy was placed under the care of the English Football Association, who kept it at their headquarters in Lancaster Gate, showing it publicly only on a few, well organized occasions.

In February however the Stanley Gibbons Stamp Company requested permission from the FA to «borrow» the trophy, to be used as the central attraction for their Stampex exhibition the following month. The company promised that it would be well guarded and it was covered by a $30,000 insurance policy, even though it was only valued at $3,000.

In March the exhibition opened in the Central Hall in Westminster. Two guards were employed to stand near the trophy day and night, joined by two plainclothes policeman during the day. But still, it was later admitted that none had their eyes on the prized cup at every moment.

On Sunday 20th March the security guards making their noon inspection discovered that the cabinet that held the Jules Rimet trophy had been pried open and the prize was gone.

Scotland Yard took over the investigation immediately but early leads fell flat. Then on Monday March 21st, the chairman of the FA, Joe Mears, received an anonymous phone call at his office. The caller stated that Mears could expect delivery of a package, addressed to him, to Chelsea football club the next day.

But the package actually arrived at Mears’ home. It contained the removable lining from the Jules Rimet trophy and a note demanding fifteen thousand pounds in small bills. The note further instructed the FA to place a coded advertisement in the personals column of The Evening News. If they followed subsequent demands, the note continued, they would have the trophy back by Friday.

The events of the following days resemble something out of an old gangster movie. Mears contacted Scotland Yard who began to put a plan into place. Bundles of counterfeit cash were created and two officers were assigned to be with Mears at all times. In the meantime he was sent home to wait for another telephone call.

When the phone call did finally come the terrified Mears was in the throes of an asthma attack. His wife handed the phone to his assistant McPhee (who in real life was Detective Inspector Buggy). «McPhee» was instructed to proceed, cash in hand, to the nearby Battersea Park.

Buggy proceeded, shadowed by a number of Flying Squad colleagues in unmarked cars. At the gate he met up with a «Mr. Jackson» Buggy showed the man the suitcase, and he failed to notice that the currency was counterfeit. Buggy demanded to see the trophy before he handed over the money. Jackson agreed, stepping into Buggy’s car promising to lead him to the trophy.

Somewhere along the way «Jackson» realized that they were being followed and became nervous. He instructed Buggy to stop at the next traffic light so that he could go and retrieve the trophy from its hiding place. After he exited the car, he fled. Buggy pursued him and eventually found him hiding in a private garden. At the police station he was identified as Edward Betchley, a local car dealer and petty thief. He was charged with the theft and the subsequent extortion attempt but the Jules Rimet trophy was still missing.

On March 27th a local man, David Corbett and his dog Pickles were walking in the Beulah Hill area of South London, as was their custom. The dog discovered a package, wrapped crudely in newspaper. Corbett opened it and recognized its contents immediately. He turned the Jules Rimet World Cup trophy into the local Gypsy Hill police station immediately. Your browser may not support display of this image.

Although initially under suspicion, Corbett had an iron clad alibi for the time of the theft and after FA officials positively identified the trophy as genuine, the news of its recovery was released and Pickles found himself hailed a national hero.

Corbett received a $12,000 reward and Pickles even went on to have brief career in movies. In the summer of 1966 England won the World Cup, so the Jules Rimet trophy remained, hidden away, in England for another year. A replica was created immediately after the recovery of the original to be displayed for public purposes.

In 1970, per the man himself’s instructions 40 years earlier, when Brazil triumphed in the competition he conceived for the third time they were awarded the Jules Rimet trophy to keep. A brand new trophy was created to be awarded to future victors. Your browser may not support display of this image.

In 1983 the Jules Rimet cup was stolen once more, and has never been found. Investigators believe it was melted down for its gold value immediately, and Pickles the dog was no longer around to help them look for it.

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Using A Soccer Betting System: How Can You Tweak It To Make It Better?

If you are planning to use a soccer betting system, whether you are creating one or using one you purchased, you need to tweak it first. I would say this rule applies more if you have purchased a soccer betting system. If you have created your own you have probably already tweaked it to fit your betting style and your profit goals.

Those who have purchased a soccer betting system need to know what rules they can apply in order to make it stronger. Now, these systems might already have applied what I am about to mention. However if they have not, then by you applying these rules you will increase your strike rate and your profitability.

Take whatever soccer betting system you have purchased from someone else and make sure you conduct your own research concerning the teams you will be betting on. Never mechanically bet on a particular team without digging deep. The goal is to look for answers to key questions that will turn it into a stronger bet if it is weak.

You want to know if a particular team is on a winning streak.

Teams that are hot tend to stay hot, betting against them is to be avoided. This is very important. Next, you want to find out are there any player rivalries within the team. Whenever there are multiple people competing with each other within a team to be the best, this can be a good thing or a bad thing. This might cause them to play their best on the field, or it may cause chemistry problems.

Next you want to research how the team has been playing lately in terms of quality. This isn’t the same as them simply winning or losing. You want to see how they are losing and how convincingly are they winning. If their wins have been questionable then this may represent a potentially bad betting proposition.

Lastly, you can make a soccer betting system more powerful by analyzing a particular team’s history at home and away from home. There are certain teams that represent far safer betting propositions when they are at home.

A mechanical system might not take this into mind, which is why you’ll need to. Following these rules will help you to avoid mechanically applying a soccer betting system. Even though it may have mechanical rules, you still want to adjust bets to particular conditions.

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Betting Offers – How to Win Betting on Soccer

Betting on popular sports especially in the crazy world of soccer can be great fun and at the same time a good way of making a living. Looking at betting offers systems online is a great way to make money out of all this. The system offers anyone the ability to call the shots for side betting over total betting thereby guaranteeing an almost 70% win rate. It’s not about picking the games with the most value, because soccer betting isn’t about the winning rate, but rather dwelling more on the total profits made. Since time can still remember, theories are thought of, like the reason why people are not so much lucky with betting is because of the fact that only a single percent of soccer punters knew how to pick the right side, better yet the right total of any game. These folks are really the ones making a living off this betting sport.

The betting offers system is roughly based on flat bets which significantly relates to betting that same amount on each bet. And to incorporate the system into your veins, you need to increase your chances at winning by doing your part. Here are some simple but effective steps to keep you on a roll.

1. Read the news well and always get yourself updated with each teams’ player movement. Note any changes in management as well. If you can access team’s injury reports, you can get a clearer picture of how they will perform in the games. External news should not be taken lightly. Small things can have huge impacts most of the time.

2. Do not fear when making some predictions for all championship winners, or how all teams will fare in the next coming season. This will surely get you on the side of the good odds.

3. Specialize. Center your attention on a chosen few teams. You might find others especially soccer insiders making recommendations to you to place your bet to those typical teams that are generally not considered as favorites in the overall tournament as their odds are always at constant or getting better.

4. Always be on the lookout for player general performance bets. You’ll never know that you got lucky as you spot the very first scorer of the game. Analyze pre-match reports before placing your bet.

5. Try not to reach out too much. Better niche in your areas so you get a greater chance for maximizing profits. If you try to handle may varied bets, you’ll just end up getting confused.

6. Take note of the halftime lines since a soccer match is made up of two halves. These wagers will always come in handy.

If you are among soccer fans out there feeling tired of winning your bets inconsistently, just imaging if all of a sudden you won big time, your profits will immediately start rolling. But even if you start winning small, it doesn’t mean you’ll not be reaping your harvests that day. A win, no matter how small, will always work wonders for you.


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Tips for Making a Soccer Pennant From the Comfort of Your Home

It’s tons of fun to make your own football pennants. However, you can enjoy making one yourself only if you know how to go about it. In this guide, we are going to teach you how to make one step by step. Therefore, let’s get to the point and check out the entire process. Read on to find out more.

Get a Ready-Made Pennant

First of all, you should take inspiration from an actual pennant to get started. It’s even better if you get some pennant felt too. Your next move is to do the number cutting. Make sure one number is a little bit smaller compared to the previous number so you can create a layered look.

The purpose of doing so is to make sure that are pennant will have the right sized numbers. In fact, if the shape is right, consider that the job is almost done. The next stage involves stitching the pennant.


It’s better to stitch the upper side and then right and left side of the rectangle to the left side for creating a rod pocket, which you can use for the dowel.

You can get dowel rods inexpensively. Typically, the price of one piece is below one dollar. If you don’t have a big budget, this is good news for you. Don’t forget to buy multiple pieces of dowel as you may end up ruining some during the DIY project.

For cutting the pieces, using a branch trimmer or other tools is a good idea. If you are making one for your lovely child, the length should be shorter. The reason is that short pennants are easy to use for kids as they are lightweight and easy to carry.

The dowel should be fixed in the pocket in a way that it should not go out of control the first time it is used. For this purpose, it’s important that you create marks on the endpoints using a special marker like a sharpie marker.

Use Duct Tape

Next, you should use a 6-inch long piece of duct tape and cut it into two pieces. Now, you should wrap the tape around the marked points, and wrap the other piece of duct tape around it.

The role of the outer strips is to create the stopping force for the strip. Therefore, the strip won’t slide up or down. The internal strip is there to offer the best grip for holding the rod pocket. Therefore, it will help you handle the pennant better. And this is quite important.

Also, make sure that the grip is not too tight or you may find it really had to remove the dowel after the season is over. One pennant can be used for more than one season. So, you won’t have to make one again down the road.

In short, if you want to make a soccer pennant from the comfort of your home, we suggest that you follow this guide. The steps explained in this article will make it easier for you to get the job done.

England Soccer

England soccer, if there would be two words that could really match then these would probably be it. Soccer has been England’s national sport and it has become a part of the culture and society of the place as well. In England they usually call soccer as football or even association football.

England soccer has been popular in Europe because of its history and its vast array of teams and talented players. Children around England are just simply addicted to the sport and it can be evidently seen in many places surrounding the area. The history of soccer is also accredited to England for it is where the modern football or soccer started.

Backing up this history, during 1888 director of Ashton Villa, William McGregor established the Football League. This football league was declared as the very first football league in the professional ranks around the world. But through the years, many different leagues have also sprung out from England Currently, officials have been trying their best to join all of these leagues to come up with a very distinctive league where people can determine which is the top team among all of England 40,000 clubs and more comprise all the registered clubs in the FA. This stat shows that England has 11,000 more clubs than any country in the world. With this in tact, England is the country that has more football clubs ever internationally.

Such is the craze of soccer in England that almost the whole place is in love with it. There is just no other sport that could match soccer in England.